Friday, August 7, 2015


holy crap i have a TON of pictures cuz ive been doing stuff this break instead of being lazy

on tuesday i took a walk again cuz idk its so fun!! i really like taking walk now and exploring the area. good exercise. but i walked for 2 hours so i was pretty pooped when i got home then my roommate was like wanna go to the fireworks festival? like i WANTED to, but i was really tired n had to shower afterwards but we'd get home late n i gotta get ready for the next day n blah so i decided not to at the last minute. she said the trains home were really crowded cuz i guess one of them just happen to "break" on the day of the festival so ppl were stuck. ha

anyways wednesday, i went to get my KABUKI ticket in ginza! im gonna watch kabuki again next tuesday u_u
but by myself.....
but its ok, its not like u really talk to ppl during the show n whatnot

afterwards, headed to ueno to hang out with some japanese girls i met at the school party. we went to the zoo n the museum!!

but before that ate some shaved ice. it was 600 yen which is EXPENSIVE cuz its usually around 300 something yen, but this used real fruit instead of flavored syrup and this was the yummiest one i had so far so i guuueesss its ok for the price

park entrance 
it was so hot but luckily theres areas here that have AC

first they wanted to see the pandas

lucky pandas get special treatment inside an air conditioned rooms

most of the animals looked like they were dying from the heat. like they all were standing in the shade or sleeping

checking out more animals then we get to this bird area and these bird are like french kissing

the girls missed it so i showed the video and shes like its DEEP lol

after was seals and polar bears. lol this one seal seemed so bored like it kept swimming in the same path over n over. at least it gets the water cuz the polar bear was like in a different area from the water but obv it wanted to go for a swim cuz it kept walking back n forth along the door poor thing

alpacas or llamas or something n some other animal. i thought its funny so took a pic

then we went on this monorail to take us to the other side of the zoo

but we shouldve used it for the way back cuz that was lots of walking uphill...

went to nocturnal animal area and nice n cool with ac

and then saw pretty flamingos

then went to the reptile area.

there was a crocodile but it was in a bad area for picture taking so none of my photos looked good T_T

and idk why but this video of turtles swimming seems so soothing to me

and i also dont know why but for some reason i feel like i can relate to this frog somehow

there was some stain glass drawings. maybe a contest or something but they were pretty and some were actually really good.

there was this mutant turtle that just stayed like this for like 5 minutes straight w/o moving


then we saw hippos. theyre so cute but there were these annoying tourists prob from america cuz the way they sound(its really weird how you can tell where someones from by the way they talk. i never really noticed before besides like british or australian ppl) and they were being annoying like 'mr hippos come show me ur face blah blah'

and in this other nocturnal animal place they had naked mole rats lol

and idk whats up with this but this sheep/ram/goat kept rubbing its face in a zebras butt

and japan seems to be obsessed with this bird cuz like in quiz shows or puzzle games or something this bird ALWAYS appears n im like whats the name of that thing!!!??
and dang i still dont know. it was long bill. thats what i remember seeing but when i try to look it up i dont see this so whatever its still a mystery

anyways after we were done with the zoo we were hungry so ate at a nearby cafe but dude the food was a rip off. we got some pasta for almost 1200 yen for a really small amount. like the food in the zoo was cheaper if we ate there. so after i ate i was still hungry T_T

but went to this special exhibit museum about leaps in evolution. it was pretty cool

i think there was an exhibit about Cleopatra n mummies n stuff. id kinda rather see that but whatever

ok bad angle but this shark is like the size of a whale

too bad almost everything was in japanese so i couldnt read anything. well i could but i cant understand anything

kawaii. my past life was a sasayamamylos kawaii

and idk why i took this pic i dont even know what animal or dinosaur this is but i like the teeth

and its funny seeing how the ppl dont even know the correct spelling for some of this stuff

i didnt buy any souvenirs cuz i srsly gotta save money but there was some thing about an anime adaption for these ancient parasites? or those lobster looking things idk what theyre called but yeah it was pretty cool

and there was a how to origami too. i didnt take pics of the instructions cuz i doubt im ever gonna do it but the finished product. pretty unique

this is the lobster stuff im talking about btw 

and after the museum we took purikura!!!

why are theirs so nice n clear but mine are blurry?

then we just chilled in a food area and by the time i got home i was DEAD and slept so peacefully

and the next day i was sore n literally did nothing but relax n computer


went to OTOMATE CAFE!!!!!!!

it has been my DREAM to go here for a LONG time!!! and it finally happen uvu

luckily claire sorta likes this stuff so she came with. its really confusing cuz you have to reserve seats before you go. and since ive never been here idk how crowded this place gets cuz theres a certain amount of rounds with limited people per round. and each round is 2 hours. so i kept checking the twitter for available seats but its confusing n idk so im like lets just go early n get whatever

we got there at 1 and got the 1:30 round yay! cuz i was starving! 

so we just chilled in nearby stores till it was time to go back

the staff were in cosplay. one girl was chizuru from hakuouki n another was im guessng some character from touken ranbu? n idk who the other person was suppose to be.

but yeah it really wasnt crowded. there were PLENTY of seats still. i need to go back with a group of ppl so i can sit in the special rooms covered with hakuouki or idk what else but ts amazing

on the wall in front of us has some otome titles

also when you sit theres a lunch mat faced down and when u flip it over its a pic from a random series. but nobody puts their plates on it cuz you can use it as a poster.

claire got amnesia n i got marginal 4? something like that but in the end claire gave me hers ^_^

this is what claire ordered. a kanato crepe

when you order anything you get a free coaster. n i have no idea what this is from

and i ordered fried chicken n fries. and got diabolik lovers coasters yeeeess!

and this FILLED ME UP

omg i was so full

and our drinks! mines the right, hers is left

she got a subaru diabolik lovers drink where theres a syringe with 'blood' that you squirt into the drink, and mine is from this shinobi ninja game i forgot the title n too lazy to look it up but it was citrus-y and really good!!

yeah so the chicken stuffed me but im like i NEED to eat more things so i can get more coasters(lol) so i got desert. there were lots that i wanted but i decided to go with this bread thing from amnesia and i also got a drink from marginal 4 idk i just chose it cuz it looked good

the bread was this honey toast with berry ice cream n whipped cream based off ikki from amnesia and it was really good

and the drink was idk but it was really fruity its hard to describe the flavor but it wasnt a soda like my other drink. and there were these jelly things in the drink too

marginal 4 and code realize coasters. i also got an amnesia coaster with my other drink

we were so full!!!! and we stayed for almost the 2 hour limit so before we left i took pictures of the restaurant lol

and heres me in front of subaru and toma~

i was prob the most kawaii girl there

but in the end i didnt get anything hakuouki themed cuz the menu for them didnt look that good

after that, since we were in akihabara, there was a store i really wanted to go to but always forget about it. but i remembered.

its called kotobukiya and i want to go mainly cuz this artist i really like has her artbooks there n i wanna check them out.

it was just a small display though but omg it was there right before my eyes

i got to hold it in my hands!! but its too expensive. yeah i'll buy it online used one of these days...


and just checking the rest of the store and seeing weird stuff like oppai pudding srsly wut

and taking pics of the big boob anime figures lol

then we wanted to take cosplay purikura but couldnt find any purikura >_< whatever. theres one in shibuya for 100 yen!!! but not today..

but there was this maid cafe with these cutout things in front so i took a pic in one

i look bad but whatever im a real anime girl now

and i have a job interview coming up for this monster cafe in harajuku n i have no idea what to wear cuz its but the 6% doki doki producer so its like crazy harajuku fashion so should i dress like that for my interview or look more professional?? idkkkk

but yeah i wanna go back to otomate cafe!

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