Thursday, March 5, 2015


i would upload pictures of my nails but im too lazy so next time!

havent taken pics really cuz working or not really doing anything special

so, today is my 6th anniversary on this blog!!!! 6 YEARS!!! i was rereading some of the really ancient posts oh god so embarrassing. you can obv tell how old i was by the way i wrote n stuff. i wonder how long i'll have this blog? not that ppl really read it but its for me mostly to just look back on

so anyways, yup. the end of the month im moving to japan. all i need to do is buy a plane ticket. i think im gonna get a one way but idk i'll post more details in another post. im gonna be living on my own in a foreign country waaahhh!! i hope some talent agency picks me up and i be famous thats the DREAM but you know, i can only hope for the best.

and i bought new pink contacts so i hope it arrives soon. the diabolik lovers OVA came out last week but i still havent seen it cuz i was going to with brooke but the plans got cancelled so idk im prob gonna watch it by myself soon.

yeah ths is a lame post but im gonna be busy but towards the end of the month i'll be with friends one last time n i really want to go to disneyland again too

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