Tuesday, April 7, 2015


ok so ive been getting ready to move out living on my own n starting skool n stuff


yesterday i was officially suppose to move in my new house but i didnt lol. ok i'll explain: i met the house person around 11 to get settled in and shown around. its not far from the station and the cherry bloosoms were falling from the tree and i was like 'omg hakuouki' but thats not important. duuudeeee that house is pretty bad though. its really disappointing. like ur suppose to take ur shoes off in japan, but honestly i wish i could keep them on cuz theres like no point in removing them. the floors were SOOO dirty!!! i just wanted to mop up and clean the whole house! and i HATE cleaning but this was pretty intense. the guy who met up with me doesnt live there but hes like yeah this house needs to be cleaned. and omg the showers are worse. like they smell like pee and i just wanna wear flip flops inside. idk about the downstairs one, but the upstairs shower is pretty gross. ok like im honestly gona try to take showers like 2 or 3 times a week cuz its that bad. on the weekends i go back to my grandmas until my mom leaves at least so i def take baths n get clean there.

anyways after that i went to my skools orientation and i was like 30 minutes late cuz we got lost. idk but during and especially after, i sudden got like REALLY nervous and my heart kept pounding and i was just freaking out inside. like im all alone idk anybody. yeah idk why i was really nervous but my heart just kept pounding the rest of the day.

then after that we finally went to get my address registered so i can open a bank account but it took FOREVER and we didnt eat all day besides like a piece of bread for breakfast so me n my mom were DYING. idk we both felt pretty crappy but once it was like 6 we were ok-ish but we were still pretty pooped out and my mom was like wanna just go back to ur grandmas? oh btw my bed is like this super thin mattress like 3 or 4 inches and this super thin padding. yuuuupppp its really sad. i have to sleep on that tonight i wonder how this will be. honestly if i did the house viewing instead of just reserving this place, i prob wouldnt move in. i think im gonna try to find a new place soon. im stuck here for a month so maybe i'll end up liking this place??? who knows but this seems pretty unsanitary for my liking.

and toooddaaaayyy:

tried opening a bank in the morning but we have to do one more close to my house which is dumb and was a waste of time but w/e. so we went to my house first to bring more stuff i left behind and sorta unpack. i had to put my makeup on cuz i left it there and not at my grandmas. everyone in the house works during the day i guess so noboddy was there or yesterday when we were there. my mom stayed behind while i went to school cuz i needed her to buy food n stuff for me. and i had to use the trains by myself again DX but i made it there ok but i was kinda late so i was like running in shibuya trying to get to my skool and to get there u have to go up this HUGE hill and i was sweating and breathing hard but luckily i was only 5 minutes late and the teacher didnt do attendance yet so its all good. the first day of skool was mostly stuff i already know. we have to learn hiragana and katakana??? but i already know that so i hope im level 2 cuz i need to learn kanji. we took some quiz thing for the alphabet yesterday and omg i srsly forgot how to write a lot of katakanas. like if i SEE it i can totally read it, but writing it i dont use katakana that much so idk i felt so baka lol. same with lots of kanji too. i can read it but not write it. but anyways our level will be determined in a few days. some kids i can tell they already know this crap like me lol. and omg this girl in my class like diabolik lovers and otome stuff too!!! thank god!! she saud she loves diabolik lovers BUT she loves KANATO omg ewwww i just dont understand how ppl find him "hot" i just cant see it no matter how hard i try. but yeah i'll def talk to her more maybe we can go to the otomate cafe together one day and omg i looked up namja town and during the summer theyre doing an otomate collab again i must go!!

and afterwards my mom met me after skool and we ate some ramen and she bought me more stuff for living. i went back home on the train again. i almost got lost kinda but asked a guy working there just to confirm i was going the right way cuz if i didnt i would be in deep doo doo. i was nervous walking towards the house cuz idk how my housemates are but they seem nice. i havent met all of them yet but most. my roommate is nice, shes a japanese girl whos 25. im the youngest in the house of course.

well that sums it up. i like skool so far im not scared of that anymore but im just unsure how i feel about this house.

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