Wednesday, January 28, 2015


ok like a week ago or something brooke came over n i did her nails w/ gel. dont they look all professional-ish lol.

speaking of nails, ok i'm going to work at my old job again. i know i wrote how i hated it but i THINK i'll be okay this time. cuz im not working full time only part time. i'm only working there fri/sat/sun and 'll get 60% commission this time instead of 40%. so shorter hours n more pay. im not desperate for money or anything but since im not going to japan for a while mind as well make some cash. my boss said theyre short handed while she called about some tax thing so w/e. i start this friday. not looking forward to long hours again though...

oh and i bought a lot of 12 gel nail colours for like $8. 

anyways on saturday went to san diego n bought some gal mags. pretty sure nuts was on of those discontinued magazines, such a shame.

and so im taking a break from the first toki no kizuna cuz its taking too long n i need some ROMANCE so i'm playing the 2nd game again cuz its faster for some reason. playing kazutakes route hmmm im not sure about this guy. he just reminds me of a glasses character without glasses. he reminds me of that guy from amnesia just a hotter older brother version or something. well, we'll see..

n i was listening to the drama CD that came with the game again n drawing my bby senkimaru

dude i just can NOT draw him in his adult version, i make him look like a girl. so i guess his kid version is good enough

yeah i was just doodling then decided im gonna try to make it look cool halfway through so its not that perfect but w/e i still like it

omg and one more thing. im finallyyyyy watching all the kh2 cutscenes cuz i srsly dont remember half the stuff that happens and omg it hurts my heart so much!!!! especially the beginning with roxas cuz i know all the subgames and now its like auughhhh!!!

ok ima be quiet

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