Saturday, June 6, 2015


yesterday me n claire went to shibuya for karaoke!!

idk but lately ive been wanting to go to karaoke to sing lame songs. n i did

we went to the uta hiro place cuz i saw a vid that its cheap n u get free drinks. yeah gotta karaoke in the morning when its cheaper cuz at night its so expensive o__O

like for 1 1/2 hours it cost less than $5 per person. but that karaoke we did in akihabara at night was almost $20 for 2 hours per person

but yeah we sang HIGH SKOOL MUSICAL and a lot of songs i realy wanted to sing they didnt have it T_T

but yeah it was fun

afterwards we were gonna meet some other guys from school near hachiko so just waited
and waited
and waited

for like an hour. those jerks

while we waited there was some event thing of hachiko as vegetables so took a pic

and also since its saturday lots of tv ppl were around n since we r foreigners they asked to interview us o.o

thank god i did my eyebrows the night before n wore my circle lens. i still feel like i looked not the best though cuz i was just wearing a lazy outfit n my roots r growing back n look bad..

but they asked us what we thought of japanese idols n stuff

im gonna be on tv next month!!!! ahhhhh i have to record it

and there was some yamamba guy we saw trying to pick up girls it was really creepy

yeah so me n my friend were waiting FOREVER then im like screw them lets go but as we were gong to cross the street some other interview ppl came to us but they are like college kids or something and its a youtube thing not tv but whatever we decided to let them film us but it was about cosplay but i dont really cosplay just dress up so i didnt say much

but right when we finished that we saw the guys then we kicked their butts n strangled them

yeah went to tower records again to look around then they wanted to eat n do stuff but i was kinda tired n like i srsly gotta start saving money like i cant keep eating out like its ok if its now n then but i feel like ive been doing it a lot so i need to stop so i said sorreh u can eat w/o me n yeah they went to harajuku afterwards n i went home to buy groceries

thats allll

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