Thursday, July 19, 2012

virginia part 3

 on monday i went to this beach/lake and took some pics cuz my great aunt has a beach house but we only stayed there a couple hours

the next day me n my dad went back to the old town going to antique stores again cuz i wanted to buy a comic book for my friend but dang i just couldnt find the store i went to last week so i gave up, and was just all hot and sweaty

like  omg it was SO humid over there that you cant go outside D:

check out these sinister looking rabbits lol
i think its meant to look happy/cute...but the way i see it is EVILLLLL

that night(i think) me n my dad tried looking at the stars through his telescope he had there but 1) it didnt get dark til like almost 10 and 2) he forgot how to work it so you couldnt see anything

then the next day was my last official day there and went to another mall and bought a sweater there for $5 XD

and ate out

ok like EVERY SINGLE DAY i was there, i ate out at least once a day. im not talking mcdonalds, but stuff like olive garden quality....but not gonna be eating out for like a month

the first few days i felt like all i did was eat  :S
but lots of walking balances it out i guess

our plane left today at 8:55 am and we got back to cali around 11 am(yeah the time switch thing makes this complicated)
heres a pic from out the window

i think this is somewhere above arizona

and so now im back home. yuuup i like california better than virginia...its where i belongggg

but i do like how theres lots of trees and plants over there compared to here o__O

but overall i had a good time!

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