Sunday, March 29, 2015


sorry havent been blogging! been busy lately!!

last week was my last day of work. my boss bought me in n out and gave me a good bye present cuz she likes me XD i'm prob gonna see her tomorrow or the day after so she can do a henna tattoo on me again.

i had isabel cut my hair and do my roots again. we left the toner in too long so my hair turned a silver blue dish water looking color which is gross but its fading.  i slept over and did her nails too. before i left we watch FF advent children one last time to fangirl.

afterwards i saw julian a bit even though i was tired n looked gross. and after that i went to brookes even though i didnt really want to but she insisted. and sarah and rebekah were there!  but i was too tired to really care so wasnt really surprised and they seemed disappointed at my reaction.

i ended up sleeping over and we basically watched anime all night.

yup that sums up saying goodbye to everyone super close.

anyways i was originally going to do cherry blossom nails, then im like 'why not just make it hakuouki themed?' so heres my new hakuouki nails



i had my mom write their names in japanese but i did everything else. i was worried the cherry blossoms would look like normal flowers but i think they look pretty good. so proud of using my left hand *tear*

anyways so the past couple days ive been packing for japan. got most of my clothes packed still need to add shoes n other bulky stuff. only a few days left!! still hasnt really kicked in but waaahh im gonna be living on my own soon x.x

anyways heres a pic of my eye wearing my new contacts

arent they pretty?

Thursday, March 12, 2015


so heres my nails from a while ago!
i wanted to do radio active alien theme. just brigt colours n stuff. the green gel i bought its weird. like it keeps changing colours. its suppose to be a slime green colour which is what i wanted but sometimes its like a sea foam green and looks ugly. but yeah im prob removing them on sunday cuz its been like 3 weeks or so.

next im gonna do HAKUOUKI nails again cuz i was gonna do cherry blossoms but then im like mind as well do hakuouki then

anyways so on april 1st im going to japan!!!!!! for like ever!! well idk when im comig back but i'll prob be there for a while. i need to stock up on more hair products. my last day of work is the 22nd so i have like a week to pack n say bye. my boss really doesnt want me to go lol she was even trying to bribe me by paying money just so i dont go ahahahha.

and my new contacts came!
from circlelens2u. its twinkle rose pink. havent really tried them on. i put one in one eye for like 5 seconds but i guess it didnt soak long enough so was burning but from what i can tell they look good.

and today i chilled with brooke and we FINALLY watched the diabolik lovers OVA and omggg we were fangirling lol i need more friends like that. but waaahh its like 10 minutes so dumb its even shorter than the normal episodes ugguuu but at least theres gonna be a 2nd season

and i gave her diabolik lovers nails of her 2 fav boys

it looks better in person.

we were gonna watch the 2nd hakuouki movie together but next time ;P

Thursday, March 5, 2015


i would upload pictures of my nails but im too lazy so next time!

havent taken pics really cuz working or not really doing anything special

so, today is my 6th anniversary on this blog!!!! 6 YEARS!!! i was rereading some of the really ancient posts oh god so embarrassing. you can obv tell how old i was by the way i wrote n stuff. i wonder how long i'll have this blog? not that ppl really read it but its for me mostly to just look back on

so anyways, yup. the end of the month im moving to japan. all i need to do is buy a plane ticket. i think im gonna get a one way but idk i'll post more details in another post. im gonna be living on my own in a foreign country waaahhh!! i hope some talent agency picks me up and i be famous thats the DREAM but you know, i can only hope for the best.

and i bought new pink contacts so i hope it arrives soon. the diabolik lovers OVA came out last week but i still havent seen it cuz i was going to with brooke but the plans got cancelled so idk im prob gonna watch it by myself soon.

yeah ths is a lame post but im gonna be busy but towards the end of the month i'll be with friends one last time n i really want to go to disneyland again too