Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmazzz

no pics again. my good comp keeps crashing....

but anyways during the break so far havent done much so didn't post anyways.

yesterday went shopping with hasna and bought somes clothes from forever21 and a sweets keychain thing at this japanese store.

for christmas today i got hello kitty pajamas, a strawberry body spray, make up and $50. i also got $100 from my grandma or maybe it was my mom im not sure lol.

anyways chyeaa hope everyone has a good christmas and winter break!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


So today was Finals day 1. ya know, this year im pretty chill about finals since i actually have pretty good grades, but i really hope i can maintain my A's. yes only one day left till winter break!! so excited! im off for 3 weeks!! gonna be buying lots of stuff(hopefully).

on other note:
on saturday, i had my friend bleach part of my hair so it'd be blonde but i didnt work. it looks da same but now that area is just more orange than the rest D: but it totally looked blonde when the bleach was still on wtf. but over winter break for sure gonna re-try this :P

Saturday, December 10, 2011


so as you know me n my exchange student got to go to disneyland yaaay! it was SO much fun. i was really happy to go ^_^

well i thought i was gonna be the only host going with the pplz cuz my friend couldnt go, but someone else decided to go to so i hung out with her.

omg the bus we went on was amazing. way better than friggin school buses. this was all deluxe and had comfy seats and air conditioning and light switches and everything. ahhh on the way there i felt like i was on a japanese field trip XD it was so awesome! and me n my friend christina were just talking about anime on the way there lol.

disneyland was all decked out for the holidays so it was really cool being there. appearantly i went during christmas when i was little but i dont reember anything.
close up of the disney castle with snow and christmas decorations!
we went on space mountain first. the wait was only 10 minutes GOOD. i guess since it was a monday not as much people arre there so for most rides we didnt need to wait more than 20 minutes. omg but anyways on space mountain all i would hear is christina screaming so for the last half of the ride i just start laughing lol. but oh god, the picture turned out HORRIBLE so am not posting :P

we then went on autopia but zomggg the car in front of the car in front of us(if that makes sense) was SO FLIPPING SLOW. like, it was some old guy or something taking pictures by himself while driving and ugh i just wanted to step on the gas pedal so badly. and then for a short second the car in front broke down but then restarted. lol i thought it was going to be a re-enactment of last year XD

then matterhorn. i actually took a video of the whole ride but didnt feel like uploading it. i was holding on with 1 arm and the arm that was holding on hurt so badly after the ride ended cuz all the turning and everything stretched out my muscles or somethin.

and @ toontown. honestly toontown is really boring in my opinion but the azns wanted to go so we went. took a pic with yumi and oneof her friends wanted to take a pic with me too lol. gosh i look so bad. so the students went and looked around the shops then went to pirates and they added captain blackbeard from the 4th movie in the ride.

and also small world!!!!! ok yeah its a baby ride but i like it. plus it was all christmas-y inside and look so awesome! theres a video @ the end to see what i mean ;P

lol i dont remember ride orders but whatevers!

this was the last ride i went on. it was just me n christna cuz the exchange students didnt wanna go im just talking about it now cuz i took a pic of this in mid-day. its haunted mansion ta da! its all nightmare before christmas themed!(which is one of my fav movies btw) so obv i HAD to go, but the wait was 40 minutes! o__O on nlormal days it'd be 10 tops. so got a fast pass. the fastpass line was long too so i decided to go buy me a rootbeer float while my friend waited in line. but by the time i got back she was gone but then i saw her right at the enterance. she said she already missed twoturns and we couldve been on the ride by now oops. but hey it was SO COOL LIKE OMG. i think they should keep the haunted mansion like this permanently.

we also went on thunder mountain and no hands the whole time XD i love that roller coaster. andthank goodness splash mountain was actually open today. christina doesnt like water rides and this one girl who got really freaked out on space mountain didnt wanna go on so it was me and the other students oh yea. brings back so many memories*tears*
lol the pic. i ALWAYS look deformed in the pictures wtf.  but lol to the girl doing peace sign.
oh and i sat in the back so didnt get wet ;P actually all of them hardly got wet which is really suprising for that ride

afterwards we all went to go eat and i ordered some fish n chips which was really yummy. i wanted to eat soup in a bread bowl though T_T

we got fastpasses for indiana jones(which i hate) and still had a little bit of time before we could go on so we went in tarzans tree house. i think that was my first time on there, cuz i dont remember otherwise. and once we got on time for that horrid ride.

throughout all my years @ disneyland i have never been able to keep my eyes open in that ride. this time i got a little farther than usual but then closed them lol. my friends like 'open ur eyes! open ur eyes!' and im just shaking my head saying no no no! so lets see, i saw a little bit of the begging then the part when the boulder is coming toward you, then i closed my eye again then the ride was over XD
after that, me n christina split away from the exchange students cuz all they wanted to do was shop. so we just walked around and took a pic in front of the lake thing waiting for it to get dark so the lights will come on.

once its dark, its picture time.

disney castle. the stupid guard ppl were closing it off right when we got there but i took a pic XD
and i knew small world would be decked out so i like ran over there. it was SO pretty. i wish i can stare at the real thing forever. too bad houses arent all lit up like this 

its pretty gay how we had to leave at six cuz we had to go home at 8.
so at 5_10ish me n christina were just walking around shopping/trying to find the others

there was this minnie coin purse i saw at the beginning of the day and i was pretty tempted to buy it. then i saw it again at these stores so was like 'wat the hey' and bought it. but i wished the string couldve been longer. i'll adjust it one of these days.
so we ended up finding them and had to leave disneyland D: so much fun T_T so back on the luxury bus and we were playing truth or dare with the exchange students but they didnt like the game. and got back home at 8 and went to bed. it REALLY sucked how i had to go to school the next day. i did not wanna get up early at all!
but that day was the last day with yumi T_T
at night there was a sayonara party and there was tons of activities and stuff.

like, i had some of the students draw me some anime characters and stuff XD
then there were booths were some would write ur name in chinese characters or something
my mom who can read this stuff too says they spelled my name all wrong and stuff but in japan they dont have that "C" sound so they would call me 'sandy' or 'shindy' or something like that. 

annd i got to learn how to make an origami shuriken. the paper wasall tiny andthe person kept going all fast on the steps but i managed to make this oh yea
and next to the origami booth was some weird card game where ppl would slap card on the table or something. and some kids were really getting into it and cards would go flying everywhere o__o

anyways heres me n yumi again(omg i look terrible. bad lighting)
and then a little after that we left and drove her around to look at christmas lights cuz appearantly in japan ppl dont decorate their houses for christmas. she also told me they have to go to school on christmas wtfff.  but yeah so she liked the houses alot
and she gave me my middle name written in her kanji or watever it is. and then i gave her a goodbye note that i wrote in japanese even though its like all incorrect but she gets what i mean lol.

and i was tired and went to sleep(still exhausted from disneyland) and in the morning before i left school i said goodbye to her cuz she'll be gone by the time i come home D: its sad and lonely here w/o her. i REALLY wanted to do gyaru makeup on her but she dont wear makeup. i need an azn friend i can do makeup to lol

anyways yeah, uber long post bye!

and inside small world

Saturday, December 3, 2011


so my exchangestudent[yumi] got to come 2 school with me on thur&friday. she seemed kinda bored :/ i would be too.

on friday they were in the christmas parade. i got there kinda late and my friend who SAID she was gonna watch decided to walk with them. but by the time i got there they were already walking. so here i was, all alone in the freezing cold watch the parade myself. but actually, it wasn that bad(being alone i mean)

i took bad quality pictures..enjoy

only uploaded the ones which looked best. omg so when i got there i was in the middle of the area and took freakin FOREVER to get to the end. when i called my friend who was walking she said she was just to the part i had just come from -_-" but i eventually saw them after like 30 minutes lol. i walked with yumi for another 30 minutes or so even tho the parade was over cuz we had to get picked up. it was fun though

then today we decided to go the some mall in san deigo cuz its really big.
here i am snappin pictures in the dressing room XD

 i actually really liked this jumper. i thought it was a dress at first but still ahh. it was on sale so only $25 and was the Guess brand. I regret not getting it...

and @ apple store showing my mom and yumi the techonolgy of the era lol

i didnt buy clothes, but i went to lots of shoe stores. lately, ive really been looking for boots and stuff. There was one store with this amazing sale of buy 2 pairs for $10 holy crap. there were these flower print heels i really wanted but my freak kankles were too chubby so it couldnt tie around T_T

but at charlotte russe it was happy hour and i got my dream shoes for $15!

 ok maybe it'd be better if it wasnt open toed but watevers i still love it! my mom doesnt let me get high heels so i was suprised she let me get them :P

and there was this designer store of Betsy Johnson and omggggg i would srsly buy everything in there if i had the money. it was like the PERFECT dress up clothes and ahhgg wish i had monies DX no, wish that place was cheaper DX

after we finished looking @ teh mall, went tp japan town and at mitsuwa got a free book thing of Tsubasa Masuwaka's Dollywink technique thing

then went home. 

got all tired n cold but the car was nice and warm ^_^

and forgot to mention dis but when i bought the shoes there was also this thing where if u buy something u can get free jewelry and i did

ive ALWAYS wanted an armour ring. maybe noy so sparkly like this(prefer more punk looking ones) but i am happy with this too! besides it was freeeEEeEEeEEeE!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

exchange student n stuff

So as i said, here are my nails. I got lazy so i used stickers XP

ok anyways got my exchange student Yumi and she is really nice but also shy. i still dont have a pic of her but i will eventually and post it or something. she likes anime just like meeeeee. tommorow she gets to come to school with me! im so excited!

before she arrived though, i got bored and made a bow with a scarf. i'll upload a how-to on youtube soon!

ok so Yumi gave me presents from Japan!
they are rice crackers, a planner book thing, slippers, candy, and a fan.

i really like them XD i was showing her all my little anime collections and my japanese magazines and she recognized some of the models lol. i also did her nails :)

the exchange students have afternoon activities and todays was just chillin at the mall so me n keyra and christina and some other ppl who had exchange students too went with them and just walked around having fun!
its been FOREVER since ive been at the mall and i FINALLY got to go in this japanese store there. i bought some fake lashes. they had the dollywink brand too but it coss too much in america XD

i bought this. it was $2 here(i bought cuz it was cheap lol) but i bet its only 100 yen in japan. i will wear it tommorow. and the christmas deecorations were at the mall already so all of us gathered and took a pic in front of the christmas tree, but i look bad so am not upload lol

and we went shopping more then a bit later hadto go bck to the tree cuz thats where the students get picked up so i got to see all the other sudents(well, most at least) and my mom said that when they saw me they were saying in japanese how pretty i looked and i saw all the boys kept looking at me n stuff. and christinas exchange student when i met her said i was kawaii haha. and then when i met yumi at the tree she told me that some boy thinks im pretty n everything XD

i try. i really do.

well, i'll be postig more soon! ad on monday get to go to disneyland whoop!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


my eye with no fake lashes and little makeup!

so thanksgiving break. i didnt do much. went shopping a little and bought some make up ;)

but most of the break i stayed home and watched movies oh yeah free movie channels.

ohhh i re-dyed my hair so it kinda looks a litlle lighter and did new nails!!! i'll post a pic in the next post or something

tommorow im getting my exchange student wheee!!! im goin to disneyland with them XD

oh and my mom bought the game i borrowed from my friend that helps me learn japanese coolio

Monday, November 21, 2011


yaaay its FINALLY thanksgiving break. about time!

so in exactly 1 week i get my japanese exchange student yaaayz! so excited!
ive been practicing my japanese ;P

on other note: dont really have much to say so yea

Friday, November 11, 2011

therapist [THE RAPIST]

^_^ hi.

um so here me with my pink contacts but u prob cant really tell. i forgot to mention in my review they kinda look purple-ish at times. but they r uber comfy.

and since its autum i tried doing an autumn-ish nail design. its swirls and leafs. i think they look like christmas ornaments for some reason.
and then i kinda got back into decoden and made some jewelry

my necklaces. the skull one with roses its awwwwwsome.

and im starting to have this weird obsession with unicorns o___O oh wait its not a unicorn on my necklace but a pony...but same thing @_@
sorreh the pic is like upside down didnt feel like rotating it.

its an eyeball ring!
then for the japanese culture club we had this buffet thing and i brought mochi but i guess i shouldve added more sugar -_-"
yeah only like a few ppl brought food..loosers. anyways the peeps i hang out with in there(except the guy...hes stalking the girl looking away)

and on other note:

enjoying the three day weekend and time change...soo soo lovely!

and today when i went to san diego i bought a sum 41 CD cuz it was only $1 lol!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


ok watever i guess ill leave pictures big now on idc anymore

anyways my PINK contacts came in today!!!!(yesterday actually)

this time i bought them from because they had a promotion that all lense were $7(with $3 shipping) so $10 total! that is an AMAZING deal, compared to $25 what i usually pay for. that promotion is over but they are still really cheap cuz the site is new still

the only downside is that they dont have a large variety of lense and so far they only sell geo medical brands. plus they go by batches so it might take a while for the batch to fill so who knows how long it will take to recieve ur lense. it took about a month to get mine

but so here they are! the are Geo Medical super magic color XCH-627(super nudy pink)
they come with a contact case too. too bad its not a cute animal one but it has pink so it matches my lenses
they are 14.8mm so even bigger than my green ones(14.5mm)...still not a big fan of huge lenses or anything, but when i put them on they dont look all that bad

when i told my friends i got pink lens they were like 'PINK!??? ew.' but its not like some obnoxious pink or anything. its very subtle but u can still tell they r pink, but from far away they look like a light brown which i like cuz i dont want obv super fake pink eyes ya know

yeah bathroom lighting aint the best. they r kinda pixel-y so it blends in with the eye and these types of circle lense are ment to create a halo effect on the eye

i put them on after school but it kinda hurt wearing them. maybe there was dirt in my eye or something but im sure ill get used to it

yup bye!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


halloween was a blast! i decided to dress up for school since the weather seemed pretty nice.

yeah my outfit. im school girl again lolz
ugg ignore my face. i dont take good pics from far away

i went trick or treating with isabel this year but we still went to elizabeths neighborhood cuz mine is just too deserted. there were these really strange ppl giving out candy this year, perhaps they were there last year too but i didnt notice it o.O

lol good timesssss imitating the ppl of the anime club with thier fake high pitch voices XD i didnt really get scared except this time when we were walking to get candy when this BLACK CAT(not that it matters) appears outta nowhere and runs in front of us. oohhh bad luck. oh well.

there was this one creepy person whos house we went to and dang shouldve asked for a pic with him/her.  like...skeleton-ish neon lights..idk cant explain it. but yeah. that person was weird.

ok weird face again but all the other ones with me n isabel came out blurry -_-"

but yeah left at like 7 and came back at 8:30ish. got lots of candyyy but prob wont eat it all :P


Saturday, October 29, 2011

is it chinese or asian?

OMG so sorreh havent posted in forever. my good computer keeps crashing gaah.

so i have a ton to write about since i havent been able to for like 2 weeks....

dating back a while ago when i went to san diego, i bought an anime magazine...mostly cuz it came with this CD

its some code geass episode soundtrack thing. i have yet to test it to see if it works or not

and @ school there was some famous comuic guy that came cuz hes holding some art contest. i went over to him to ask him 4 an autograph to make my friend jelous and instead he gives me a comic book and signed it yaay!

eventhough im not into that DC/marvel super hero stuff, its still cool i guess

plus since its almost halloween i obv did my nails a halloween theme

the eyeball is the coolest one(opinion). took me like an hour or so to do. chyeaa

now back to that art contest thing i mentioned. it was to create ur own original character so i decided to enter.  for once, i actually spent a decent amount of time working on it.

i didnt win first or anything, and i didnt really think i would. but i got honorable mention which im glad i got(cuz i had to redraw my person 4 times so if i didnt get SOME type of credit id be piiiisssseeed)

and i got a prize for that. another comic book....again...not really into these types of comics but its free so yea.

and heres the character i drew. i posted a pic of him on here like a year or 2 ago but i DOUBT anyone remembers/read my blog back then.
 and no offense to the ppl that won but...they SUCKED(drawing-wise that is) but i suppose it IS about the character, not just art skill. however there was one particular drawing who really didnt deserve a placeement cuz it was just too ordinary *sigh*

and then on youtube i was watch videos of all these cool character bentos so i thought to myself 'hey, i should make one of these!' so i did..well actually my mom did, but i helped her kinda.

its my melody. i brought it to school to eat and everybody thought it was cool oh yea.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


ok so over the weekend got siick. idk why, but for SOME REASON....i always seem to get sick on fridays and on the weekend but once its monday then im better! WTFFF

but i wasnt ok on monday...i shouldve stayed home. instead i stayed home on tuesday but whatever!

yesterday 4 mutrual decored cupcakes and got to wear halloween costumes. i just put on wat i wore last year cuz thats most likely wat im gonna be again unless the maid outfits get finished before.

so heres me luffly cupcakes. they look better than they taste -_-"

and im buying new contacts YAY! im buying pink ones from some dif website since theres some promotion thing where all contacts are $7 with $3 shipping. thats an AMAZING deal. too bad they dont have lots of coolio contacts that i want. its all one brand so i guess i cant be too picky.

make up. i should do this going to school. on youtube i saw some visual kei band thing with an UBER hot singer so i was like ' gonna go "heavy" makeup' but i wouldnt call this visual make up....

oh and uhh i had this for a while but i guess i'll post this anyways...o.o

my tumblr:

Friday, October 7, 2011

i hate life

yeah sooo not much going on but thought i'd post anyways DX

some random thing happened on monday @ school. i was sitting down eating lunch with my friend when this random guy appears outta nowhere and barfs in the trash can and then walked away o__O yeah, it all happened so fast i was like 'wtf just happened?' oh and progress reports comes out soon and i actually have good grades. thats a first...

today i WAS going to go to the fall festival like usual, but dang, i got a really bad headache so i decided to stay home. i woke up with a when does that even happen??? unless you have a hangover i guess but i didnt. yeah weird stuff.

this was actually a pretty good week, but of course it had to be spoiled at the last moment. friggin creeper.

i need to sell stuff on ebay again and get more monies so i can buy more circle lense XP

Sunday, October 2, 2011

so last week was spirit week @ school, and for once, i actually participated o.o

it was fun dressing up and everything.

and yesterday elizabeth and isabel came over and we watched disney movies and talked and stuff. isabel brought some blonde wig and i tried it on but it doesnt look good on me : [

yeaah thats about it for now.

Monday, September 26, 2011


pic heavy(kina)

OMGGG its been forever since ive posted cuz my comp broke down and had to get it fixed. obv during that time, i actually did things but couldnt really post about it.

but yeah. i am back!

well, other stuff that i didnt feel like adding with this post is me trying on wedding dresses again and nails(but i already re-did them so decided not to post a pic)

anyways heres this house thing i had to do for english. its of some hall from beowulf and its all bloooody cuz its after it got attacked chyeeaaa. blood.

and then another scary person whoop!!!!
MEDUSA. the idea was brilliant. and once i actually coloured it, i was like 'oh yeah. this is def worthy enough to go on my binder' i love drawing my scary pplz.the mouth bugs me tho

and then over the weekend me n some other girls from church went to big bear! it was really fun!  we left around 4:30 and got there at like 7:30 cuz traffic. and then we watched chick flicks and stayed up talking til 2 a.m. i really wanted to see the stars so i went out at 2 in the morning but on of the leader persons locked me out and turned out the lights but i was like eh cuz i know they would still be awake for at least 10 more minutes. ahh the milky way. so purdy. but it was hard trying to identify constellations cuz SO many stars. im glad i brought my binoculars :D and then i saw a shooting star!! i was like WHAT!? honestly, idk how ppl are suppose to make a wish before it disappears cuz those things fly fast. like less than a second and its gone. it was really cool though.

then i walked to the cabin and the lady realized i got locked out so i got to go back in ^_^

in the morning we did some yoga/exercise but i didnt really feel like participating.

we went out in town and shopped, but of course i had no money so i can only look around, which isnt fun at all.
i look bad. please ignore my face. but dude, i would TOTALLY buy the scarf/mitten thing im wearing, but it was $35. im not crazy about those hats/mittens. i think they look weird.

and then we all took a pic in front of the lake.
so glad i wore sunglasses, i looked hideous that day.

then we had to go to some church thing but i was just writing some random story instead of listening o.o ssshhhh....

when we got back to the cabin we watched more movies like tangled and beastly and then every did eachothers nail polish. i brought like all of mine but everyone wanted to use this one sparkly blue colour i had. i only used it like...2 or 3 times before but now its less than half full. geez.

and saw teh stars AGAIN(hey, its hard seeing this much stars with friggin light pollution. had to enjoy it while i can) and my friend went out with me. it was easier that night since i recognized a constellation so i can find new ones and i did XD the stupid part was while i was looking through my binoculars my friend saw a shooting star and gah. i wanted to see it T_T

once we got back in the cabin ppl decided to watch napoleon dynamite but duude that movie was soo lame. like i wasnt really paying attention and was writting stories again, then i get up to close the door cuz it was getting chilly(this was like 11:30) and when i look down EVERYONE is passed out and im like duude wtf. but obv the movie put them to sleep. if it was some action movie, things wouldve been different.

so cuz of that we all went to bed shortly after and then had to get up super early the next morning. we left a bit before nine. it was so cool though. there were these clouds low in the mountains. if only you were there to see it. i was AMAZING. as if you were on a plane

the valley of clouds

on the drive home i got really tired so basically "slept" the whole way home, more like nap i guess.

then we got back home at 11 yay! and passed out on my bed after that.

here mah nails. my old ones were tiger stripes.