Thursday, October 7, 2010


today, instead of being in school like most loosers out there(jk) i went to the zoooooooo!!!
it was a feild trip for my wildlife bio class. some other classes like AP enviromental and stuff came along too.
i havent been to the zoo in YEARS so its nice to be back :P
so yeah the buses left @ 7:45 a.m. and zomg, on the way there i saw a transformers car o__O like it was covered with the robots..i WANTED to take a pic of it, but the bus was going to slow and the car was too fast darn.
anyhow. we got to the zoo at like 9:30ish idk and the group i was with was with julian, anthony, citloli or w/e, and uh some other ppl i didnt really talk to but whatever. itd be boring if it was just me and julian.
we first go in the reptile house and in there only i took like 20 pictures haha
and outside there was a tree with a face on it
we walked past the flamingos and a few monkeys that idk the know of
lol one monkey looked like it was praying. it was cute.

and theeeennn took some picture in masks which is good so u cant see my weirdo face.
but when i was crouching down...omggg my legs were on FIRE!

and yeah more monkeys!!!!

they were chimps this time.

suprisingly we didnt see any gorillas. idk we were with some AP enviormental kids and theyy had to do some project about biomes so we didnt exactly get to go everywhere we wanted too(those n00bs)

and just walking through the rainforest exhibit taking pics of waterfalls and what not

everyone was walking towards hippos yay! the hippos were sleeping in a corner. it was sooo cuuutte! and dang the head was like HUGE lol

i look fugly so had to cover da face XD

we kepted walking and in this one area there were monkeys and otters together and it looked like they were talking together or something lol.

and walked pasted the zebras and took some pics of them

then went past the polar bears and they were eating at the time.

and also went by some wild pigs or something. oh yeaah pumba's real name is bubba i think. i overheard the car ride guide say that lolz

next went to the fossil exhibit and there were lots of figure things u can take pictures with so yeah..its elephant tiiimee

kepted walking to see the lions. they were just like cleaning themselves

there was a sign that said- caution, spray range 7-10 feet. lol. i took a pic of it XD i need to make one for pudges sneezes

and then took a pic with a jaguar thats eating a bone

being here is so much better than being @ school ;P


from that point on there was just elephants basically
but i like elephants they r cute.
oh btw, elephant in japanese is zo-san just a fyi.
we got hungry so around 11:30 we decided to eat. at 11:30 there was some show we wanted to see, but it was too far away and we wouldnt make it anyways.

and you know, saw a peacock running freely around and some kids were chasing it. oh yeah and a ton of other schools came that day too but it was mostly elementary schools.

once done eating, back to walking(siiighhh)

i like this pic of a camel. lol its leg.
there was a park and like everyone took a pic on this one kiddie ride(including mwah) and saw more camels except the ones with two humps. i think those one are cuters than the ones with one hump. they look more fluffy.

then saw a lynx or bobcat or watever
further down, saw some wallabies. omg there were two and one streched out and gah so cute! lol it looks like they were doing some gangster hand thing :D
there was also the panther but it was sleeping so it was kinda boring. same with the snow leopard. it wasnt sleeping, it was eating but behing some big log so you cant see it, only its tail which was gianormus.
at least the regular leopard and mountain lion were awake so took pictures of that

the last thing we really looked at were black bears. got a pic of the two kissing but it wasnt the best shot so posted a dif one
after that we still had some time before it was time to leave so just cruised around the overly priced gift shops
i obv didnt buy anything. though there were som stuff i did wanna get.
then left the zoo and waited outside til the buses came. i wanted to see the pandas but idk..."we didnt have enough time too"....

so i sat down and played on my DS for a few minutes when all the sudden these little kids go up and are like 'WHOOOAAA!! SHE HAS A GAME!!!!" and ask wut im playing, then they asked if it was grand theft auto wtf. wat like 4th grader is allowed to play a game like that anyways. and i tell him my game is a fighting game then he askes if theres chainsaws and some type of guns and all these weapons and in my head im thinking 'daaaaannnnggg this kid is like 9 and knows all this stuff???' and idk. u hear them saying some bad words here and there...
it really disappointing actually.
ANYWAYS so the buses finally come but these kids were missing so we had to wait an extra 15 minutes or so until we were able to leave which was a little after 2:00.
and then me n julian took a nap the whole way back but it was really uncomfortable and i kepted moving and gosh...small seats and my neck got stiff so i had to crack it a lot.
we got to school a bit before 4:00 and now im writing about this ;)

it was fun today

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