Sunday, July 26, 2015

small festival

last saturday my school had a party and i got to talk to other japanese ppl. i made friends with these 2 girls n we're prob gonna hang out over summer break. finalllyyy have FEMALE japanese friends

and this saturday my city held a small local festival and i decided to go

at first me n my friend went to the train station cuz we assume it'd be around that area but we saw some performers balancig on chairs it was really cool but my friend never sent me the pics so w/e

but that was it n we're like thats all??

but i saw some shaved ice for only 300 yen so i was like eh why not since i havent had any so far

and they give you A LOT

afterwards went to walk to find the festival and hear drums so we followed the sound and it was like right around the corner

there were kids drumming going on

and we checked the food booths but i wasnt that hungry from the ice, plus they DIDNT have takoyaki like wtf.

just taking pics of some stuff

these were little toys of disney characters. they also had the one for goldfish and bouncy balls

the same day as this festival, prob the biggest fireworks one was going on too but its kinda far plus like 90k ppl are suppose to show up and being squished on the train for an hour in the heat..ehhhh

i'll go to other festivals next month

and toys. lol precure. i wanna go to a bigger festival and buy one of those kiddie masks

after i went to buy a corn dog at 7-11 and we went to this park to eat then when we came back to the festival kids were dancing

afterwards my friend went back home and i just decided to walk around and explore. last weekend i was walking around just getting to know the city more cuz i havent really done that since i got here :/

plus i like listening to the sound of the bugs. makes me feel more in japan

anyways so i went a different way and came to a nice quiet street
it was so nice!
and as i kept going further i saw one of those sports park fences so decided to walk towards there to check it out

and it was this really nice baseball and soccer field. i was tempted to take a pic of the random ppl playing soccer but what if they see me you know? well i was on higher ground but you know. it was prob college kids or something cuz there was a building that said 'university' right next to the place

but yeah that street was so nice and peaceful. i wish i walked there more often

however to get to that place i went down a lot of stairs so i was starting to get tired and didnt feel like retracing my steps up the stairs, assuming thered be a different way

BUT i didnt see any(there was one but i didnt realize until i found my way back) so i kept walking and ended up behind these colourful houses and im like how'd i get here? and i was lost like everywhere went to a dead end so i asked this old guy how to get to the station and he told me and he spoke some english and was nice. but when i went the way he told me to go, like the side walk part was under construction or something so ppl arent allowed through and the street can only fit a car but its at a turn so you cant see if cars will come or not and im like whattteeeevvveerrr and just decided to go back the long way

and finally made it back to the main street but i was exhausted but i still decided to buy some food and when i got home i was ready to pass out and i took a shower then took a nap.

and i got tanned

anyways today i signed up for this hair and makeup thing for school so me n some classmates went to this beauty school in harajuku

but on our way there...

lolll i didnt have time to really check it out but next time im going inside

so at the school i asked to give me gyaru hair and makeup. the girl who did my hair was so nice even though she didnt really speak english. shouldve asked for her line. there was also a guy that helped halfway through and a different girl to do my makeup

my hair came out pretty nice but my makeup was too natural. idk they all said i looked like a doll but yeah sorry i can do my makeup way better. not that it was ugly or anything it just wasnt gal. its like base eyeshadow with no eyeliner or mascara. even though they put it on you can see it

here my hair~

my face blah

only one week of school until summer break for 2 weeks! i didnt even know i had a summer break so cool

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