Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 yeah so heres my attempt with ganguro makeup!!!!


ive been wanting to try out this look for a while now. but i dont really have bronzers...so when isabel came over i used her brown eyeshadows O.O but hey, mixed with the stuff i used it didnt turn out half bad.

i ordered a curler n ebay and it arrived yestersay
 ive seen lots of models use triple barrel curlers so i wanted one, but the one i got the irons were a lot smaller than i wanted. but watever i only paid $10 and it does the job so watever

rather have beachy waves though T_T

omg i felt like i had SO much makeup on. when i finally washed all of it, i felt nice n clean ^_^
 heres a close up on my eye make

i drew on bottom lashes cuz i was too lazy to put real ones on

gah i think i looked like a real ganguro teehee

next time we're doing visual kei makeup!!!

~i'm so hot i'm on fire~

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

mall & pool

 blah idk random pic

yeah s i went to the mall with elizabeth. all i bought was a ds game called hotel dusk only cuz its suppose to be like this game called 999 which is amazing

and earlier today on ebay i bought a triple barrel curler so i'll get wavy hair yay!
 this is currently wat my nails look like. arent they pretty!!!

we had to walk to her house from the mall. it actually took shorter than i thought, but it was still so hooooot!

omg, going in the pool never felt better
 all i was doing was taking pics in the pool lol

eizabeth was too lame and didnt come in
she was too busy making pointless videos of herself...then again, i did too haha
me in one of those floaty rafts XD

hmmm...is there anything else i need to post? i dont think so, so toodles

Thursday, July 19, 2012

virginia part 3

 on monday i went to this beach/lake and took some pics cuz my great aunt has a beach house but we only stayed there a couple hours

the next day me n my dad went back to the old town going to antique stores again cuz i wanted to buy a comic book for my friend but dang i just couldnt find the store i went to last week so i gave up, and was just all hot and sweaty

like  omg it was SO humid over there that you cant go outside D:

check out these sinister looking rabbits lol
i think its meant to look happy/cute...but the way i see it is EVILLLLL

that night(i think) me n my dad tried looking at the stars through his telescope he had there but 1) it didnt get dark til like almost 10 and 2) he forgot how to work it so you couldnt see anything

then the next day was my last official day there and went to another mall and bought a sweater there for $5 XD

and ate out

ok like EVERY SINGLE DAY i was there, i ate out at least once a day. im not talking mcdonalds, but stuff like olive garden quality....but yeah...im not gonna be eating out for like a month

the first few days i felt like all i did was eat  :S
but lots of walking balances it out i guess

our plane left today at 8:55 am and we got back to cali around 11 am(yeah the time switch thing makes this complicated)
heres a pic from out the window

i think this is somewhere above arizona

and so now im back home. yuuup i like california better than virginia...its where i belongggg

but i do like how theres lots of trees and plants over there compared to here o__O

but overall i had a good time!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

virginia part 2

 this is major pic heavy(in my opinion) but on sunday i got to go to DC and go to the smithsonian and the capital n stuff

me at washinton monumet

again, srry for bad quality pics but theres just no way im editing all these so enjoy these natural pics while u can
 me in front of smithsonian natura history museum! it was amazing! and all the museums were free!

the museum was HUGE....so i didnt see all of it...

i took tons of pics but im only uploading the stuff i like

 in there, they had this machine to see wat you'd look like as an early human lol ew

and throughout the museum, i kept thinking about that night @ the museum movie and saw stuff that could be from it
 like da dinosaur XD

and heres some egyptian mummy stuff

in this room for like early ppl or something idk there was this kool picture that changes when u moe so i took a video. sorry but its sideways

and heres a toothless skull. idk i thought it just looked funny

and how humans are related to monkeys or something

i guess i forgot to mention this buuut there were like...a TON of off the boat azns there lol. and lots of other tourists from different countries

heres a pic of the original smithsonian which is called the castle i guess
it was right across the aerican history museum which i didnt go into

and heres a really bad pic of the capital. APPARENTLY, this ISNT called the white house @_@ i alwas thought this was the white house....

i only went to 2 museums cuz we all got tired. the other one i went to was the air and space museum cuz i like outer space and stuff

in this one room i saw the planet symbols and the first thing that came into my head was 999(a video game) and i was like ommmggggg so i took a pic XD

u should play it...soo...many....feelings....
 after hours of walking we went back home. to get there we had to take a subway. ive never taken a subway(i dont think japanese trains count cuz they arent underground) and the ride back was sooo hooooottt in there and once u exit it was nice n cold.
pic of the station for the smithsonian

next time i go back to virginia i wanna come back here and look at the rest of the museums!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

virginia part 1

 so at like 11 pm i left california. this actually isnt the plane i went on.....mines right next to it but they look the same so watever

the flight was quicker so it was only 4 1/2 hours instead of 5. i watched half of spirited away on the plane but got bored/tired but i couldnt fall asleep.

so anyways we arrived there at 6 am (time differences)

no one was at the luggage area
 my uncle picked me n my dad up and then took us out to eat at cracker barrel. i keep seeing the commercial for it in california but theres none where i live...

but inside was kinda cool so i took pics of candy
 my lapto doesnt have any progras to edit pics like adjust exposure ect and the only way is to upload them on sites but im too lazy so these dont look good

when i got to my grandmas house i was soooooo outta it. the night before i came here i slept over rebekahs house and only got like 4 hours of sleep so i took a nice 6 hour nap ^_^

then at night i wasnt that tired cuz 11 pm here is only 8 pm back home so i just watched tv and my japanese dvd i got from a magazine actually worked on my computer so i watched some hair tutorials for a bit

the next day we went in town cuz i wanted to look at antique stores and stuff. i didnt buy anythng but i saw this 2 headed troll doll and thought it looked cool so took a pic
actually, im kinda tempted to buy this o__O

we also went to the mall, but its a rather boring mall. not too many good stores in it

the house im staying at doesnt have wifi and i can sorta steal other pplz wifi but the signal is so far away so i keep getting disconnected. the only way i can go on the interet is at a library(which im in right now)

k thats all 4 now!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


on forever21.com i bought the blazer i really wanted cuz i NEED it. i also boughta dress too! i hope they arrive soon ^_^

yesterday i went to the thrift store cuz every now n then they have everything 50% off and you never know wat you gonna find. and i found some amazing school-looking sweater with a sailor thing and omg its sooo cute. plus its by ralph lauren and only cost me $4 oh yeaaaah. i'll post a pic eventually

then later hung out with rebekah and played some gamecube games with her lol

and at night lorin took me to see brave in 3D cuz sheworks at the movies so she can get me in for free!! it was a good movie, i was crying at the end >_<

then on tuesday im going to virginia again and hopefuly i can get some wifi there....

Thursday, July 5, 2012

w/ pplz

heres mah new nails....its pretty plain and boring...but watevers
 i havent done much this week so far. n monday juian came over and we nerded out for a bit and then ate at some church thing and brooke was there too so talked with her

i did nothing on 4th of july XD just ate BBQ food and listening to fireworks and my dog barking at the noise

last night at midnight i was skyping with hasna, and we didnt mean for this to happen, but ended up having a "sleepover" over skype cuz we stayed on ti like 5 am LOL

yeah we were on for 4 hours and 45 minutes XD we were mostly just looking up weird website but it was fun!

today i went to da mall with paul
 and at gamestop i saw THIS and DIED


i need a 3DS.....

@ forever21 there was this school-like blazer that i NEEDED but it was only in large T_T

then he bought me pretzel and gave me ths amazing sephiroth keychain thing from anime expo
i loooooove sephiroth...my fave

i wanna go to anime expo T_T