Saturday, July 30, 2011


let me start off saying this was porob one of the boring-est weeks of summer so far. i did NYATHING!


a few days ago as i looked through one of my popteen mags for the 100th time i decided to try to copy one of the make up
lookin gallll. but its not the same as the pic. idk too much eyeline or something but you know, i think this looks really nice.

i usually dont use much eyeliner, only in the outer corner cuz i always thought if i put eyeliner on my waterline thing it would make my eyes look smaller but i think this is fine. need to change up the look every now and then :P

close up! yeah wearing botton lashes cuz i didnt feel like using mascara

ohh! and i bought a new shirt and some more nail polish!! ,man, i must have like every colour XD still need more tops!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

model thing

so there was this model search thing i decided to sign up for in da mall.

it was ok. there was a runway we had to walk. we had to say our name and say some script thing then walk and pose. NORMALLY, i would be nervous...doing that in a PUBLIC PLACE with ppl staring at me. but idk. i wasnt shaking or sweating or anything. prob cuz its just strangers that i'll never see again.

but i sorta forgot my script thing and messed up. so when the guy called the good ppl with potential, i wasnt one of them T_T

BUT THATS OK! besides, you had to pay if u wanna move on. the next stage would be a photoshoot but but it costs like $150 so my mom said no, plus that doesnt gaurantee you'd win anyway. i guess you can pay if your really really serious about being a model/actress. but i think it would be cool n all, but its not like, my absolute dream

but at least i go to take home my paper thing^^^

what i looked like 4 da auditions. not trying to be all self centered or anything, but i felt like i was the prettiest(LOL) but i honestly think i have a better chance to be a model in japan♥ for my magz of course ;)

i need to buy more shirts for school. OMGGGGG school starts in like 2 weeks SOOOOOOO retarded. i wishschools here started in september like normal schools do.

and heres some eye make from earlier this week. my new eyelashes! the dollywink one is really pretty but its like really long(like i mean longer than the length of your eye) and i dont really like that, but they're too precious to cut!

oh and heres this contest thing you guys should enter ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

yay japanese stuff!

yeah stuff from japan came wheee!!!!!!!!!!
but first the mags i got from julian^^^
last month's issues(they were the newest when he bought them) ahh i love them all. betty is a cool one that uive never seen before. reminds me a lot of ageha. came with a DVD too but i havent seen if it works yet

then yesterday i slept over hasnas house and at 11 we decided to go to winco in our pajamas just cuz, and then we just decided to drive around and see here the streets take us. we ended up going to the mountains out in the country. lol, nothing better than a midnight drive in the country! but i tell you, the scenery was gorgeous. if it were daytime, all you'd see are rocks and dead grass, but at night it was sooo pretty!!!!!! the almost full moon shining on the streets making shadows on the mountains, and the sky full of stars cuz no light pollution. lovely scene. plus we were driving in the same road for like an hour and a half with all the windows open, of course hasna was too busy driving but i enjoyed the nature^_^

but hasna freaked out when i read the street signs and shes like 'WHAT!? WE'RE THAT FAR?" s went home. but before we went home we stopped at mcdonalds at like 12:30 to buy chicken nuggets LOL
and then we made these delicious chocolate covered pretzels. they were fun making :P
then we watched totoro but hasna got sleepy towards the end so i kept having to wake her up

then she fell asleep around 3 but i wasnt sleepy at all so i read a manga i brought but finished it so i decided to sleep

and in the morning we made this sorta music vid and drew on our faces but no way i'll ever upload them.

i had to go home but i might sleep over her house again tonight lol. but dunno yet.

however when i came home, the package from japan came OMG!!

luffly stuff, im so happy
so older popteen mags

massage roller things(suppose to make you thinner. its crazy, it used it on one side of my face and it actually did look thinner!)

sweets charms :D

fake eyelashes! omg i got the dollywink eyelashes!! im so glad my aunt bought them for me!!!! in america they are SOOOOOO expensive(well, they already are in japan) but gah! loves loves.

i asked for these other lashes for the bottom bt i guess she couldnt find them T_T i was looking so forward to them

and nail stuff. books/sticker stuff yays

i also got a jacket from the brand cecil mcbee which is like HUGE in japan. lol of course i would know about it! but im assuming its my cousins but thats cool. i kinda deleted the pic by accident but whatevs

Sunday, July 17, 2011


haha ok so kinda boring week. nothing major.

i gots my mags from julian in japan yay! i'll upload stuff about that later

im still waiting for my other stuff from japan to get here arrrggh shouldve come by now!!!!!

annnnnnd yesterday i went to isabel's 16th birthday party but it was kinda awkward and me n elizabeth felt all outta place. plus the house REEKED of alcohol. being outside with fresh was so nice

yeah thats it. i'll post when my package comes ^_^

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

today i...

ok i went to san diego today with my mom pretty much only to go to this one planetarium.

but it was SO gay. like the museum was closed cuz a "power shutage" and "sewage issues". all the other museums were open though. but since the science one was closed we WERE gonna go check out the others but we got there right when they were closing. geez.

i was looking forward to going to a planetarium T_T my inner nerd.

but before all that we went to japan town and stuff and bought some food

i luv drinkin dis stuff! they didnt have my fav drink though boohoo

then we found out about the museums then i suggested we go to the escondido or w/e mall so our day wouldn't be a total waste. and we did. it was fun. love that mall. bought some stuff ^_^

i also bought a comic book from book off.

this sure brings back memories
its ok if its in japanese. its not really a manga..its like in colour and basically scenes from the episodes. i miss this show

Monday, July 4, 2011


this made me laugh hahahahaha. not mine.

shibaraku desu ne

i know the pic looks weird cuz its not centered, but blogger has been retarded lately so this is how things are gonna be for a while

I havent shown my nails in a while so here they are. kinda simple but i think they look really pretty!

for the 4th of july had a BBQ the day before w/ my family then on the actual day hung out with elizabeth n her bf and watched fireworks with them.

my mom and pudgy appeared outta no where and watched with us.

video. screaming...turn it down