Sunday, July 26, 2015

small festival

last saturday my school had a party and i got to talk to other japanese ppl. i made friends with these 2 girls n we're prob gonna hang out over summer break. finalllyyy have FEMALE japanese friends

and this saturday my city held a small local festival and i decided to go

at first me n my friend went to the train station cuz we assume it'd be around that area but we saw some performers balancig on chairs it was really cool but my friend never sent me the pics so w/e

but that was it n we're like thats all??

but i saw some shaved ice for only 300 yen so i was like eh why not since i havent had any so far

and they give you A LOT

afterwards went to walk to find the festival and hear drums so we followed the sound and it was like right around the corner

there were kids drumming going on

and we checked the food booths but i wasnt that hungry from the ice, plus they DIDNT have takoyaki like wtf.

just taking pics of some stuff

these were little toys of disney characters. they also had the one for goldfish and bouncy balls

the same day as this festival, prob the biggest fireworks one was going on too but its kinda far plus like 90k ppl are suppose to show up and being squished on the train for an hour in the heat..ehhhh

i'll go to other festivals next month

and toys. lol precure. i wanna go to a bigger festival and buy one of those kiddie masks

after i went to buy a corn dog at 7-11 and we went to this park to eat then when we came back to the festival kids were dancing

afterwards my friend went back home and i just decided to walk around and explore. last weekend i was walking around just getting to know the city more cuz i havent really done that since i got here :/

plus i like listening to the sound of the bugs. makes me feel more in japan

anyways so i went a different way and came to a nice quiet street
it was so nice!
and as i kept going further i saw one of those sports park fences so decided to walk towards there to check it out

and it was this really nice baseball and soccer field. i was tempted to take a pic of the random ppl playing soccer but what if they see me you know? well i was on higher ground but you know. it was prob college kids or something cuz there was a building that said 'university' right next to the place

but yeah that street was so nice and peaceful. i wish i walked there more often

however to get to that place i went down a lot of stairs so i was starting to get tired and didnt feel like retracing my steps up the stairs, assuming thered be a different way

BUT i didnt see any(there was one but i didnt realize until i found my way back) so i kept walking and ended up behind these colourful houses and im like how'd i get here? and i was lost like everywhere went to a dead end so i asked this old guy how to get to the station and he told me and he spoke some english and was nice. but when i went the way he told me to go, like the side walk part was under construction or something so ppl arent allowed through and the street can only fit a car but its at a turn so you cant see if cars will come or not and im like whattteeeevvveerrr and just decided to go back the long way

and finally made it back to the main street but i was exhausted but i still decided to buy some food and when i got home i was ready to pass out and i took a shower then took a nap.

and i got tanned

anyways today i signed up for this hair and makeup thing for school so me n some classmates went to this beauty school in harajuku

but on our way there...

lolll i didnt have time to really check it out but next time im going inside

so at the school i asked to give me gyaru hair and makeup. the girl who did my hair was so nice even though she didnt really speak english. shouldve asked for her line. there was also a guy that helped halfway through and a different girl to do my makeup

my hair came out pretty nice but my makeup was too natural. idk they all said i looked like a doll but yeah sorry i can do my makeup way better. not that it was ugly or anything it just wasnt gal. its like base eyeshadow with no eyeliner or mascara. even though they put it on you can see it

here my hair~

my face blah

only one week of school until summer break for 2 weeks! i didnt even know i had a summer break so cool

Monday, July 13, 2015


ok for once i have a lot to write and lots of pics!!! ^_^

so on friday after school me n some other ppl from school signed up to go to this haunted house for a TV program cuz we GAIJIN

so since i may be on tv i had to dress uber kawaii to get my fame career going lol

heres me n claire in the bus! we got free drinks n snacks!

there was maybe around 15 people total. half were ppl from my skool n idk who the other ppl were

we were driven to some amusement park to try out the reopening of a kappa haunted house

crap pics from my phone cuz i didnt bring my camera

but yeah we were the 2nd group to try it out. it was THAT bad. like the haunted house in kyoto holy crap that was scary but this was ehhh i can handle it was a humor scary place

after we were interviewed but i didnt say much cuz they didnt ask me anything!!! prob thought i was pure japanese...

yeah the rest of the place was already closed or something so we were the only ones there

afterwards went back to shibuya and i was so hungry so me claire n 2 other italian girls all ate together at gustavs or w/e idk how to spell but our fav little restaurant in shibuya cuz it has cheap yummy food. i finally tried drinking melon soda for the first time because i read an article about it and how it doesnt really taste like melon. and it was REALLY good!!!! it kinda tastes like melon but not really. its really hard to explain but it was delish. at the super market today i tried looking for some but couldnt find any T_T i wanna buy some!!!

and since the weather FINALLY got better after like a week straight of rain, on saturday i was like i NEED to go out. so i asked my friend if he wanna go to harajuku with me n he said yes. then i asked my other friend n he said ok too. but as i was walking to the train station my first friend is like oops srry cant come. jerk.

so i tell the other friend n hes lie oh im gonna be kinda late. so for the first 30 minutes im just shopping by myself. which is ok but its not that fun

then we meet up n since i didnt have breakfast i ate a crepe

but this crepe was EEEHHHH

like the ice cream n strawberries were only on the top. inside was just whipped cream. yeah the other crepe i ate before at the more crowded shop is worth it more.

so we just looking around and go to the backstreets of harajuku where there arent as many ppl and i come across this amazing store LOL

i didnt go inside but its so funny cuz under the sign were these plants idk if it was pot or wat.

and i go in this sticker shop and the staff were SO NICE so i had to buy something plus i wanted something for my phone cuz my phone is like some not famous brand thing so i cant really buy cases for it so im like i'll put a sticker on. and i guess since im foreign they gave me an extra sticker(well idk if that was the reason) but yeah the ppl working there were really friendly 
seeee i bought an 'i heart me' sticker for my phone!

lol i love it

the girl at the register laughed n was like 'is this for you or a gift?' n i said for me

well its truuuuuuuue

afterwards i wanted to take purikura cuz i looked kawaii


cuz this machine let me send to gmail. but the pic is so small n not good quality but w/e better than nothing
can you believe the guy is over 30!? but he acts like 25 so its good

and when i go home i just take selfies lol

i bought heart shaped sunglasses at my fav store. but i found them at a dif store for 20 yen cheaper ugh

so heres a pic of the things i bought

i also bought some shoes but didnt take a pic. just strappy sandals i need for the summer cuz i dont got any

the other sticker says poison(or so ive been told)

and my roommate had to go to some party until like 6 in the morning so i was alone  saturday night 

and i thought she would be too tired to do anything sunday but she was like wanna go to the beach? n i didnt realy feel like it but eh i had no other plans plus it was still really hot so im like ok

and im glad i went

for the first time since april, ive felt like im in japan. cuz this is my 4th time in japan, the 'tourist phase' is over n im like used to everything now. but this was some place new n im like waaaahhhh so nice!! we went to kamakura beach and the street going towards the beach was so nice!!

i wanted to take a pic but didnt. like it was kinda crowded but still quiet n peaceful

i dont have much beach pics cuz most beaches look the same but yeah heres a japanese beach

my japanese friend in my house says ppl at the beach get crazy but everyone seemed pretty normal to me. LOTS of TANNED guys there. and like everyone wears crocs in japan btw which is gross

so me n my roommate didnt have sunscreen besides like spf 15 but the sun here isnt as strong as california so im like i guess it'll be ok. n i didnt sunburn or anything so thats good

at first we just layed down n tanned, then went in the ocean!

but the water was kinda dirty. like ok california oceans are cleaner n they are pretty dirty. but this had like garbage in the water and like in some parts theres shells on the floor n i kept stepping on them n it hurt

but yeah the big waves sometimes pulled down my roommates bikini top n her boobs would show n id be like pull up ur top!!! n we'd laugh lol

and after the water back to tan. we got to the beach around 2 so at 4 the sun was already started to set and it wasnt as hot. so we took more pics in the water then around 5 decide to start going home

and after we got home we went out to eat ramen because i was SOOOO hungry!!

but the store was one of those machine ticket ones n i cant read the kanji so i just pick watever looks good.

like it was good, but the noodles were really thick and so was the broth. idk wasnt really my kind of ramen. but it made me sooooooo full!

ok til next time

Saturday, July 4, 2015


i forgot to add like over a week ago i did claires nails as knb themed of her fav character

i like doing nails its so fun.

anyways so skool started again on thursday. its all good just reviewing n learning some tongue twisters. but friday ahhh we have to learn more difficult stuff waahh
n all my friends were absent that day so i was like alone u.u

and i applied to a maid cafe LOL but they wrote back saying i have to be a permanent resident to work there so maybe a different im gonna be here for a while so i'll need a job eventually.

anyways so its 4th of july in america today i wish i were back home to celebrate. nobody cares about that here n i dont get to eat delicious barbecue food :(

anyways durng the break i went back to nakano n bought some more keychains n another hakuouki book

so heres all the hakuouki things ive bought in japan so far

whheeeee ugg but the books are gonna be heavy bringing back home. they also had another toki no kizuna book but it was $20 ehhhhh no

i need to go back to ikebukuro!!!!!!