Tuesday, June 24, 2014

doop doop

so you know nothin to really write about

hate my job....ugghhhuuuu i dont wanna go tommorow!!! its such a DRAG going. like literally everyday when i get in the car im just like 'i hate my life' and as im driving i see ppl walking their dogs n stuff on this nice beautiful day n im like 'why cant that be ME' instead of being trapped indoors al day touching feet

ughh i'll suck it up for like 2 more months....

anyways yesterday i was paint a co-workers toes 4th of july and as i was doing that there was some old-ish lady getting a fill. i finished so decided to go to the bathroom. when i got out to clean the spa the customer and a different co-worker were sorta arguing n im just like wats happening???? but didnt say anything cuz i dont wanna get caught up in this mess. idk i guess the worker took the customers credit card to get the payment since she took it out, and the lady just runs after her and slams her hand on the card and is like 'DONT TAKE MY CREDIT CARD' idk i wasnt there to witness it. by the time i got out the worker was just like 'im sorry' and shes like 'yeah u better be sorry'. idk then she left and everyones yelling at eachother like 'why were you just smiling and not defending me!?' and stuff then the lady comes back and we thought she messed up her nail or something but shes like 'i need to talk to that young lady' and she was like 'im sorry for what i said......but if i find anything suspicious on my card, i WILL find you and you will go to jail and get raped' like wtffff what 40 year lady says that to a 24 year old like come on. i was just like OHHH DAAAANGGGG. but yeah thats that.

she was just crazy.

anyway today, i brought my acrylic machine to practice on elizabeth but i forgot to bring the tips and the free forms were super crappy n didnt work well so i'll just try net time ahhh i dont want some scary old lady as a first acrylic client i hope its a teenager or really nice person. so i just painted elizabeths nails and took a short walk then she went home

and today i finaaaalllllyyy bought some nice coloured pencils wheeeeee. i just need to find time to draw T_T

hate my life...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


so heres an actual post of something i did besides just complaining about my work

went to da beach today!

but dood its SO DUMB like right before i left, that time of month came....
like R U KIDDING ME!!????
but whateves it doesnt really start for the first few hours so its ok. lol too much info.

got to go with my bestest buddy rebekah!!! ♥

 yeah i wasnt wearing makeup so barely took any photos with my face cuz i looked gross

we just walked along the shore taking tons of pics. i never take pictures anymore cuz i never do anything :(

anyways heres a back pic. took lots of these lol. dood my butt is hanging out im so sorry
 not as bad as rebekah tho. she didnt have swimsuit bottoms so she was literally walking around in underwear lol and half her butt was out ahhahahha but it was sorta covered so watever

i never go to beaches anymore so it was nice. we didnt go in the water except just our legs. it wasnt super hot today anyways. hopefully we will go back later in the summer when its in the 100's.

after like an hour of walking n taking pics we went back to our little towel cuz i forgot mine so used bekah's, and we just lay down listening to music n tan for like 40 minutes. that was so relaxing soaking up that sun. its been like 2 months since ive done that ahhh i miss the good old days.

today was fun..but  have work tomorrow uguhuuu noooooo one day is just not enough free time

but earlier this week i did the worst feet of my life. it was this really old guy n his nails were really long n thick, but he was nice. lol it was funny. after the pedicure i did a manicure on him and took him away from his wife n daughter and he started talking to me about whatever. and hes like 'good thing i got the prettiest girl out of the bunch' and stuff and when i was finished his wife came over to see his nails and hes like 'got a pretty girl to rub me down' cuz i had to give a massage and hes like 'see you next week [not really]' and idk its just funny cuz hes prob like 70 or something. idk just a funny story.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


sooo as you may know not much going on in my life besides work.

sucks cuz literally i only get like 3-4 hours a day for me time(which includes eating and bathing) the rest of the day im at work, either doing a client or sitting around...

anyways heres some pics since i havent uploaded in a while

 i did my boss's toes all abstract-y. i like them

and heres my ppg nails i did. theyre still holding up!!! been like 2 weeks and still look pretty good considering i gotta use my hands a lot now

 took about 3 hours to do. im so proud of mojo i love him

OMG so like a week ago....i was doing this guys pedicure n he was prob like 25ish or something idk. and when i was finished my boss n coworker were like 'how was the pedicure?' n im like it was ok.. and theyre just smiling n stuff n im like ok????
and my coworker, who is the only other young one, was like 'he likes you' and im like 'did he say that?' and shes like no, but i can tell. and just keeps smiling like shes not telling me everything and im like what? and eventually she told me....his -thing- was up and i was like OMG WHAT i didnt need to know that. ok like the shirt i wore was kinda lose and low cut-ish so he prob saw my bra or something at times but omg. then i was like 'r u sure it wasnt just his pants?' cuz you know how some jeans when u sit down it looks like u got something going on, but shes like noooooo. idk that was weird.

ahem, anyways.

so i dont got lots of time, but i miss drawing so decided to draw

i coloured it, but i'll just post the uncoloured version on this blog.
(i made an art blog earlier this year you can check it out there and some other stuff scaryppl.blogspot.com)

yeah um idk how to edit it to be really white instead of grey looking...

i think im pretty good at drawing hands, i just have trouble with the size, cuz theyre either too small or very close to becoming yaoi hands.

and today was my day off and couldve been better. i wanted to go to the beach but no one was availible, the shoes i ordered online like 2 weeks ago i complained n they told me its out of stock like wtf put a sign or something so now idk if i dont get my money back i'll prob just get a purse or something from the site instead.

and today at this thrift store my dad found a mort walker scrapbook(which is beetle bailey's author) and ahhh only $3. another addition to my comic book collection. i have SO many! been collecting since like 4th grade or something. one day they will be worth a fortune, not that id ever sell them ;P