Wednesday, September 24, 2014


on saturday i went to isabels house and i did her acrylics and gave her litchi hikari club themed nails!!!!

i feel like when i do acrylics on friends its quicker than on clients. idk i like doing them wayyy better on friends cuz they wont be all mean and in a hurry and stuff. omg the art took hmm idk i didnt keep time but at least 2 hours for sure. friggin zera omg.
if ppl are actually reading this PLEASE READ THE MANGA omg it DESTROYED me!!!
really gory and disturbing and messed up but its a good story with lots of feels at the same time

anyways been applying to more jobs sighhh

ohhhh my sailor moon sweater finally came in the mail the other day! thats the final thing i bought online! i dont have a pic yet cuz its too hot to wear it but one day!!! it loooovveee it and only $13 totally worth having to get up at 8 in the morning just to place a bid then go back to sleep.

i finally playing wadanohara and the great blue sea but ughh no one told me itd take like 9 hours to finish. usually rpg maker games are 2-3 hours tops. but everyone on tumblr loves it and it seems pretty good

omg (fangirling time) kamijos new music video is out and hnnnggg omg he is just unhuman ok? normal ppl don't look that good but auughh my husband too bad hes like twice as old as me. if i go to japan and hes doing a meet and greet i MUST GO

rather than that nothing special going on. i need to study japanese more! i wanna live in japan!!

Friday, September 19, 2014


not lots going on but w/e

things i bought online are finally starting to come in

i got these tights that ive wanted for a while ^_^ buuuuuut its weird. only where the hearts are its really tight. its a different material in the part only. the legs and my butt and stuff fit perfectly fine but just where the hearts are its tight then my fat thighs bulge out n looks gross. idk i need to loose weight anyways

and my new contacts came!

its barbie sasha 3 tones green
 i'm not sure about the size on the bottle it said 16 point something mm but i doubt it. these look maybe 14.8 or so.
i needed new green lens but idk. there werent lots of pictures or reviews on these, but from what i saw they seemed good. similar to my last lens(max misty green) and the princess mimi ones but seem more on the 'natural' side. the green still shows up good in normal lighting which is all i really care about, but if it was more 'fake' looking i can prob do better kawaii looking makeups.
i feel like these lens arent really good for super cutesy makeup. but idkkkk. i give it 7/10

yesterday i hung out with julian n i cut his hair then we just talked about w/e. he beat the final 2 bosses for aqua in BBS so now i can get on with that game :)

today i just dressed up all kawaii to take pics lol. but idk my pics dont come out that good anymore
 bloop blap idk im probs gonna nerd out big time with isabel tomorrow so i shall write then~

Saturday, September 13, 2014


k first of all its been like FOREVER since i actually edited pics so chyea it was fun

i went to the beach again with my best friend rebekah <3 p="">

it was PERFECT beach weather today! it was idk the temp but over 100 outside and the sky was pretty clear. it was just pretty crowded cuz its the weekend

of course at first we were just walking around taking pictures XD

bekah if ur reading this i tried fixing ur one eyelid

just lots of pics but i dont wear makeup to the beach so i look all gross and have to wear glasses and idk only a few pictures turned out good

we asked some guy to take a picture of us


omg and after we took enough pictures we went in the ocean and the waves were pretty big today and we were just slowly walking deeper and deeper and letting the waves hit us and i got knocked over by a big one lol

idk i was screaming when big ones came so my throat kinda hurts now :/

but it was soooo much fun!! and our bikini bottoms would feel like they were gonna come off with the waves lol

afterwards we built 'sand castles'. mines the cooler one

this is prob the best sand castle ive built. got a tower n wall and i tried making a mote. and rebekah made idk some swirly thing lol.

then we just sun bathed. dude for the past few months ive been living indoors so never really got sun and even just standing outside for 10 minutes id get a bit tanner so i needed to sun bath BADLY.

and got some tan lines ;P

no sun least i dont think so? not sore or anything.

and whie we were tanning i guess some girl passed out idk we were sleeping but i heard ppl say stuff and the life guards were gathering and idk i didnt see anything.

then parents picked us up and ate at tacobell then bekah went home.

aaahhh im so tired now~

so fun today

its 1 in da morning

wooo i never got to stay up this late for work

but no srsy. now im looking for jobs again cuz im getting bored. i applied for olive garden. but i'll prob apply for other stuff too.

i was looking up japanesee language skools and theres one in shibuya that im interested in and from what ive read its really good if you want to get a job or something in japan. i want to take either the 6 month or year course. and ill stay in japan~ but idk gotta do more research about that stuff. i just want to speak enough to be able to actually have conversatons with ppl, not just i like this. my name is. its hot. just phrases you know?

anyways my computer is about to die so gotta write fast cuz too lazy to get the charger

i was playing reimeiroku again today for the first time in like 2 months n i forgot wats going on and the kanjis of the ppl and stuff. and i have to look at my cheat sheet i made more cuz im ike i should know wat this means but i forgot ahhhh. aand dude im like giving up on toki no kizuna cuz theres WAY too much kanji. even my mom has a hard time translating it cuz its complex kanji. and i feel i need to play the first game first cuz that only makes sense. yeah idk i just need to study japanese again cuz basically i forgot lots while i was working.

yeah ok thats all!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


ok i have a life n so happy wheeeeee!! but now im starting to get kinda bored so gotta look for jobs now!!!!!

anyways on friday was my moms birthday so we ate out then i went to brookes house to sleepover and rebekah was there too!! we got all dressed up n walked around the mall a bit then went back home to take pics.

i took pics with brookes hakuouki game camera thing lol

but i wasnt wearing contacts so idk not as kawaii. now all the pics i take i wear contacts so its weird taking them not wearing it.

and we watched the anime kamigami no asobi. idk i couldve watched it when it first came out cuz i wasnt doing anything but idk i just kept putting it aside and was lazy. but everyone said it was really good n stuff and ahhh it is!!! me n brooke watched some eps til 2:30 then went to sleep. then in the morning all of us watched more episodes til 3;00 pm lol i have like 3 episodes left i can prob finish that today. idk its weird i dont really have a fav guy in this series hmmm...

idk then i went home. i havent really been moving around since i quit so my knees are like really bad and sore all the time now. i would take walks but its to hot for that. so i played some ddr last night for the first time in months but i still got it ;P and that kinda helped my legs.

anyways then at night me n paul sorta had a skype sleppover. we were just talking about watever then got off at 1:30 i wanted to talk longer but he was being lame.

thats all!