Monday, February 29, 2016


srry for lack of posts i just never do anything besides work so nothing interesting to talk about

i only get one day off n im usually too tired to do anything plus my one day off always seem to be crappy weather too so dont wanna go out anyways

anyways sometime this month i went to parco cuz there was some valentine osomatsu san thing but i guess u can only go in the store through a lottery so yeah..but there was a one punch man store so took a pic of that

yeh didnt do anything for valetines just boring

ive finally started doing massages to clients at the salon though. since my nails are long i use my knuckles but then my knuckles get red n sore. once my nail polish chips off badly i think i'll just cut them w/e like one nail broke n i tried putting a fake nail on but since i use my hands a lot at forever21 it made a crack on the fake nail them it just came off n i dont wanna keep putting on new ones cuz when they come off it ruins my natural nails

sigh always when they get a really nice length i have to cut them

and yesterday after work me n the other assistant kai went to take purikura n i did her makeup all gyaru-ish but i forgot to bring eyelash glue and i wasnt wearing eyelashes either but whatever i still looked nice lol

then we ate ramen together n it was really yummy

and its kinda annoying, my roommate cuz like she works mon-fri n i work tues-sun so neither of us really get to sleep in cuz our scheduels but like on the weekends i try to be quiet n stuff n i leave by 8:30 so she has time to fall bac to sleep but for her on my monday off like i already naturally wake up right before our alarm at 7:45 but like she opens the curtains alot so it gets brighter but on the weekend if its kinda sunny outside i try to keep it open only a little so the light doesnt bother her. i had to tell her before she leaves to close the curtins cuz beore she left them WIIIDDDEE open n its super bright n im like wtf i dont wanna get up to close them so yeah but like she also uses the hair dryer in our room in the morning. like she puts some spray n blow dries but like can u not do that for just one day? or if u do go to the bathroom or something cuz im tryin to sleep here. n she leaves at 9 so like im practically awake u know but i just stay in bed til at lest 9:30 anyways cuz im still tired. idk not such a big deal like shes way more considerate than the other crap roommate but still...

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