Tuesday, December 28, 2010

stuff i did during break

lets seee, i havent done much over break. hung out with some friends and shopped a bit
i mostly stayed home watching tv/ playing video games/ drawing
especially tv. it got so boring tho
ok christmas i got:
the contacts(my mommy paid 4 them..but they should arrive next week tho)
some clothes
make up
thats about it. i dont get lots of stuff anymore :(
^ i love the falsies mascara. been wanting it forevah! and finally got pink pink blush. been wanting that forever too
geez, i've been going to the mall like every week. its getting boring there
i went again 2day. didnt get nutin tho. mostly cuz the lines were way too long.
gosh i looked so bad today cuz my eye tape thing got all jacked up. hate it when that happens.
gah breaks almost over T_T
good thing first semester is over, or else all the stuff for the finals would be long forgotten already
i think somethings wrong with me.
i've been getting a headache like everyday.
thats not normal.
but then again, suprisingly, i havent been eating a lot over break so that might be why. idk, usually during breaks i feel like ive gained 10 pounds but this time, idk i just dont have anything i feel like eating at my house :P good. i need to loose a few pounds

and some sorta ok looking picture

i need to redo my nails. oh and i cut my thumb nail really short cuz there was a crack in it. it looks so retarded now

ok bye

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