Tuesday, June 9, 2015


on sunday finally got my hair did cuz it was growing out n looked really gross

monday at the train station as i was walking to skool i saw a real ganguro girl!! like she looked like she belonged to black diamond it was pretty cool.


my boy i like is MOVING!!!

like outta ALL the ppl that live there, it just had to be him.

before skool around 12 when i went to the bathroom, outside his room was all this stuff n im like hmm someones moving but idk it couldve been the next room or something. then when i ate dinner i saw him. and it was weird because im pretty sure hes out until like 7:30 at least like i think he eats around 8 cuz thats when my roommate does n she always sees him there. but i eat around 6 so its really early

then i ate my ramen n he was sitting right behind me eeeekkk!! BUT he had like a suitcase with him n all this other junk n im like omg wat if hes going away but i just joked around to my friend about that cuz he was on the computer so maybe its some work stuff idk. then some girl starts talking to him n i got annoyed so left. i was done eating anyway but u know...hmph.

as i came to my room my roommate steps out n i tell her hes in the kitchen. after she finishes eating n is back in my room shes like i need to tell u something

and she tells me it was his LAST DAY!!!!!!


i said hi to him like 2 times n thats it. i never really TALKED to him even though i really wanted to. i dont even know his NAME! we just call him 'sunny'.

yeah she said she talked to him n asked him whats all the stuff for n he said its his last day n that hes been there for 3 years n its time to go even though hes gonna move to the same building company just a different location T_T

i mean, not like i knew him or anything, but i wanted to. so when she told me i was sad n felt like id shed a single tear.

and this morning i just felt so empty. like idc if i look ugly now cuz no chance of running into him anymore. idk theres just nothing to look forward to anymore. the first month i moved here i barely saw him but lately ive been seeing him more often n it made me really happy. cuz hes the first boy ive liked since 11th grade so its really nice having all these gushy feels again but nope this always happens.

i swear all the guys i like end up moving or something why is that? siiiggghhhh

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