Saturday, August 3, 2013


so its been a pretty normal week. still a bit sick, coughing still not really blowing my nose anymore

today was an innocent day, just doing the assessment of cutting an A-line haircut and i was in da zone

then around 9:45ish i hear a loud screeching sound and glass breaking and i thought a shelf fell over but then i see the entrance's glass falling apart and a car through the door and im like 'wat just happened?' 

then everyone starts running towards the front and yeah. a lady was driving and instead of breaking she pushed the gas and this happened

everyones just staring then ppl are murmuring wats going on and is she ok n stuff and the car is smoking n everything then our teachers are yelling 'get back!! get back!!'  

yeah everyone was taking pictures i didnt have my camera so used ppls pics from fb watever

crasheed through the front and some of the sidewall to the esthetician's room was broken, and appearantly ppl were using the bed getting bikini waxes right next to the crashed part how scary
n our teacher was yelling at us to get outside to the back so everyone got out and was talking
no one really got hurt except the driver i guess her arm's skin was torn off >_<
the ambulance came shortly afterwards and the ppl in stores next to us were asking wat happened n stuff

then we waited like an hour then they said we can go home cuz i mean, cant really take clients with our door all shattered like that

so got to go home around 11 but arugh somethings wrong with my ear it better not be an infection

i read stuff on yahoo answers n alot of ppl say it happened after they got a cold n its mucus buildup cuz my left ear has pressure but wont pop n it bugs. it better go away

then after i ate lunch i got an incredibly painful migraine so i napped for an hour and its kinda better im suppose to go to julians bday party today i can prob go but we'll see. 

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