Tuesday, June 24, 2014

doop doop

so you know nothin to really write about

hate my job....ugghhhuuuu i dont wanna go tommorow!!! its such a DRAG going. like literally everyday when i get in the car im just like 'i hate my life' and as im driving i see ppl walking their dogs n stuff on this nice beautiful day n im like 'why cant that be ME' instead of being trapped indoors al day touching feet

ughh i'll suck it up for like 2 more months....

anyways yesterday i was paint a co-workers toes 4th of july and as i was doing that there was some old-ish lady getting a fill. i finished so decided to go to the bathroom. when i got out to clean the spa the customer and a different co-worker were sorta arguing n im just like wats happening???? but didnt say anything cuz i dont wanna get caught up in this mess. idk i guess the worker took the customers credit card to get the payment since she took it out, and the lady just runs after her and slams her hand on the card and is like 'DONT TAKE MY CREDIT CARD' idk i wasnt there to witness it. by the time i got out the worker was just like 'im sorry' and shes like 'yeah u better be sorry'. idk then she left and everyones yelling at eachother like 'why were you just smiling and not defending me!?' and stuff then the lady comes back and we thought she messed up her nail or something but shes like 'i need to talk to that young lady' and she was like 'im sorry for what i said......but if i find anything suspicious on my card, i WILL find you and you will go to jail and get raped' like wtffff what 40 year lady says that to a 24 year old like come on. i was just like OHHH DAAAANGGGG. but yeah thats that.

she was just crazy.

anyway today, i brought my acrylic machine to practice on elizabeth but i forgot to bring the tips and the free forms were super crappy n didnt work well so i'll just try net time ahhh i dont want some scary old lady as a first acrylic client i hope its a teenager or really nice person. so i just painted elizabeths nails and took a short walk then she went home

and today i finaaaalllllyyy bought some nice coloured pencils wheeeeee. i just need to find time to draw T_T

hate my life...

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