Tuesday, November 1, 2011


halloween was a blast! i decided to dress up for school since the weather seemed pretty nice.

yeah my outfit. im school girl again lolz
ugg ignore my face. i dont take good pics from far away

i went trick or treating with isabel this year but we still went to elizabeths neighborhood cuz mine is just too deserted. there were these really strange ppl giving out candy this year, perhaps they were there last year too but i didnt notice it o.O

lol good timesssss imitating the ppl of the anime club with thier fake high pitch voices XD i didnt really get scared except this time when we were walking to get candy when this BLACK CAT(not that it matters) appears outta nowhere and runs in front of us. oohhh bad luck. oh well.

there was this one creepy person whos house we went to and dang shouldve asked for a pic with him/her.  like...skeleton-ish neon lights..idk cant explain it. but yeah. that person was weird.

ok weird face again but all the other ones with me n isabel came out blurry -_-"

but yeah left at like 7 and came back at 8:30ish. got lots of candyyy but prob wont eat it all :P


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