Friday, October 31, 2014


before i write about halloween ill talk about some other stuff from this week

earlier this week i had isabel do my roots, and i did her nails

i did kawaii sailor moon nails on her ^_^

and she missed some spots in my hair uguu. plus i forgot to bring my toner to her house so i had to do that by myself at home.

anyways the next day i hung out with sarah and had her take pics of me but it was getting dark out by the time i got to her house so the lighting wasnt that great.

but i like this pic of me sitting not seeing my face lol.

ok so today its halloween but im a loser spending it alone cuz no one invited me to do cool stuff and wat not. but watever i dont care for trick or treating i just like dressing up, so i did that despite not doing anything.

k totally edited this pic to make my eyes cooler and my skin green.

like i tried making my skin green with makeup but it didnt really look that green in pictures, i just looked more greyish and this is more how i imagined my makeup to be so you know.

im suppose to be a frankenstein/zombie...thing. idk i just put together a little something.

but it wasnt a total waste. at chipotle if u go in ur costume u get $3 burritos so thats exactly what i did. see? i got to go out dressed and eat good food too.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

this post is actually kinda long

yay lots of pictures~ 

anyways sunday night me n julian went to del mar for this halloween thing he got free tickets for.

yeah heres me in front of this demon thing idk. i dont look great in far away pics just ignore ze face

the tickets were for this haunted hayride thing
ok im a TOTAL BABY when it comes to scary things(which is weird cuz i like drawing creepy things) so i cant watch scary movies or gory stuff cuz then i'll scream and just cover my face the whole time(but i can read scary/gory mangas fine, but if its an anime i cant watch it). so i had to try n find videos to see 'what i was getting into' and it didnt seem that bad so i was like ok i'll go

we couldve gone to the haunted house instead but i nearly died in the one in japan so noooooopppeee.

anyways it wasnt even that scary. the scariest part was these loud gunshot sounds but its basically a hayride and ppl in costumes just come to the wagon and growl at u n stuff. and i made sure to sit in the middle not the edge so im safe n nobody can touch me. and some guy kept getting all up in julians grill it was so funny. the ride was funny. this tribal -ish guy was holding a simba plushie like r u for real?

heres us. theres some photobooth thing there and i was like 'omg its just like purikura!' but not as cool of course. it was touch screen but if only u can write on it!!!

then after we were done we went to mcdonalds at like 9 lol i ate some ice cream n an apple pie and julian just ate chicken sandwiches or something. then as we were driving home i wanted the windows down cuz i like the night air then i remember seeing that big time rush song 'windows down' on his ipod and was like 'LETS PLAY THAT' so he blasted it and all the windows were down and idk it was just SO FUN!

anyways fangirl time again

ok so im finally getting back into toki no kizuna. like ive had this game since july and im now sfinally playing it for real. before i played for like 5 minutes then got bored cuz i felt like i need to play the first game first(which i still feel that way even thoug i kinda know what happens) but i srsly have nothing better to do im so bored but yeah this satisfies my needs

and ommggggfhgddyujhjhg my bby senkimaru i knew from the moment i saw him he would be my fav(i mean i havent played the other guys routes yet but you know) and waaaahhh he blushes all the time n is so cute and gets embarrassed easily n stuff.

i like how i can actually spell my name in this.

ok i literally bought this whole game just for this scene then they make out n stuff ♥

its worth it.

but AURGH why did i decide to play this once my mom is gone??? this isnt like hakuouki reimeiroku where i already know the basics of the plot and can just assume what ppl be talking about. this is a new thing and idk the story or anything but i'm following along ok i think. after each chapter i read a summary online to make sure i correct.

 but those lovey dovey cutesy scenes i dont wanna just GUESS whats happening. i wanna know exactly what everyone is saying so its annoying that my mom just cant translate it for me. instead i have to get my japanese ds game out, replay the audio a couple times and figure what the kanji or word is pronounced, then try to look it up and hope to find it, then gotta piece everything together until it makes sense

its a lot of time...
but im learning new kanji again so thats good i guess.

idk if im just reading faster now, or if this game is short(its prob just short) but im on chapter 3 already and ive only been playing maybe 5 hours tops, whie reimeiroku i think im on chapter 3 and ive been play at least 20 hours. but thats when i did just start learning so idk..

omggg so ive been really BORED lately. i need to get a job.

but anyways idk i started picking my belly btton(this is gonna be gross btw) and i havent cleaned it in foreverrrr!!! and omgggg i wanted to like barf while doing this. i got my tweezers and picked all this...idk what it even is!!! just junk out of my belly button and omg it was in there DEEP. and was attached to my skin and stuff and the last piece was the biggest chunk ever and im just like....'that was in my belly button?!'

yes i did take a pic. i put the tweezer in so u can see the size. SO GROSS

my belly button is so clean now. the cleanest its been in years probably.

also did mah nails too!

i wanted a halloween theme but didnt feel like doing typical orange/black.

so i did some based on one of my scary ppl characters and i love it ^_^

yup yup i think thats all i have to say bye!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


yesterday my mom went to japan DX shes gonna be gone for over a month thats the longest ive been away from her. i wanna go to japan toooo!!!! hopefully next year. omg i made her a huge list of things to buy lol mostly hakuouki merch n stuff. i look forward to the gifts when she returns

and i didnt get the forever21 job T_T wwaaaaaaaahhhhh (┳Д┳)

Friday, October 10, 2014

lots of things

yay i have things to talk about!!!!!!

ok so as i think i mentioned before, i bought a sailor moon sweater and i loooooovvveeee it heres a pic

only $13. i only wore it once so far cuz its still pretty hot but hopefully i can wear it more maybe next month(doubt it)

idk why but the past month ive been in some weird cleaning mode.
like i cleaned out my closet(got rid of my toys finally lol), and cleaned up my dresser and ths other little dresser and my other dresser in the closet. i spent like 3 hours cleaning that up maybe almost 2 weeks ago. threw away lots of trash and oh boy everything was so dusty!!

heres my new nails btw!!
its suppose to be betty boop theme. i WAS going to draw betty boop on my thumbs but got lazy so its just plain red and white so i didnt put them in the pics

so glad i can have cool nails again ^_^

so last week i had an interview for party city, but i didnt get it. but idk i dont really want to work there cuz its for seasonal and id only work til halloween so one month isnt long enough.

but it was funny i saw isabel just shopping there at the same time. dude it was kinda dumb. like there were 10 ppl maybe there all for an interview and i was the last one called so i had to wait 2 hours before i finally got interviewed...

and forever21 had some job fair thing so you just go n get a quick interview. i went right when it started at 10 and i was suprised that there were like 15 other ppl too. but it was a really quick interview with the workers only like 3 minutes. buuuuttttt i got called back!!!!!!!! and i just had the interview earlier today!!!! it was weird the lady didnt really ask questions just mostly talking about wat we'd do in the store.
but i REALLY REALLY hope i get the job!!!! the way she put it made it sound like so much fun!!!!

anyways so while i was still working i was always like 'im gonna draw this n thaat' but since i quit LOL i havent drawn anything. idk i just have no inspiration. theres one thing i want to draw but i need a pose refrence cuz its like perspective-y.

but anyways i was like i guessss i could draw fan art. dude i havent drawn fan art since 6th grade which was just nights into dreams mostly. idk why draw fan art when i can just draw my own characters???

yeah its suppose to be a 2 part thing.
its look a lot nicer if coloured in photoshop or something but dont got any. so i just edit them to make the colour pop out more n stuff.
my fav anime~

omg so my mom is going to japan next week for over a month to take care of my grandma. waaaahhh i wanna go and i have my passport too but its just her this time. darn it my brother isnt going i thought i can actually be home alone for once.....
she better buy me a crapload of hakuouki merch.

lol idk i felt like posting this
my weeb villager