Friday, May 27, 2011


so the past few days were pretty easy. i'm soooo glad summer is finally here!
lets see, most of my classes were pretty boring and we didnt do anything. mostly played crds or just chilled
^ pic with me n my sweeney buddy ♥
on ebay i bought another DDR game so i'll def play that over summer. ohh and over summer i'm finally going to use that popteen weight-loss diary thing. so by the time school starts again, i'll be thinner. i really hope i can loose weight off my face. i hate my chubby cheeks
and about games again, i was bored on ebay searching anime stuff(lol) and came across dis game.
its one of my FAVOURITE animes. it looks cool. i really wish i had a japanese PS2 to play games like this, and KH final mix too!
over summer i think i'll re-watch this show ^_^
omg aaand my aunt in japan is FINALLY gonna get me stuff!!! lots of anime figues and fake eyelashes and i forgot what else i told her to get. so i should be getting them before school starts yay!
yesterday since it was a modified day, i went to the mall with elizabeth.
we did the usual. i finally spent some $$$ on my hot topic gift card XD i bought this minnie mouse shirt :p
in PE, since its like the last week we went to the pool to just chill there
none of us went swimmng but i brought my camera and all my friends kept taking it to take random photos. but it was really fun. i'm gonna miss them.
i really liked this school year. for once, there was no teacher that i had that i didnt like. annd i cant believe that im gonna be a senior!!!!!! this school year went by fast(well, actually it went UBER slow during the first few months) and once i grauate, i'll prob never see most of my friends again D:
but i know this summer is gonna be really fun. im going to a party today and tommorow so i'll write about that. also camp and some other stuff will be going on ;P
uugh i nee to find a jobbb!
^yeah idk. i felt like posting this
and random video at the pool. ignore the guy with the glasses. lol and i was listening to a lady gaga song on my friends phone

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