Saturday, April 7, 2012

gf v ftyh

yesterday my mom invited her japanese friends for a barbeque and i had to babysit one of thier kid. lol i was sooo tired at the end of the day cuz the little girl, amane chan(lol), kept following me and stuff but we just played some video games

she had her DS and showed me this precure game. and for u who dont know what that is its basically like sailor moon. i have precure figures but dont watch the show cuz its for me o__O

but i liked the game LOL

today i went to the thrift store w/ my parents and i found these really cute booties! everything was 50% so they were only $5. srsly like every shoe i liked was in size 8 and im size 7 so urrg. but im so glad the ones i bought are 7 1/2. i WAS tempted to buy this gucci backpack purse like thing for only $7!!!!!! but then again....if i were to wear it at school, i'd have to carry my binder which shows my scary ppl and i dont want ppl getting some sense that im a freak or something plus im not gonna be in school for much longer so decided to not buy it. but it IS a very good deal.

and i also went to old town in some cool gift shop and really wanted this dragon clock. like it was SO cool looking and only $17 and i would totally but it if i had the money T_T

i dont wanna go to skool DX

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