Monday, January 13, 2014


time for a REAL post!

 here my current nails!
i havent done white in a while tried adding pearls n stuff for elegance but cant see too well. most of the pearls fell off already too :/

i have been drawing a LOT so heres some recent work
 "bookmarks" that i will never use. i made chibi scary ppl and omg im in love with drawing chibi ones now theyre so adorbs!!

and heres some progression stuff idk. dude this actually took a LONG time to finish
was working on it idkk maybe 5-6 hours???

 i really shouldve used better paper. i used normal printing paper so it keeps curling up n stuff but w/e got a decent pic. BUT HER EYES! they're too big looking(in my opinion)

i also made some elf prince painting but i havent finished it yet. prob should get back to that soon...

ok technicaly its "last month's" issue but idc it has hakuouki on the cover n comes with hakuouki badges n thats like my fav series so im so happy!!

its a bday present from my mommy ^_^ so many bishies inside!!!

and after like 5 months, i FINALLY got my state board retake date! its feb 6th!
*wimpering* ahh im so scared if i failed again omg i srsly dont know WHAT id do. i need to start going back to skool and study cuz i havent practiced since september. i'll first try to do it by myself having someone watch to see how much i remember but yeah aurgh i HAVE to pass...I HAVE TO!!!!!

i just hope luck is on my side this year cuz it sure wasnt last year @_@


and currently drama CDs are my LIFE
shukan soine<3 bbys="" my="" p="">i listened to some yandere heaven on omg wow. idk id never go for those freaky crazy obsessed guys but i cant help but laugh when they start yelling. and some of the stories are pretty scary o_o like ppl lock you up and tie you to a chair and stuff or some guy you live with is stalking you and his room is full of ur pictures O__o
and last night  discovered kindan vampire and OMG the newest guy has the same voice as my hub kazama from hakuouki eeeeeeppp!!!!!!! i must find the full CD!!!!

ok bye.

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