Thursday, June 9, 2011


so i spent the last couple days at camp agaiiin.

i guess it wasnt all that bad this time. the bathrooms were actually pretty nice(which is uuuuubbber rare)

we left here at 10 and got there at 3 -_-" such a long ride. i was dying in the car.
the theme is "camp cupcake"....i ate more candy ths week than i have for the past 3 months or so. i feel disgusting. by the second day, i was like 'im over candy'

didnt do all that much the first day, mostly just getting settled and relaxing. at night me n samantha went and layed down on the ground and were looking @ the stars. they were so pretty! i kick myself for not bringing my constellation guide. but didnt see the milky way cuz the moon was out D:

but zomg, when it was time to sleep, i knew that i'd be the last one to sleep, but i srsly didnt even sleep at all! my part of the tent was next to this tree thing and whenever the wind would blow, the tent would rub on the tree making this crackling noise and i was like WTF at the time and thought something was wrong with my ears. it was so quiet i could hear my little clock necklce i was FREEZING. it was indeed a terrible night.
in the morning we had to wake up at like 7:30 bleh. i hate waking up early.
we had to go on this really retarded hike up this one hill. i hate hiking.
there was lots of free time that day so i did brookes nails, and i brought my magazines of course but stupid bug spray got all over this one issue boo hoo
we made these paperdolls and idk. i just feel like showing ya all a picture of it :P i like the eyes
yeah so more free time. oh yeah i decided to try to take a nap during the day. ahhh got a good hour and half of semi-sleeping. i felt pretty recharged after that

as suprising as it seems, the food that was being served was actually good for once o_O
at night we had to do these skits. lol our group was so retarded-funny. but i dont think the audience got the joke parts. me n brookes part was "dirty dancing" and we were throwing dirt as we danced saying 'dirty dancing! dirty dancing!" it was pretty funny, but no one laughed...

at night, still didnt fall asleep right away, but def got some shut eye. i was tired. my eyes hurt.
the third day didnt wear any make up cuz i was like 'whatever'.

that day we went white water rafting. it was really fun!!! the guide ppl were like making it seem all scary when they were explaining things. but it was easy. it just kinda hurt when u had to secure your feet between the boat(hard to explain) and it was kinda scar cuz you werent strapped to anything and had to sit on the edge of the raft.

oh yeah plus u had to wear wet suites. daang those things are actally pretty heavy. we wore bathing suite, wetsuit, jcket thing, then life jacket and helmet. and i tell u, u were sweating in those. so the water felt really refreshing. the water is like ice cold but in the wet suit its kinda cold for a second but then you get used to it.

i went two rounds, but then i started not feeling weel. i wouldve gone again to the level 4 rapids, but my stomach hurt really bad so i went bad to the camp area. it was gas pain again XDDDD

dont judge.

while everyone was still rafting i made lots of bracelets and rings.
and omg haha. free time again---> me, brooke and hannah wer making a music video. brooke was beatboxing and hannah was rapping. brooke is actually really good at beatboxing, im so jelous. i need to put all the clips together to make the video then i will upload it lol!

at night there were the testimonies again. i didnt cry at all at first. but i decided to go up and say mine even tho i didnt know what to say. but then i just start crying outta no where in front of everyone(how embarrassing!) like, its gotta be the fire thats the cause cuz u know, you look at fires when u talk to unleash inner truth or something like that.

and i got a lot of bug bites during camp D:
got a good night sleep and left the next day at 10. once i got home took a shower. feel ssssoooooooo much better after doing that.


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