Sunday, April 29, 2012

nee nee nee

friday i had my friend julian over and we nerded out playing kingdom hearts XD
he stayed til like 9:30 but by that time i was playing this kinda scary game(i get nightmares from it but cant help but keep playing lol) and i got to this part where ppl go in a room and some dead guy is on the floor and me n him are just reading the text then the doorbell rings and scare the crap outta us. like omg my heart literally stopped lol good times

yesterday was a fun day. i went to the dog park with my mom and this girl i was "baby sitting" and i put my dog on some kiddie swing.

he's so cute though!!! i mean look at him!

ugg but that girl is so tiring! she NEVER runs out of energy so every time i have to watch her when she leaves im all pooped out. but after she left i went to hang out with my bestest friend rebekah and slept over her house cuz she lives here now yaay!!!!! gonna be chillin all da time now!!!

but omg at like 11 everyone is watching this really weird movie made in the 80's or something called monty python and the holy grail or something and wow.....the WEIRDEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. one of my fav movies labyrinth is kinda old and cheesey but this is waaaay worse like wtc.
the only funny part was some scene where there this killer rabbit thats obv a stuffed animal with red paint around the mouth trying to attack everyone
you have GOT to watch it

and then at midnight bekah passes out as i expected but im still awake so just lay in bed then @ like 1 in the morning her bf calls her and now shes suddenly wide awake and im like wtf shes too tired to talk to me but not to him? jerk. but after like 45 minutes of talking to him we talk for a bit then both go to sleep at like 2

but chyeaa. thats pretty much it!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

past few days

heres my outfit today ♥

today was the first day i wore high heels to school(but they arent even that high) idk i felt like being "clasy" if thats wat you'd call this. besides i went home early thats why i was like what the hay

yeah and i take REALLY bad pics from far away. my chubby cheeks make my face look all fat and gross

i love my shoes!

ok anyways

tuesday and wednesday i didnt go to skool cuz the lame younger pplz had to star test and we got out of skool after that so there was like no point in even showing up cuz all the seniors would do is breakfast and play board games or something retarded.

so i just babysat a little on tuesday and wednesday i just went out for a bit to tan and finish drawing stuff for art class

im so glad in like a month i'll graduate. sooooo ready to do that

Saturday, April 21, 2012

sleepover @ isabel's

lots of anime/video game stuff so if ur not into that stuff dont read this...its prob too nerdy 4 you

last night i slept over isabel's house and it was so much fun!

when we ate together, her famiy was watching some basketball thing and her mom was getting really into it and it was so funny hearing her scream at the TV and everything. this is the first time ive experienced something like that

then we watched final fantasy advent children and had the biggest fangirl moments EVER
its been a few years since i last seen that movie so i totally forgot how gorgeous all the characters were lol. they were all so hottttttt. but cloud and that denzil or w/e kid were just too emo in the movie -_-" but ahhh when vincent appeared  me n her were freaking out cuz we both love him. and when my husband spehiroth appeared...omg...we were both screaming....he's just so amazing. oh it only he were real

im glad i watched it with her cuz we both can nerd out together w/o ppl thinking we're weird. it wouldnt be fun watching it with anyone else but her.

that was the best ♥

after that it was already like 10:30 at night so we just went on her laptop going on tumblr and watching youtube n stuff. then we were on some quiz-like site and you just type in ur name and get an answer. we'd take quizzes like 'what type of anime are you?' or 'whos ur uta no prince sama husband?' or 'how kawaii are you/' ect ect. i got pretty good answers(for most of the time) but if isabel would take a what kind of anime would u be in stuff or something it'd always be some hentai thing every time which was really funny. and all the quizzes like 'what type of guy likes you' or watever is always like little kids while mine is older men(which i do like) haha

and while we're doing this it was prob midnight and you know how when ur at sleepovers and its around midnight or you arent tired but will be really soon, and u start laughing a lot for no reason? well that was happening to me and i would laugh at nothing but idk...eveything just seemed so funny even though it wasnt.

and then like 10 minutes later i get all tired and wanna go to sleep so i force her to listen to my trance music cuz i mean...i'd listen to that stuff if i cant fall asleep or something. but i guess i only needed a little 15 minute eye resting moment then i wasnt that tired anymore

but then it was almost 1 so i decided to go to sleep on the couch. and then i wake up at like 7:30-ish and im like ahhh its too early to wake up! so i just kept laying down till a few minutes before 8 then woke up and woke her up too

and had french toast for breakfast and watched tv and painted her nails(i need to redo my own too) and then goofed off on the computer again

yup pretty much it. lol nerding out is actually lots of fun!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

the week so far

so had to go back to skool on monday..which sucked.

waking up early is so....uggghhhh. plus i dont remember anythingggg from before break

on tuesday for this church thing we put make up on eachother blindly so everyones came out horrible. i would post a pic buuut i look too ugly

oh and i did my nailz

i used the acrylic stuff. the first pic i tried doing a candy/bow but as i finished the star on the other hand the acrylic liquid melted the cup i put it in(plastic) so i guess thats y in all the tutorials its glass :/ man wat a waste though! so i tred using it still before it dried so the candy(yeah thats supose to be candy) looks all retarded cuz the powder is all dry. and then the liquid dried so i used some 3D nail thing i got in japan since its blue but not the same

all the pearls ect are starting to come off though D:

8 more weeks til graduation!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

gf v ftyh

yesterday my mom invited her japanese friends for a barbeque and i had to babysit one of thier kid. lol i was sooo tired at the end of the day cuz the little girl, amane chan(lol), kept following me and stuff but we just played some video games

she had her DS and showed me this precure game. and for u who dont know what that is its basically like sailor moon. i have precure figures but dont watch the show cuz its for me o__O

but i liked the game LOL

today i went to the thrift store w/ my parents and i found these really cute booties! everything was 50% so they were only $5. srsly like every shoe i liked was in size 8 and im size 7 so urrg. but im so glad the ones i bought are 7 1/2. i WAS tempted to buy this gucci backpack purse like thing for only $7!!!!!! but then again....if i were to wear it at school, i'd have to carry my binder which shows my scary ppl and i dont want ppl getting some sense that im a freak or something plus im not gonna be in school for much longer so decided to not buy it. but it IS a very good deal.

and i also went to old town in some cool gift shop and really wanted this dragon clock. like it was SO cool looking and only $17 and i would totally but it if i had the money T_T

i dont wanna go to skool DX

Thursday, April 5, 2012

planetarium finally!!!

 so i really like astronomy and space and stuff and been dying to go to a planetarium for EVER. last time i tried going it was closed but this time everything was fine!

the ticket also included the science museum so we checked that out too.

but wow! inside the theater was so huuuuge! i wish i couldve taken a video or something but electronics had to be turned off. everything the guy was saying, i pretty much already knew so i felt super awesome. and to my suprise, a crapload of ppl were there so all the seats were taken(which is like 250)

but it was so cool, like taking a journey through space

and since i was in san diego we also stopped at japanese stores so i can look for my magz, but the ones they were selling i already had. i really need to get some eyelash glue so i went in the 100yen store and found some pretty falsies so bought them, and they also come w/ glue
ahh only a few more days left of break!