Thursday, February 23, 2012

art + nails

nya nya nyaah

heres some art from AP studio art. my concentration them is "creepy people/things"

 hypno tiiiimmeee
 creepy toys
 creepy doll in medical tray with tools idk
(this is a remake of a doll i drew a while ago)

haha i love drawing scary stuff. people either think its really creepy or they love it!!
couldve used a bit more contrast though..but watever

heres my new nails!
i've been wanting to do black nails for a bit now since i havent done it in a long time. but plain black nails look really scary on long nails so i added crosses but was still too plain so added random stickers. yeah not the best pic. i had my mommy take it XD cuz i wanted both hands in a pic

and i never posted my valentin nails but i only took 1 pic and it wasnt that great, plus the nails werent that special...just pink with some dots and hearts

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentines day!

 happy valentines day everyone!

sadly, i dont have a valentine...BUT i'd rather be single than with some ugly guy that likes me
lol im so mean

besides...i dont really like anyone anyways :/

last night was making this chocolate cake-like things. they were delicious
 they look better in person, and taste fabulous. all its made of is oreos & cream cheese. yeah sounds weird but its really good!!!! everyone liked it yaay!

and then i made some valentines for my friends. some origami like stuff i had cuz its all cutesy and "kawaii"

just a few. they have special notes inside
 and today at school didnt really get much. im not popular T_T
just have my tiny group of friends

so hile some girls got giant teddy bears and roses and balloons i got this:
omg i love the card isabel gave me.she knows me so well. ♥sephiroth LOL
i made something similar for her too, except with super heroes

and it being valentines day creeper #2 decided to talk to me(sigh)

of course he made up some lame excuse to say something to me ugg. if he ever asks im just gonna say im taken to get him off my back. i made the mistake of saying im single with the first creeper....

Sunday, February 12, 2012

with my BFFFFFs

on friday night got to sleep over with my 2 bestest friends in the whole world! i was so happy cuz i NEVER get to hang out with them. it was sooo much fun!

my pics r so edited DX taking advantage of picnik lol

alorah also slept over thier house too so it was really fun. they finally accept their dad again. they really should move back here :/

i got there pretty late so we talked for a while then played SSBB for a bit then everyone fell asleep except me. they all pased out at 1-ish and i TRIED going to sleep but i was like napping or something. i prob finally passed out around 5 am lol. but it was really cold where we slept and yeah..hungry

 me n sarah. ugg i hate my pics when i dont wear contacts.

the next morning me n alorah woke up at 9ish cuz sarah&rebekah got up before us. then we ate crepes together. they were sooooooo good. and look awesome too! their stepmom is a good cook
later in the day their stepmom took all of us out to get pedicures/manicures. i got a pedicure(which was my first) but idk, yeah they massaged my legs and stuff but all they really did was put nail polish on and nothing fancy. i couldve done that at home but watevers! the lady cut my toenails too short. it kinda hurt...

alorah had to go home, but i got to sleep over again yay! they took us out to dinner and had ice cream afterwards. and sarah dyed her hair black like rebekahs too.

rebekah started getting sick so she fell asleep early even though we were gonna stay up all night. we watched phantom of the opera(well, i did) and at the last 10 minutes sarah joins me then we go to sleep around 1:30

and the next day(today) i had to go home with my mom after church but it was fun. me n brooke ditched and hung out in my car watching youtube vids lol

and a month ago i bought a set of 5 kuroshitsuji figures on ebay and they arrived on saturday but i was like wtf. i thought they would be legit authentic figures but its like sometime took the pieces apart and made molds to recreate their own and sell them. they were made of plastic and had crappy paint jobs. plus thier legs were all twisted and messed up. but i did only pay $15 for all 5. but yeah..totally fake. i had to try to fix them up so they look better

Thursday, February 9, 2012

wtf senior year!?

so idk why, but this year there are like lots of creepy guys at school.

first it was HIM(barfs) and now i have some new creeper(who is brob a sophomore or something)

T_T omg y do they always have to be ugly men? i'd rather have no one crushing on me at all. man...i cant wait to graduate like srsly

on other note, did my nails valentines theme and i know what im making for valentines day!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

ur mom

when i went to san diego today i decided to buy KERA magazine. omg like ive been wanting to get this mag since back in 2010 but never really felt like spending $9 on it. but i was like 'wat the hey' cuz i have lots of money from christmas and my bithday

technically its the issue from last month(february) but the march issues werent there yet so wateves

heres a scan thing. i love re:no. shes prob my fav model in this mag! i was gonna scan more pages but then i didnt feel like it sorry! 

also bought some gel eyeliner. at first i bought it in charcol, but then i realized i wanted black, cuz i thought it was black but its actually greyish so i had to exchange it and the ppl let me even though i opened it
 but didnt feel like re-taking a pic of the black one cuz its basically the same mmhmm

oh also in san diego @ book off they did have popteen and egg, but i decided not to get them cuz
1) didnt have much make up tutorials
2) cost $4 instead of $2 lol

and sometime this month i should be recieving my black butler action figures i bought on ebay. cant wait!
yummy cake