Tuesday, May 27, 2014


ok so its official: I don't have a life anymore

srsly i dont have ANY free time since i started working. tuesdays are my day off so finally i got to stay home all day n relax like old times cuz the past day offs i went out somewhere. ahhh its so nice to just relax at home i miss it a lot ;(

like i get home around 8(mayybee 7:30 on a good day) everyday, then i eat dinner and shower then go on the computer then its like 11:30 n i go to bed. thats it. thats my life. i dont have time to watch tv, draw, play games, ANYTHING. gotta go on the computer cuz tumblr mostly lol.
i am SO jealous of the ppl that have the new hakuouki game for the ps3 like i TOTALLY wouldve bought it on preorder n stuff but dang i just wouldnt have time to play. i FINALLY decided to play dmc4 after having it for like a month since i actually have time today but i only played 2 levels. ill play more next week lol.

yeah i really dont think i can do this job. it seemed more fun before i actually started working. i wanna have a life at the same time. im prob gonna work til the end of summer. idk maybe things will get better idk how some ppl be doing this for 3 years @_@

i did my nails today. its powerpuff girl themed!!!! ill post a pic in my next post since i havent taken a pic yet. i need to put a gel topcoat tommorow so acetone wouldnt ruin it. just cuz i work at a nail salon doesnt mean i have to have crap nails like the other technicians. lets see how long these nails will last...............

so on this drama cd download site i requested yotogi banashi and the person actually uploaded it and ASDGHJL SO HAPPY

its like some snow white x wizard thing idk i only listened to the first track so far ill finish it tommorow but its good to try to fall asleep to. ughhhhhuuu if only i knew japanese so i can close my eyes n try to sleep while listening instead of reading a translation!

and its NOT r18 ahahhah idk how i even found out about this i dont remember but something drew me to this so i just really wanted to listen to the story ^_^ and i like snow white. one of my fav disney movies

last week i went to buy supplies for work n i had to spend $50 and didnt even get everything ughhh. idk that place seemed kinda expensive but idk. my paycheck was like $460 or so but i got like $130ish in tips for my first 2 weeks so its OK. now i have like almost $300 tips in cash ka-ching i love the feeling of having money so i bought these really cool bots online for $30 cant wait to get them even though its starting to get hot

my acrylic machine came in so ahhh gonna start getting acrylic clients soon! nervous!! i know what do do but idk just scared...

i miss my life

Saturday, May 10, 2014


sooo on monday was my first day of my first job. i was a bit nervous but im used to it already.
been doing a BUTTLOAD of pedicures. and only a few manis. no acrylics yet cuz i gotta learn how to use that machine DX ugggguuuuu i HATE how i have to buy my own stuff. i also hate how i need to pull my hair back cuz it gets in the way if i do pedis. like im not a ponytail person but guess i gotta be now. also i HATE how i can like NEVER have cool nails anymore cuz im always doing other ppls nails n mine get ruined...
today i ad to practice acrylic nails more..on my own hand which i hateeee. i didnt want to but i was forced to. i dont like wearing acrylics cuz i dont need them. my natural nails are long, healthy n strong. but acrylics ruin them. i put oil on my nail first so it wouldnt stick on that much n my manager said when i take it off it wouldnt ruin my nail, but my nails look like CRAP now. sigh.

my pay is pretty bad too. its commision of 40% right now, itll go up as time pass but you know. yeah i get tips n stuff but srsly minimum wage pays more than what i'm making. i work 10 hours a day n prob make around 20-30$(not including tip) pretty suckish right? well i only get paid if i get clients. if i dont get any i dont get money. ugghhh literally my whole paycheck is prob gonna be spent on equipment i need T_T even if i end up at 60% commission depending on what i did that day it prob be like 50-60$ only still.....

idk. is it worth it? my manager talks like everyone make big money but when i do that math it doesnt really seem like it.

my 2nd day was the worst. it was really busy after lunchtime til we closed n i did 5 pedicures nonstop. 6 hours straight of pedicures. my arms were SOOO sore from giving massages and my back was killing me. like my arm were numb, couldnt feel them. on the last client i was trying to hold back tears cuz i was so miserable. before i went home my manager was talking n i just start crying cuz im sooo tired and in pain. i didnt get to eat or drink cuz there was no time. ahggg and it was already like an hour after the shop was suppose to close. so she hugs n tries to comfort me. geez ive been such a baby lately...crying...not just the single tear but full on sobbing. yeah n when i get in the car i just let it all out cuz no one can hear me(hopefully) and i drink my water and take a few bites of my sandwich but i was just so SORE. i just stayed in the car crying for like 10 minutes cuz it wouldnt be good if im driving n start crying lol. when i got home my parents were worried cuz its late n when i explain to my mom i start crying more lol. omg this seems so pathetic but you dont even know how much i was suffering. so i had my mom massage my dead arms but she didnt really know how so it wa really wimpy massages n still crying on/off.

but after that day its been better...i'm just really slow at the procedures. im still working on it. the clients seem nice n understanding since im new. idk how some ppl finish pedicures in like 15 minutes. i take like 45 minutes cuz i wanna do a good job. the co workers seem nice. everyone besides one girl is old enough to be my mom. and everyone but me has an accent cuz im the only one with english as their native language. the vietmanese and chinese ladies omg their accents are really hard to understand. if i dont know wat they say i just smile n nod lol.

hmmm but i'll prob work for a couple months. maybe til the end of summer or something to get enough experience cuz idk if i can live like this. half the day at work, one day off each week. i come home at like 8 and eat dinner, shower, computer, bed. i wish the salon wasnt open everyday. hurrgg. but yeah maybe once i get better customers i'll like it better. cuz honestly i dont give a crap about doing acrylics. its nail art that i LOVE. so hopefully ppl will come to me for that.

now for not job related stuff:
on tuesday since i had a day off julian came over n i cut his hair. i still need practice doing guy hair. i like cutting hair. its fun. i need my roots done. isabel better be able to do it on monday. oh yeah so anyways jlian let me borrow DMC4 cuz ive been wanting to play that game since 8th grade but now that i have it omg i srsly will NEVER have time to play it cuz im always working!!!! and when i get home i go on the computer. i dont got tiiime for the TV anymore. but on my day off maybe. i still gotta finish hakuouki AND BBS aaahhggg and some rpg horro games to how did i get so backed up?

oh and like last week isabel would reblog this thing on tumblr that ive been wanting to know wat its from for like 2 years and i now now its litchi hikari club and OMG ITS THE MOST MESSED UP MANGA I HAVE EVER READ. like i thought higurashi was bad but no, this is WAY worse. just whhyyyyy wats wrong with these ppl. they are MIDDLE SCHOOLERS. but at the same time, i like it lol. omg its really disturbing but there were lots of feels too(good and bad). i liked it. i want to read bokura hikari club or w/e its the the same story but different? but i refuse to read that at night cuz i wont be able to sleep. but i get off at 2 tomorrow so i can read it!!!! if i remember lol. if anyone is reading this post pleaaassseee read it. but brace urself. its really bad.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


soooooo last week my seifuku came in!!!! wheee!!! its the first cosplay i've bought and only $11.50 TOTAL!

and the quality is better than i expected.  thought itd be supperrrr crap material n stuff since its so cheap, i mean its not THAT great but i think its ok :) and fits perfectly!

ok so the past few days my life has been a swirling vortex of pain and suffering. soooo i went to an interview for a nail salon cuz i like doing nails. and the ppl there seemed nice n stuff(even though they are way older than me) but IDK. like the manager was like 'everyone working here is only manicurists and the past cosmetologist usually end up wanting to do hair more in the end' and i just kept thinking about it. like that really opened my eyes for 'is this what i REALLY want?'. but idk she made me kinda take some clients to see how god i was before she hired me so i had to put back some rhinestones on this lady's hand, do gel nails on a workers fingers to show i know how to do it, and do nail art. and shes like mkay i'll call you.

but when i got back home i was very confused...because i like hair AND nails and maybe i should be doing hair cu i have a license for it, not for just nails. and my mom prefers me working with hair. so i'm confused and even being on tumblr i still felt sad n stuff so in my room i decided to pray for some help for the right choice then i just start crying. idk why but i lost it and i felt so pathetic for crying at something like this.

so the next day the lady called offering the job but  was like 'hey u know ive been thinking about what you said n can i get some time to think about my answer?' and it was fine but i only had like 2 days but anyways that same day i went to the mall's hair salon to try to see the manager for an interview, but she wasnt there and the position i was going to take but filled but another was avalible so i tried applying for that. but idk i NEVER get calls back for hair salons. i feel they want experience but dont got any. but anyways at the mall i bought some crcle sunglasses cuz ive been wanting some for a while now

i like them!!!!

so anyways after a LONG though i decided to take the nail salon job since they are offering. but idk, i like doing nails but mainy nail art. i dont care about doing acrylics and stuff. and idk after i told her that, i was like 'is this really wat i want?' cuz i dont feel excited or anything.....maybe im just nervous cuz its my first job? yeah so i have to work from 9:30-7:30 uggguuu thats 10 hours straight and idk about days off cuz the salon is open every day. im going to be SO exhausted when i get home from now on. goodbye sleeping in til 11 T_T