Sunday, January 19, 2014

New circle lens!!

for new years i bought some circle lens from uniqso cuz they were having a sale and these were only $9! but with shipping it was like $14 but its still really cheap!!

its barbie sugar candy brown

it gives a really dolly look! the brown blends in my brown, thought it pop out a bit more, but its ok cuz this time i was trying to go for a more natural brown just make my eyes look bigger and it def does

it sas its like 16.2mm but idk i dont actually measure these but theyre pretty big!!

but really comfy too. right when i put it in my eye i didnt feel anything o.o

i like these lens!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


i forgot to mention this in previous post but last week i saw frozen in 3D it was ok. i liked tangled better. i dont understand why everyone is freaking out over the movie but OKAY.

anyways yesterday was my birthday. im 20 now!! AAAAHHHHHG
not a teen no more. feel old. got responsibilities n stuff to deal with now gross

for my bday i went back to skool to get a facial and my roots done. i have to go back on saturday to practice state board and get my hair trimmed and maybe do anime nails on isabel lol

after my hair was done ate at red lobster with my mom and i was so hungry cuz i didnt get a chance to eat all day

and when we came back brooke spent the night and i forced her to download the kamisama kiss game eeep!
man it was all complicated n stuff. good thing my mom speaks translate so she helped with the registeration stuff and i did but i still didnt get wat my ID was??? then i found out you dont even need to register to play AUGH. you can play in a guest account thing so we did and yeah at first it kept freezing when we tried playing routes n stuff but IDK HOW i was able to play the prologue but somehow i was able to and good thing im up to the lastest chapter of the manga so i know everything that goes on so i understood whats happening even though im only able to half translate it.
GEH. i need a phone T_T idc about texting n stuff i just wanna play this game(and other dating sims hurhur)

then we stayed up til 3 talking about boys n ppl from skool and stuff

in da morning i wanted to dress all kawaii so did our makeups and i dressed skoolgirl-ish brooke brought her uniform but didnt dress in it cuz her mom was picking her up soon :/ next week we are going to make those anime cakes @_@

 my face looks kinda weird but i like my pose ~

yeah while she was waiting for her mom i'm just like taking pics of myself hahaha
my hair looks darker now cuz the toner they used yesterday was a level 7 but i usually use level 9 but watever it will wash out
 im starting to master the wink

yesh i didnt really get presents but its ok i got some money. still waiting for those circle lens i bought :I

Monday, January 13, 2014


time for a REAL post!

 here my current nails!
i havent done white in a while tried adding pearls n stuff for elegance but cant see too well. most of the pearls fell off already too :/

i have been drawing a LOT so heres some recent work
 "bookmarks" that i will never use. i made chibi scary ppl and omg im in love with drawing chibi ones now theyre so adorbs!!

and heres some progression stuff idk. dude this actually took a LONG time to finish
was working on it idkk maybe 5-6 hours???

 i really shouldve used better paper. i used normal printing paper so it keeps curling up n stuff but w/e got a decent pic. BUT HER EYES! they're too big looking(in my opinion)

i also made some elf prince painting but i havent finished it yet. prob should get back to that soon...

ok technicaly its "last month's" issue but idc it has hakuouki on the cover n comes with hakuouki badges n thats like my fav series so im so happy!!

its a bday present from my mommy ^_^ so many bishies inside!!!

and after like 5 months, i FINALLY got my state board retake date! its feb 6th!
*wimpering* ahh im so scared if i failed again omg i srsly dont know WHAT id do. i need to start going back to skool and study cuz i havent practiced since september. i'll first try to do it by myself having someone watch to see how much i remember but yeah aurgh i HAVE to pass...I HAVE TO!!!!!

i just hope luck is on my side this year cuz it sure wasnt last year @_@


and currently drama CDs are my LIFE
shukan soine<3 bbys="" my="" p="">i listened to some yandere heaven on omg wow. idk id never go for those freaky crazy obsessed guys but i cant help but laugh when they start yelling. and some of the stories are pretty scary o_o like ppl lock you up and tie you to a chair and stuff or some guy you live with is stalking you and his room is full of ur pictures O__o
and last night  discovered kindan vampire and OMG the newest guy has the same voice as my hub kazama from hakuouki eeeeeeppp!!!!!!! i must find the full CD!!!!

ok bye.

Friday, January 10, 2014

when did i become so pathetic

i discovered this MAGICAL drama CD series called shukan soine(sleepy boyfriends) LOL but omg my body is not ready. words cant describe it you just need to listen to it for yourself. its magic. i feel like such an old lonely loser listening to this but aughh

ok yeah boys should listen to this too and take some notes hahaha cuz i doubt REAL ppl are like that but my fictional boyfriends are so sweet. omg im so lame im so sorry. hnnng but im def going to buy a cd next time in japan lol

yeah thats all xD

Friday, January 3, 2014

stupid stuff(just ignore this)

its like 1 am so im gonna make a super pointless post but w/e

so im playing tokimeki memorial again cuz its an on/off thing and omg talking to this guy is like looking in a mirror

like we are literally the same person lol

we even got the same birthday.if i were a guy this is who i'd be. ima try to do his route on my other account cuz its funny seeing what he says and how its something i would say

dude why do they always make capricorn ppl like all flirtacious and romance-y. the guy from starry sky is like that too but i'm totally not like that. well idk maybe i never had a bf...would i be like that if i did??? idk

ahhh n i hate how im trying so hard to get the main guy but then someone else likes me instead DX

ok well i'll stop talking about fictional guys again til next time