Sunday, June 28, 2015


yesterday i went to cup noodles museum!!

i went to meet up with my japanese friend from the internet lol

it was a boy so i was kinda worried like wat if he does something inappropriate to me but like we've been talking for over a year n he hasnt seemed creepy like some other ppl ive talked to so it was ok and nothing weird happened.

yeah so i wa suppose to meet him at 11:30 but he was late cuz a train accident.
and btw i guess earlier this week some girl died at my train station cuz she got ran over i guess. idk i only heard a few things about it but yeah that happens a lot in japan i guess

anyways heres some pics of the museum
so many ramen!!

i even saw the cheapy american ones that i eat lol. i told my friend that american ramen is like 20cents and he was like waaaahhh?!

then we saw some paper story thing i forgot the word for it. it was just about how instant noodles began and apparently it started because of AMERICA isnt that trippy

and then we gt to make our own cup noodles ^_^

it was kinda dumb cuz the fee to do it is 300 yen n i thought that includes everything, but then u had to pay an extra 300 yen for the cup itself like thats so dumb but w/e its just a one time thing

you got to sit down and design it. i drew ramen and a pig on the back. and he drew me on his which was kinda weird lol

oh and since it was a weekend lots of noisy little kids everywhere

but anyways then we got to add flavor n toppings

mine is on the left. i chose the normal soup flavour which is honestly idk its like different flavors in one i guess? and he chose curry. i guess japanese ppl eat curry with cheese??

and we got to see how its packaged and everything then we put it in this inflatable bag thing 

afterwards we were hungry so went to eat. there was a mall nearby that we ate at and omg it had MEXICAN FOOD AND "CALIFORNIA" FOOD.

but i liked the california food menu better so we ate there. omg all that avocados n fajitas and whatnot it made me happy actually. i ate some fried chicken and he tried this jalapeno-ish burger and we shared nachos. but i got sooooooo full so i couldnt finish it all. but it was delicious

and right behind was a theme park and he asked if i want to go. like i wouldnt mind but i was too full n dont wanna barf n stuff

and it was DUMB. like i always check the weather when i need to go out somewhere n it said it was suppose to be super hot n sunny all day but my roommate said it was gonna rain around 4 but im like nooo look it gonna be sunny!! but yeah it got really cloudy and around 4 it did start raining

he really wanted to do karaoke but im like eeeeehhhh cuz idk him that well n is shy but he kept asking so w/e but we went to a different station cuz we didnt wanna walk far since neither of us had an umbrella. so yeah when we got to the new station the karaoke place was like right across the street but it was raining pretty hard but im like lets just run so yeah we're running in the rain it was fun

then we karaoke for like an hour then go home

but he was nice he paid for most things. like i would pitch in money but i didnt have exact change to split the bills evenly most of the time so hes like its ok

and omg once i left him and was waiting for the subway to come this gross old guy comes up to me n starts talking n im like waah? and tell him i speak little japanese then he asks if i like sake n i tell him i dont drink then he gives up and leaves. like he was OLD. like around 50. blegh

oh and btw i got an amnesia mouse n mousepad!


Tuesday, June 23, 2015


i have lots to write!!

last week was our finals in skool so i had to study a lot. but like basically all the stuff i studied wasnt even on the test? but w/e i need to know those kanji n watnot anyways

and i passed my tests! my final score was 87% which is the highest out of my group of friends lol(cuz i was like the only one that actually studied)

anyways the last day of skool was some party i just went for the food

and since we were gonna do purikura afterwards i did my makeup all nice
havent posted an eye makeup in a while

heres our purikura!

afterwards went to a few arcades. and omg the last day of test which was wednesday, me n claire went karaoke yadda yadda then to arcade n omg she spent like $50 trying to win this anime figure. we were there for like an hour trying to get this one figure n she looked so done and like she would cry but im like u already spent this much money mind as well try to get it and we kept having to ask the staff for help but eventually she won. afterwards ate at burger king. yeah i like burger king here better than mcdonalds. i need to eat a burger again on 4th of july lollll

anyways since skool is over until july 2nd, gotta do fun stuff!!

yesterday went to tokyo disney with claire!!!

last time was disney sea, but this time just normal disneyland

we took the train going there since its cheaper n we arent tired yet.
first we went on some racing ride. idk its like that one ride in california where ur in a car n just drive.

i wanted to go on the monsters inc ride cuz idk if they have that back home(havent been there in a while) but i couldnt find the fast pass area n the line was too long.

but we were hungry cuz didnt really eat n it was about lunch time so went to eat some mickey burgers


but idk the meat tasted kinda weird. like it didnt have flavor

afterwards went on a roller coaster in toon town. its some baby roller coaster so like the ride was like 30 seconds long kinda lame

n just looking around more taking pics

hur hur

idk but even though we went on a monday is was still pretty crowded like wtf. in ca if u go to disneyland right when it opens, theres barely any ppl but here its already packed.

so we didnt go on any "popular" rides til late at night

went on pinoccio idk if its really the same as the american one cuz i havent been on that since i was really little probably but it was kinda scary o_O

and saw some street preformers

and of course had to go on small world cuz its the best baby ride

and even though its june there was still some easter event thing going on so u can see some character easter eggs here n there

the wait for haunted mansion was 40 minutes which is like average i would say for america too so we decided to go. but omg i honestly HATE the rides with fast pass its so dumb. ok like all the fastpasses were like sold out for everything we wanted so had to wait. but for like every 100 fastpass ppl only like 5 standby ppl got through. so we were waiting forever plus a parade was going on so ppl didnt wanna move n just take pics

but i took pics too.

after that went on jungle cruise which is new to japan but not me lol. but you cant really understand what the guy says but you know prob just bad puns n stuff.

then pirates of the caribbean cuz the wait was 15 minutes!!!

then big thunder mountain cuz the wait went down so w/e
that was the first "exciting" ride cuz most of the stuff we went on is just sitting down looking at stuff. no ADRENALINE RUSH 

the splash mountain. ok wtf the wait was '100 minutes from this point' but it was less so the wait should prob be like an hour but no. cuz those baka fastpass ppl our line was literally not moving for like a full 10 minutes it was so dumb we were in line for over an hour n a half

but once we got on the ride wheee it was so cold outside cuz it was already night but we took off our jackets so they dont get wet. we were suppose to sit up front but im like can we not sit at the front? cuz u get soaked in that ride so we got the last seat XD

always look bad in these pics

and we were soooo hungry cuz it was like 8pm but the food i wanted to eat was closed. like all the restaurants and food stands were closed?? whhyyy

but the place that we ate earlier was still open. like outta all the places it had to be that. prob cuz its indoor seating idk. but i ordered chicken nuggets/fries/and corn soup instead of a meal

our bus going home was 9:40 to shinjuku but ike, the park closes at 10 and i wanna stay til it closes not go before. but i found a bus that goes directly to my city that leaves at 10:30 so im like sorreh i think i'll take this and so claire was like i'll just take the train poor thing but we got to stay here til it closes ^_^

and there was this castle preformence thing but i was from a side angle so you cant tell wat the images are suppose to be n stuff so eh. but while everyone was watching we had to take advantage n go on one last popular ride. and i wanted to go on the pooh bear ride cuz it seemed good?

the wait was still 30 minutes and this was at like 9:15pm guuh and the baka fastpass ppll still going

but w/e we made it in and im really glad i went it was so cool!

pooh was high or something vvvv

i think this is a japan only ride so yeah

most of the rides from america that were here were the same except japanese voices. maybe one or two things different. but i had fun.

unfortunately we didnt have time to look around shops but i prob wouldnt have bought anything anyways ...but still.....T_T

so split ways with my friend at 10 and had to wait for the bus 

and on the bus there was this group of young girls but it was anoying cuz like everyone is tired n wants to sleep but they were talking REALLY loud and laughing and stuff

like dang dont u have skool tomorrow?

but yeah so i come home around midnight and im dead. omg and the night before i wanted to try to sleep early(but still midnight-ish) but i guess our room is right above the theater room and some idiot was playing this ACTION movie really loud like the floors were vibrating n i can hear the vvrrrrmmm fmmmvgghijh noises sounded like some racing movie or something and i just wanted to go down and be like turn that down! like the movie room is up to midnight but they ended prob around 1 in the morning and i was like why today of all days

but i was able to sleep peacefully last night cuz i was exhausted

and today i had to meet my uncle in shibuya cuz he was gonna help me with this ATM payment thing but aughh i really didnt wanna go cuz i was DEAD like my whole body is aching and im sleepy and aaaughhh

gonna pass out tonight i hope

Sunday, June 14, 2015


so on friday after school claire said there was some new animate store so we checked it out with other classmates. it wasnt animate but there were different anime shops n they had some diabolik lovers n other otome stuff shop eeeeeeppp

they had the characters of diabolik lovers on the wall so i took a pic teehee >_<
but i dont look that good but what eve. there was also a naruto n one piece only shop but i dont care for either of those so eh

afterwards ate at this one cafe again cuz its cheap. i bought this rice/cheese/shrimp thing it was delish

afterwards went to book off again n shopped at the used clothing store there. i bought a dress and a jumper for 400yen TOTAL! thats like $4 for 2 things ahhh cuz they were on sale for 200yen each. i needed to buy shirts cuz half of my stuff is long sleeve but its too hot for that now so gotta wear shorter stuff

then bought this manga by this author i like cuz its like gyaru-ish then went home

saturday i did my naillss

honestly idk i was just experimenting but it came out nice. i was gonna try this water effect thing but idk i need to try on someone else first.
took an hour per hand.

and i have a HUGE japanese test coming up that determines whether i go to the next level or not but i didnt really study yesterday so today i have to get serious. i kinda studied for like an hour n a half earlier but got really sleepy so is taking a break. i'll continue later

and i think wednesday is my last day of skool then a break for 2 weeks before the new semester so i wanna go to disneyland cuz its not disgustingly hot yet, plus we're the only ones on break. like normal ppl still have skool n stuff so its not gonna be THAT crowded. n i havent been to normal disneyland only disney sea so cant wait ^_^

i wanna go back to ikebukuro that was so much fun..

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


on sunday finally got my hair did cuz it was growing out n looked really gross

monday at the train station as i was walking to skool i saw a real ganguro girl!! like she looked like she belonged to black diamond it was pretty cool.


my boy i like is MOVING!!!

like outta ALL the ppl that live there, it just had to be him.

before skool around 12 when i went to the bathroom, outside his room was all this stuff n im like hmm someones moving but idk it couldve been the next room or something. then when i ate dinner i saw him. and it was weird because im pretty sure hes out until like 7:30 at least like i think he eats around 8 cuz thats when my roommate does n she always sees him there. but i eat around 6 so its really early

then i ate my ramen n he was sitting right behind me eeeekkk!! BUT he had like a suitcase with him n all this other junk n im like omg wat if hes going away but i just joked around to my friend about that cuz he was on the computer so maybe its some work stuff idk. then some girl starts talking to him n i got annoyed so left. i was done eating anyway but u know...hmph.

as i came to my room my roommate steps out n i tell her hes in the kitchen. after she finishes eating n is back in my room shes like i need to tell u something

and she tells me it was his LAST DAY!!!!!!


i said hi to him like 2 times n thats it. i never really TALKED to him even though i really wanted to. i dont even know his NAME! we just call him 'sunny'.

yeah she said she talked to him n asked him whats all the stuff for n he said its his last day n that hes been there for 3 years n its time to go even though hes gonna move to the same building company just a different location T_T

i mean, not like i knew him or anything, but i wanted to. so when she told me i was sad n felt like id shed a single tear.

and this morning i just felt so empty. like idc if i look ugly now cuz no chance of running into him anymore. idk theres just nothing to look forward to anymore. the first month i moved here i barely saw him but lately ive been seeing him more often n it made me really happy. cuz hes the first boy ive liked since 11th grade so its really nice having all these gushy feels again but nope this always happens.

i swear all the guys i like end up moving or something why is that? siiiggghhhh

Saturday, June 6, 2015


yesterday me n claire went to shibuya for karaoke!!

idk but lately ive been wanting to go to karaoke to sing lame songs. n i did

we went to the uta hiro place cuz i saw a vid that its cheap n u get free drinks. yeah gotta karaoke in the morning when its cheaper cuz at night its so expensive o__O

like for 1 1/2 hours it cost less than $5 per person. but that karaoke we did in akihabara at night was almost $20 for 2 hours per person

but yeah we sang HIGH SKOOL MUSICAL and a lot of songs i realy wanted to sing they didnt have it T_T

but yeah it was fun

afterwards we were gonna meet some other guys from school near hachiko so just waited
and waited
and waited

for like an hour. those jerks

while we waited there was some event thing of hachiko as vegetables so took a pic

and also since its saturday lots of tv ppl were around n since we r foreigners they asked to interview us o.o

thank god i did my eyebrows the night before n wore my circle lens. i still feel like i looked not the best though cuz i was just wearing a lazy outfit n my roots r growing back n look bad..

but they asked us what we thought of japanese idols n stuff

im gonna be on tv next month!!!! ahhhhh i have to record it

and there was some yamamba guy we saw trying to pick up girls it was really creepy

yeah so me n my friend were waiting FOREVER then im like screw them lets go but as we were gong to cross the street some other interview ppl came to us but they are like college kids or something and its a youtube thing not tv but whatever we decided to let them film us but it was about cosplay but i dont really cosplay just dress up so i didnt say much

but right when we finished that we saw the guys then we kicked their butts n strangled them

yeah went to tower records again to look around then they wanted to eat n do stuff but i was kinda tired n like i srsly gotta start saving money like i cant keep eating out like its ok if its now n then but i feel like ive been doing it a lot so i need to stop so i said sorreh u can eat w/o me n yeah they went to harajuku afterwards n i went home to buy groceries

thats allll