Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentines day!

 happy valentines day everyone!

sadly, i dont have a valentine...BUT i'd rather be single than with some ugly guy that likes me
lol im so mean

besides...i dont really like anyone anyways :/

last night was making this chocolate cake-like things. they were delicious
 they look better in person, and taste fabulous. all its made of is oreos & cream cheese. yeah sounds weird but its really good!!!! everyone liked it yaay!

and then i made some valentines for my friends. some origami like stuff i had cuz its all cutesy and "kawaii"

just a few. they have special notes inside
 and today at school didnt really get much. im not popular T_T
just have my tiny group of friends

so hile some girls got giant teddy bears and roses and balloons i got this:
omg i love the card isabel gave me.she knows me so well. ♥sephiroth LOL
i made something similar for her too, except with super heroes

and it being valentines day creeper #2 decided to talk to me(sigh)

of course he made up some lame excuse to say something to me ugg. if he ever asks im just gonna say im taken to get him off my back. i made the mistake of saying im single with the first creeper....

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