Monday, May 4, 2015



so lots of pics wheee

ok so friday i didnt wanna be LAME and go home right after school on a friday. i wanted to go out so i hung out with claire from school and we went to 109 tower for makeup. basically we were just walking around shibuya for a few hours. she took me to a sushi shop and even though we had to wait like 30 minutes to get in, it was delicious n cheap too. but i didnt eat much because it was late at night and i didnt want to eat a lot at like 9 at night

the next day i went to see my mom who was meeting her friend and we ate at a tofu shop together. afterwards we ate odango too but i dont really care much for that.

and after that i wanted to go to this shrine place with lots of the red gates cuz it looks cool. theres a few of these places in japan but this one was kinda small. the pathway was only big enough for one person so it was kinda annoying when people were walking the opposite direction

since my moms friend was late to meet us, we didnt have much time to hang around here T__T

i wanted to make a prayer and get my fortune wahh

and idk what these paper things are but w/e

then my mom left to the airport cuz that was her last day in japan. now im all alone in japan >_< waaaahhhhh

anyways, the next day i met with claire again and some of her friends to have a picnic at shinjuku park. it was really nice weather so it was relaxing

i felt like i was in totoro or something

we walked around the park and took some pics

afterwards went to akihabara. we didnt really shop around which was kinda disappointing. at animate i bought a hakuouki thing n got heisuke.

after that met up with more friends and went karaoke

i was shy at first then i didnt care if i suck


after that we got separated from half the group so went to arcade. we took some purikura and clair wanted to play taiko drum master. we had to wait in line but the guy in front of us, once it was his turn he took off his jacket n im like this kid knows wat hes doing. n he did. he played a song on oni mode and got a perfect combo holy crap. im bad at the game so i didnt play

also in akihabara, i saw this group of guys covered in love live stuff omg i really wanted to take a pic with them but like would that be weird? idk.

anyways so got home around 11 and even though i was tired had to shower n stuff. omg my feet were dead cuz i wore my creepers all day but since im going to harajuku the next day(today) i wanted to wear my other platforms so i had to suck it up

so yea went to harajuku with claire but she went to the wrong exit so i was waiting by myself for like 15 minutes

but while i was waiting i saw sebastiano serafini O.O
like he was walking wearing sunglasses but i KNOW it was him. i wanted to talk to him but he was just doing his own thing n i didnt feel like moving cuz i was waiting for my friend so ahh

and once my friend came, across the street there was some popteen thing so we asked the ppl whats the event or w/e and i guess its just taking pictures with the posters which is kinda dumb. like if we got pics with the actual models yeah maybe, but ehhh not this 

took a pic with a cardboard cutout instead~

lol i dont really care for free but i guess he was my fav out of the main guys

at this one store i bought this backpack and face mask and OMG they had a placenta mask like do japanese ppl know what that is??
but no i didnt buy this. i bought an aqua collagen one instead. but i really like that store it had really neat vintage-y stuff but some things were a rip off. like dirty used shoes for $40?? really?

i also bought some shoes for 10$ cuz i needed some to go with this one dress i bought n its cheap!

 then ate crepes! cant go to harajuku without crepes!
i bought a choco strawberry banana one and it was delicious

we wanted to take purikura but i dont remember where i saw them from last time so we went to the moshi moshi box or something(and information place) and asked for the closest place. and of course it had to be the store we went in earlier that was super crowded so we left. but went back and we couldnt done cosplay purikura cuz i think it was free but they didnt have a big selection plus its crowded n we hate ppl so w/e

we look kawaii enough

afterwards we were gonna go back home on the train but like EVERYONE was trying to go on the train and the enterance is really small so no one was moving so we decided to walk to shibuya since its like the next town.

there was some beer fest going on idk it was cinco de mayo too idk wat this festival was but w/e

anyways in shibuya we went to an arcade and they had these hakuouki finger puppets and im like i neeeeddd so i tried. my first attemp i tried getting kazama but i fail. so next i decide to aim for okita since he looks like he can fall down easily but i get hijikata instead!! which is good cuz i like him better. but this is my first win ever waaahhh!!

i think 200 yen is a reasonable price for this

claire spent a lot of money. she tried a few different things but she really wanted this yowamushi pedal mug and finally got it after like 10 tries

and then we say goodbye

and i think tomorrow i might go to a hotspring again since i have aching feet n it was really relaxing. im like breaking out cuz ive been wearing makeup everyday n get sweaty do i need to detox my face too.

and on wednesday im going to some meat festival with ze relatives eating delicious meat. i'll be sure to write about that later

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