lets see, most of my classes were pretty boring and we didnt do anything. mostly played crds or just chilled
^ pic with me n my sweeney buddy ♥
on ebay i bought another DDR game so i'll def play that over summer. ohh and over summer i'm finally going to use that popteen weight-loss diary thing. so by the time school starts again, i'll be thinner. i really hope i can loose weight off my face. i hate my chubby cheeks
its one of my FAVOURITE animes. it looks cool. i really wish i had a japanese PS2 to play games like this, and KH final mix too!
over summer i think i'll re-watch this show ^_^
omg aaand my aunt in japan is FINALLY gonna get me stuff!!! lots of anime figues and fake eyelashes and i forgot what else i told her to get. so i should be getting them before school starts yay!
we did the usual. i finally spent some $$$ on my hot topic gift card XD i bought this minnie mouse shirt :p
in PE, since its like the last week we went to the pool to just chill there
i really liked this school year. for once, there was no teacher that i had that i didnt like. annd i cant believe that im gonna be a senior!!!!!! this school year went by fast(well, actually it went UBER slow during the first few months) and once i grauate, i'll prob never see most of my friends again D:
but i know this summer is gonna be really fun. im going to a party today and tommorow so i'll write about that. also camp and some other stuff will be going on ;P
uugh i nee to find a jobbb!