Thursday, September 30, 2010

i ♥ rain

do i look nice with hair like dis? i like it.
in an Egg mag i downloaded i saw someone with haircolour like thisand i thought it looks adorable! so i edited mah hair to see how it would turn out. i think it'll look nice on me. HOWEVER next time i dye my hair(which is who knows hen) it'll just be lighter. cuz the brown is a darker brown and it'll be hard to get rid of the red.
omgggggg i cut my bangs for a trim cuz when they get long i cant style them right and end up looking so ugly but augh. i but them too short!!!! so now they look retarded. i ca even make them straight across bangs if i want(but im not). poopie.
ahem. today was a really nice day ^o^
perfect weather(well, almost)
i looooveeee cloudy days and even though it was kinda humid cuz the rain, there was this nice cool breeeze and it just felt really nice. didnt need a jacket. but i like wearing jackets so wished it was cooler today.
and next week is the zoo trip! im so excited :D
it feels like friday today. wish it was.
omg and tommorow is october already!
halloweeennnn~~~ i still wanna scare little kids tho XD

Sunday, September 26, 2010


fun fun fun
mhmm. did lotza stoof. except pudgy got sorta sick gaah. but he ish ok now
so um on friday after skool i went to hang out with julian and just brought video games and played them for a couple of hours XD
then elizabeth came along and we were sitting on the hammock and were watching the stars nd talking about random stuff :P
it was fun tho. he has a nice backyard.
then back in his house and my mom was gonna pick me up(cuz its like 10:30) so i really wanted to show julian the last level of dmc3 and show him how impossible it is before me mom gets here. i bought my memory card so u no. and ZOMG i beat it!! like i had no idea wat i was even doing but im sooooooooo happy!!!!!!!! anddd i even unocked the secret ending too!! oh yeah. i pwn.
funny cuz before i started i was like 'ready to see me fail?"
anyways my mom comes in the middle of it all but i didnt wanna go yet cuz i wanted to finish stuff so she had to wait like 15 minutes lol.
and when i got home i forgot my cell phone @ his house -_-"
the next day me, elizabeth and julian were SUPPOSE to go to LA, but at the last minute it got canclled. so instead we went to the pool cuz it was a really hot day.

the pool was nice. it wasnt those pools that were too cold. it was just right.
psshh i would soooo have worn my pink shades but they broke.....i want white sunglasses.
we went swimming for like 3 hours or something then got out to eat some food, then me n elizabeth just sat out and talked for like 2 hours. haha julian got pushed in the pool by his dad. that was funny
i have pics of me in the pool but i look sooo butt ugly so didnt post them.
when we went back to his house i brought one video game(lol) that we didnt play yesterday so we did that and the mini games were funny cuz we got all into it and everything. oh yeah, lol looked @ his yearbook for orlando and stuff. i look so bad in my pictures
and then dmc3 AGAIN only his file cuz i was gonna do the mission for him but then outta nowhere my mom comes to get me when i didnt even call her -_-"
then i though 'why does she always appear when we're playing that game?' oh well.
i guess my dad kept bugging her to get me. hes soooo annoying like that. its not even late. only like 9 at night.
but whatever. sigh i dont wanna go to school. i have homework i should be doing XD but if i remember to do it later i might.

Monday, September 20, 2010

dolly eyes

2day when i got home i felt like taking pictures with bottom lashes. last night i had my mom read me some eyemake up tricks from my popteen magazines where you can move the placement of clear strip lashes. and you, it works!!! so i adjusted them to be like this one eyelash thing from the dollywink series(just look it up, you'll get wat im saying)
so yeah did all that stuff and i like it. wouldnt exactly wear it out in public or anythinggg but you no, i love playing 'dress up' ha ha
prob shouldve used dif top lashes to make my make up better lookin

i just noticed how far apart my eyebrows are o_O
and yeah..looking weird but im too lazy to edit it so yeah.

thats all this post is about.

and im thinking i miiiiiight make another blog about gyaru make up and stuff but you know...MAYBEEEEEEEEEE. obv i'll get more readers if i do ^_^ so yeah

OHHHHHHH and i more thing off the subject
heres a link for the giant flag thing everyone did on friday

long link -_-" BETCHYA CANT FIND ME!!!!! i cant...but i no i was in the second row of red at the bottom

k now thats all i have to say so bye

Saturday, September 18, 2010

my back hurts

Today i decided to post a pic of me from 9th grade or somethin when i still had my natural hair.

I mean geez......i looked SOOOOOO different. but yeah. i DID edit the pic cuz i was just too butt ugly. just tried to make my eyees sorta bigger and my face thinner, so now it looks deformed but better than the original pic XD i still remember the day this was taken too!!! i was at sarah & rebekah's house ^_^

but yeah, good times~ this week, everyone beens getting sick. not me tho(cuz im cool jk) but my stomach ha been feeling strange so yeah. started sneezing more often too. so ive washing my hands like 20 times a day and staying awake from sick pplz.

and on friday we had to make a human flag. i wore red(well white but put on a red jacket). i bet the picture doesnt even look like a flag -_-"

and lol, anyone reading this prob doesnt care BUUUT, im on the last mission for DMC 3 and i cant beat it. i dont even know whats going on. so yeah, i'll prob not really play that game for a few months :P

anddd bought more clay the other day so will prob be into deco den again. except my silicon glue is all dried up so i cant make whipped cream anymore! and i dont feel like buying more so i'll just have to deal with it DX

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

shake this awful feeling

today, i had such a bad morning -_-"
BUT i dont really feel like getting in detail, all u need 2 no is i was late, and my water bottle had weird crud in it so i didnt drink it.
AND i dint see orlando in the morning. but watever. i bet i looked ugly anways.
but on the bright lowest grade is an 80%!!!! ZOMGGGGG that like NEVER has happened before! lol i dont even do anything. like srsly my only "homework" since school started was like sign papers and "study" or "read" my book(which im not lols)
my classes are easyyyy i finish everything in school. oh yeeah. im 1337. jk. thats such n00b talk there
aaaaannd painted mah nails last night. i didnt feel like going for a dark colour or reds and stuff so i decided light blue was nice and added stickers. it turned out really nice actually. i like it a lot, and so do my friends C;

Sunday, September 12, 2010


geez it been like FOREVER since my last post XD
yeah but todays will be kinda long(i think so)
MKAYZZZZ so uh yeah.
had to babysit julians bratz baby on friday. and lol elizabeth x "skinny"
nothing really happened this week. got bored so i took a pic of all my rings. well almost all.
and my legs have been hurting all week cuz fitness walking. omggg i hate walking in the heat. i dont mind the class...its just u get sooo hot and sweaty BLEH
and on friday got my scratch board pictah


yeah..its a boy o.O at least im 99% sure it is. some guy from some japanese band or something. thought it looked cool. got an A+ DURRR

hasna is amazed at my skillz, and she should be

and i drew this a while ago in art class but u no, felt like posting it too

why does it say sinister death? idk, i jusst felt like writing that. but i coloured it and it reminds me of thaat bread man pic so yeah lol

after school hung out w/ hasna and talked about howw justin BEAVER couldnt save us from a hawk so he had to go to jail and droped his soap and got butt-raped lololol.
hhhhh good times good times
then on saturday elizabeth came over around 5ish to get ready for this one party i invited her to go to with me. and at 6:50ish we left to go there
it was formal so u had to wear dresses and suits and stuff. the b day girl's(vanessa's) dress was soooooooo pretty!!!!!! at first i thought we came to the wrong place cuz it looked like she was a bride or something XD
i thought that the party was gonna be lots of teens but it was mostly older ppl, prob her family. there was only like 10 ppl from school there.
took lots of pictures while we were there
and we danced a lot too. i can dance..but i dont want to in front of ppl. besides, i didnt no over half the songs playing so it wasnt really good songs to dance to anyways
and OMG. theres this one dude who like did this really annoying thing just like pointing his fingers, thats how he 'danced' all night. it was soooo annoying.
and my legs hurt and i got really tired really quickly but elizabeth wanted to dance but watever.
when the cake was being served i was soo happy cuz i was STARVING. i had 2 slices. one cake was a pineapple one and i dont like pineapple so i just ate the cake part and not he fruit :P
afterwards more dancing. yah thats wat we pretty much did the whole time lol.
from like 10 and up, all they were playing were mexican songs that me and elizabeth coulnt dance too so we just sat down and watched ppl. this went on for like half and hour and we were waiting for better music to play then my dad calls and says my mom is gonna pick us up so yeah. while we wait outside this one old guy stands around to 'body guard' us until my mom shows up.
when i get home i was still hungry so i had a bit of dinner washed my face and went to straight to bed. i was exhausted.
but over all, i had to good time ^_^

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nothing is real. Everythng is possible.

ok, this was a bad week. :(

well, the last few days at least.

so lyke yesterday, yeah first couldntt find the shoes i wanted to wear with my outfit. @ skoolmy sunglasses broke, my waterbottle leaked thro some of my purse, i got a HUUUUGE blister on my toe and its all swollen now, got lots of headaches, my nails keep chipping and breaking, forgot my makeup, i got this HUUUGEEEE zit on my face ect ect.

mhmmm. the list goes on.....

on the good side...3 day weekend wheeeeee!!! and my shirt i bought online came, hopefully my other one comes soon.

ok i REALLY want grey circle lense now. idk i think they look really pretty ;) but i still want this one green one more. i'll ask for it for christmas or something cuz they cost a lot of $$$ and i'd rather buy clothes instead of a pair of contacts.

ppl been telling me im pretty a lot now-a-days yay. makes me happy inside :P even tho i was butt ugly on wednesday cuz we had to walk the bleachers and got sweaty. luckily i had make up that day.

so yeah 2day was club rush and i joined the anime, pokemon, and culinary club. im prob not gonna go to any besides the cooking one cuz elizabeth wants to see 'chunky' there lol. but i will go to those clubs if its hot and its going on that day. nice AC'd room XD

and @ lunch, #3 was like right next to me todayyyyyyyy >

ohhh and my jap magz, since i have a ton of issues and half are pretty old im starting to sell the ones i dont really look at anymore. selling for a little more than wat i paid for $1-2 lol. but u no, a lot of my friends want them. i sold on for $2 and i love muneh. i took a test of which seven deadly sin i am and im greed of course haha. didnt see that one coming*sarcasim*

zomg my scratch board in art is sooooooo awsomeeeeee. it look kewl. KUL. i rule. idk the bg is kinda plain but if i coloured it, then the picture would be ruined so i stayed black. when i get it back i'll post it so th world can see my AMAZING art skillz.

ohh and i think next month my wildlife bio class is going to the zoo!!! cant wait! havent been there in FOREVERRRRRRR! julien is in that class so it'll be fun. and u no, when we go to atlantis*winkwink*

and i do NOT talk in monotone.

AND i finally changed that logoish banner thing at the top. about tiiiime