Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I havent blogged in a while cuz im SO busy with work!!!

now i have TWO jobs so i only get one day off.

anyways, from the top:

maybe a week ago went to harajuku with claire cuz havent gone in a couple months it was really fun!!

we took purikura and the machine we went in was so cute!! i need to go to that one again


went to look around store, got some crepes and boba, bought some more accessories too.

we were gonna go karaoke too but or karaoke place doesnt have a location for harajuku so we had to walk back to shibuya since its only like 15 min tops by walking

but before that went to the moshi moshi center to ask about the karaoke place and they offered us free miso for the place next store wheee. its really cold these days so a hot cup of miso was nice

gotta go to the moshi place more to see what other free stuff i can get since im a foreigner

then on wednesday i was SUPPOSE to do a $200 voice recording job but the guy never got my message saying i can do it so he gave my spot to someone else urg i took that day off work for him whatever im doing a recording job this sunday but only $100 this time and its at a further place and earlier too but only 4 hours so whatever

but since i had the day off went to yokohama with claire

we went to china town and looked around a bit. everything was so expensive

then we walked towards the place where cup noodles factory is cuz thats a nice area and on the way there we saw the sea

it was such a nice view with the sun setting but not all bright it was the perfect lighting and took lots of pics

i went to this area before so im kinda familiar with the area. there was a ferris wheel, roller coaster n other rides but they were closed? and it wasnt like it was late it was like 5. maybe they dont open during winter cuz last time it was working

anyways last time i came here i went to that californian restaurant and its really good so we went again. its such an american restaurant it makes me really happy. i ate a chili cheese burger this time. the chili couldve been a bit warmer but still delicious

after that went to starbucks to try this holiday drink but it tasted like their normal hot chocolate to me. the vanilla frappe i got that one time was good that was like the only thing i liked so far

anyways so this last weekend started working at a hair salon as an assistant. i only work weekends but im out alllll daayyy

its ok. not too hard or easy. i need to learn massage technique though cuz they have a certain way to wash hair n stuff. i'll practice on my roommate and when i shower

but hmm yeah. the salon looks pretty n stuff with plants n all that but it DEF wont pass state board inspections like theres always hair on the floor cuz they have a crappy little broom and they dont sanitize their tools so they use scissors right after the next customer without washing it or anything 

i guess its not THAT big of a deal if they dont have lice or something but its so different than in america where in school they really focus on sanitation.

plus the hair dressers sit while cutting hair in japan which is kinda weird to me

there is only 2 ppl who work there besides me, the boss who is the only person to cut hair and this other assistant(who isnt licensed)

they are really understaffed...

but they are nice and its an english speaking salon so i have no trouble communicating with them its just hard cuz sometimes i have to answer the phone and its in japanese and i cant really understand what pl are saying over the phone and im not good at keigo

oh yeh and the 31st was the other assistants bday so the boss bought a cake and flowers n champagne. so i didnt wanna refuse the drink so i took a sip of alcohol for the first time in my life and after that sip i can feel that toxin spread through my body n im like what is happening??!!!! is this normal??

i only took like 2 sips then stopped cuz i grew up to say no to this stuff and i have no problem not drinking so yea

anyways yesterday was my day off and i was super tired n gross looking n just stayed home all day and did my nails

its valetine nails and betty boop cuz why not

actually i got today off too cuz its a new month so the schedules for forever21 get reset or something and today there was some store inspection so it doesnt open til 2pm so i go back tomorrow

waahhh just always working at least im making $$$

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