Monday, September 26, 2011


pic heavy(kina)

OMGGG its been forever since ive posted cuz my comp broke down and had to get it fixed. obv during that time, i actually did things but couldnt really post about it.

but yeah. i am back!

well, other stuff that i didnt feel like adding with this post is me trying on wedding dresses again and nails(but i already re-did them so decided not to post a pic)

anyways heres this house thing i had to do for english. its of some hall from beowulf and its all bloooody cuz its after it got attacked chyeeaaa. blood.

and then another scary person whoop!!!!
MEDUSA. the idea was brilliant. and once i actually coloured it, i was like 'oh yeah. this is def worthy enough to go on my binder' i love drawing my scary pplz.the mouth bugs me tho

and then over the weekend me n some other girls from church went to big bear! it was really fun!  we left around 4:30 and got there at like 7:30 cuz traffic. and then we watched chick flicks and stayed up talking til 2 a.m. i really wanted to see the stars so i went out at 2 in the morning but on of the leader persons locked me out and turned out the lights but i was like eh cuz i know they would still be awake for at least 10 more minutes. ahh the milky way. so purdy. but it was hard trying to identify constellations cuz SO many stars. im glad i brought my binoculars :D and then i saw a shooting star!! i was like WHAT!? honestly, idk how ppl are suppose to make a wish before it disappears cuz those things fly fast. like less than a second and its gone. it was really cool though.

then i walked to the cabin and the lady realized i got locked out so i got to go back in ^_^

in the morning we did some yoga/exercise but i didnt really feel like participating.

we went out in town and shopped, but of course i had no money so i can only look around, which isnt fun at all.
i look bad. please ignore my face. but dude, i would TOTALLY buy the scarf/mitten thing im wearing, but it was $35. im not crazy about those hats/mittens. i think they look weird.

and then we all took a pic in front of the lake.
so glad i wore sunglasses, i looked hideous that day.

then we had to go to some church thing but i was just writing some random story instead of listening o.o ssshhhh....

when we got back to the cabin we watched more movies like tangled and beastly and then every did eachothers nail polish. i brought like all of mine but everyone wanted to use this one sparkly blue colour i had. i only used it like...2 or 3 times before but now its less than half full. geez.

and saw teh stars AGAIN(hey, its hard seeing this much stars with friggin light pollution. had to enjoy it while i can) and my friend went out with me. it was easier that night since i recognized a constellation so i can find new ones and i did XD the stupid part was while i was looking through my binoculars my friend saw a shooting star and gah. i wanted to see it T_T

once we got back in the cabin ppl decided to watch napoleon dynamite but duude that movie was soo lame. like i wasnt really paying attention and was writting stories again, then i get up to close the door cuz it was getting chilly(this was like 11:30) and when i look down EVERYONE is passed out and im like duude wtf. but obv the movie put them to sleep. if it was some action movie, things wouldve been different.

so cuz of that we all went to bed shortly after and then had to get up super early the next morning. we left a bit before nine. it was so cool though. there were these clouds low in the mountains. if only you were there to see it. i was AMAZING. as if you were on a plane

the valley of clouds

on the drive home i got really tired so basically "slept" the whole way home, more like nap i guess.

then we got back home at 11 yay! and passed out on my bed after that.

here mah nails. my old ones were tiger stripes.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

spam spam spam

augh sorreh that i havent posted. i DO have lots to write about BUUUUUT the computer i usually use is broken or something and is being fixed so can't upload photos n stuff DX

but i guess i can write about stuff that dont need pics :P

i bought DDR extreme 2 yay and got it in the mail today. i need an xbox360. they have DDR games for that system too @_@

so speaking of DDR havent played that in a while but did on sunday and now my leg is SUPER sore. its been 3 days already and only my right leg hurts its so weird. the paaaiiin~~

PLUS that creeper guy at school who likes me, i swear he is stalking me now. after i got out of the class didnt see him for a while but i see hime everywhere!!! NOOOOOOOO!!! he knows where i hang out. im an NOT ok with this. me n my friend have to find a new spot to chill now. at least he doesnt talk to me, but i know if he sees me walking alone, he prob will. life sux T_T

yeah i'll post other stuff when comp gets fixed so bye

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


last week and the weekss before, i got an obsession drawing scary ppl. not that i dont draw them, but i just ONLY would draw my creeps :P

gasp but arent they beautiful!???

i even drew bodies and everything(with no bloood of course) and made a new character to add to the family XD

but thats all over now. i draw anime once again

on friday club rush started so i joined the anime cosplay club(its full of nerds but watver), visual kei club(but everyone is prob poser), japanese culter club and i was kinda forced to join some knitting like club but i'll never go.

ohh i also got a minor haircut. my hair was just TOO long. like, i love long hair, but it was such a hassle to wash and brush and if i look down i cant see the floor cuz it'd get in my way plus i had bad split ends. so i cut off like 5 inches or so. nice n healthy now! but still looks long ;D

Thursday, September 1, 2011

senior photo

yesterday took my senior photos

at the studio i felt like a popteen model XD

but ugggh how i HATE my chubby cheeks. when i smile showing my teeth my face looks suupper fat and gross. sob sob

i only liked a few ofthe pics that were taken. my mom bought 2 pics, 1 pose for like $60 rip off but it was the cheapest one i'll upload it when i get it

did two outfits, first is the pink shirt one(above) then i used a "school girl" outfit LOL

eye make.

i LOVE the dollywink eyelashes. they are incredible.