Wednesday, January 4, 2012

happy new year! + tons of stuff

omg im sooo sorry i havent posted in forever DX
my computer is fixed now, hopefully doesnt crash again....

but i have lots to write about!!!

ok so kinda late but this is wat i got 4 christmas lol
  and since i got tons of money i bought lots of stuff over the holidays!!!

over break so far i havent really done much. the first week was the worst. i did NOTHING. i ended up continuing to read a manga online lol and it was getting pretty intense but i decided to take a break from that.

i got bored so i made some jewelry stuff.
the bow was from a hair tie that i never used and the rings are my decoden stuff that i glued to rings. its a black skull btw, the angle isnt that good.

i also had my friend come over and we made some cookies together which was lots of fun. 

i really wanted to get out of my house and go far away so i begged my mom to take me to china town down at LA. suprisingly i hardly took any pictures there, too busy looking around. but i managed to get a pretty good shot.
 they were selling a lot of stuff for the chinese new year, but i only bought clothes lol.

the thing i dont like about tht place is that when you look around the shops the shopkeepers go up to you and ask what size sweater your looking at and if you want it in a dif colour even though ur just browsing. plus, when you ask how much something is, some of them have super chinese accents so its really hard to understand what they said.

but they have pretty cheap clothes/accessories and you can haggle the prices too.

i bought these boot there and i thought the lady said they were $13 but they were actually $30 but i didnt have enough so she asked how much i had and i said $24 so she took that and i got my bootz. i ran out of money really fast lol

stuff i bought there:

Garu cellphne strap. its soo cute! his head is a bell. i miss that show

 le sweater. thiswas suppose to be $12 but i couldnt understand the lady an thought she said $10 so she let me buy it for $10 yay

and then this vest. i pretty much only bought it cuz it reminds me of stuff visual kei bands would wear and such. i like those fancy/elegants clothings.
it was $5. there was this place that states it sells clothes from forever21, charlotte russe, ect and everything is under $5 except jeans but honestly the majority of the clothes sucked. there were these shorts i liked though, but they didnt have changing rooms so couldnt try it on.

and before going home stopped by little tokyo too but just for groceries...
but we did get cream puffs mmmm.

i was "resting" in the car on the way home so my eyes were closed and i had my circle lenses in so when i would open my eyes they would burn and become super sensitive to light and i went to bed at 9...during break gasppp thats too early. but even when i woke up they wrre still red but once i put in eyedrops they were better.

and last night i slept over hasnas house and we played super mario brothers for the wii til 3 a.m. then watched candid camera videos on youtube til 5 a.m. then went to sleep. idk, usually by 2 we're bother uber tired but i prob couldve stayed up all night, we both werent tired lol.
heres a pic of mwah since i havent posted one in a while kk till next time everyone!

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