Friday, May 27, 2011


so the past few days were pretty easy. i'm soooo glad summer is finally here!
lets see, most of my classes were pretty boring and we didnt do anything. mostly played crds or just chilled
^ pic with me n my sweeney buddy ♥
on ebay i bought another DDR game so i'll def play that over summer. ohh and over summer i'm finally going to use that popteen weight-loss diary thing. so by the time school starts again, i'll be thinner. i really hope i can loose weight off my face. i hate my chubby cheeks
and about games again, i was bored on ebay searching anime stuff(lol) and came across dis game.
its one of my FAVOURITE animes. it looks cool. i really wish i had a japanese PS2 to play games like this, and KH final mix too!
over summer i think i'll re-watch this show ^_^
omg aaand my aunt in japan is FINALLY gonna get me stuff!!! lots of anime figues and fake eyelashes and i forgot what else i told her to get. so i should be getting them before school starts yay!
yesterday since it was a modified day, i went to the mall with elizabeth.
we did the usual. i finally spent some $$$ on my hot topic gift card XD i bought this minnie mouse shirt :p
in PE, since its like the last week we went to the pool to just chill there
none of us went swimmng but i brought my camera and all my friends kept taking it to take random photos. but it was really fun. i'm gonna miss them.
i really liked this school year. for once, there was no teacher that i had that i didnt like. annd i cant believe that im gonna be a senior!!!!!! this school year went by fast(well, actually it went UBER slow during the first few months) and once i grauate, i'll prob never see most of my friends again D:
but i know this summer is gonna be really fun. im going to a party today and tommorow so i'll write about that. also camp and some other stuff will be going on ;P
uugh i nee to find a jobbb!
^yeah idk. i felt like posting this
and random video at the pool. ignore the guy with the glasses. lol and i was listening to a lady gaga song on my friends phone

Friday, May 20, 2011

one week left!


only one week of school left yee-haw!

geez its been a while since me last post. i so sorry. its just that ive been really busy. but no worries. i should have plenty of free time now.

so lets see, not much to write about school, other than doing work :/ BUUUT in wildlife bio, we did a fetal pig dissection o.O

sorreh, but i just HAD to upload these

^the intestine and heart are already taken out. in the pic i was trying to take out the needle thing that holds the arms down.

and before it was ripped up(well, actually the stomach is already cut open, same with mouth but u no)

omg and one of my nails broke so its really short now and looks freaking retarded. so i had to cut the others the same height T_T i hate short nails(even though its now the lenth of what a normal nail usually is lol)

and i re-paint them too :D

and, this whole week, ive had a headache every single day. i think somethings wrong. cuz this aint normal.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

california adventures

went to CA adventures yesterdaysince our passes were about to expire and went to toy story mania first! love dat ride. i got 160,000 which was also the highest score for the whole round BAM! i am goood, yet some ppl get like, over 500k

also took pictures with duffy the bear bu i look weird so didnt upload

since the park opened only 30 minutes before we got there, all the lines were under 25 minutes..incredible

elizabeth wanted to go on the ferris wheel so we went. but omgggggg there were these super nerdy boys behind us who kept trying to cut in front of us. they were SOOOOOO annoying, they had light sabers(or watever) and ugg, weirdos

^on ferris wheel, lol elizabeth

elizabeth got hungry so we went to mcdonalds to eat but were trying to make it back by 1:30 to watch the aladdin show, and omg we missed it by like 2 minutes so we had to wait for the 4:00 show.

we then went on soarin over california since the line was short(for once)

when we got off i didnt know the fastpass tickets we got to tower of terror's time was about to run out, but we managed to make it in time

but even with fastpass we still had to wait :(

and there was this one girl who was crying cuz she was so scared and her and her dad left at the last minute, i fel kinda bad for her. lol on theride when the elevator would fall down my purse would like fly up

omg i look so bad XP

we also went on the rafting ride 2 times, but on the second time i got really wet(man that sounds wrong) its cuz i sat next to the place where ppl step in so water goes through more. my purse got soaked but everything inside was dry

but then went back to watch the aladdin show and i made sure we got there ahead of time ;D

i really wanted to go to the second floor, but we ended up going to the third floor(and dang it is SCARY up there, everything is so steep) but omg the genie was so funny lol i love watching that show. too bad aladdin wasnt that good looking this time, the guys that usually plays him is always hot

when it got dark the rides looked really cool. elizabeth got hungry again, and she made me wait in a line with her for 30 minutes to buy chinese food she ended up not liking omggggg wat a waste of time. but i did buy a churro XD

i wanted to go to the hollywood area at 8:00ish to watch electronica, but it just ended up being some teen rave thing but the whole tron theme was really cool

then at 9:00 watched world of color and it was AMAZING even though we saw only like 5 minutes of it cuz we had to leave. but it was really cool, you ppl need to watch it, so worth it(also in video)

last week

havent blogged, but idk

anyways on tuesday i made these supah awesome cookies! oh they are such a masterpiece! but the frosting didnt really taste that good :/

had a pretty normal week so i didn't write anything

and i decided to re-do my nails. its gold and silver. i think they look really neat :D

and i took a video of pudgy lol poor thing. he was so tired he didnt care if i messed around with him(tats my mom sleeping in the background o.O)