Saturday, December 31, 2016


ok i know its been forever since i wrote here but idk, i just dont really care anymore. ive had this blog for so long and yes it was fun but its just a pain to keep updating it and its not like ppl read this. i'll post every now n then maybe but prob not multiple posts a month anymore. 

well i suppose i'll fill in whats happened since my last post

went to tokyo disney sea

i wanted to go with my friend claire but due to financial issues she couldnt go so i went with my friend ev insted

 once it was october i qut my jobs since my mom came to japan and i only had a month left so got to enjoy having fun instead of having fun just one day a week or get dinner only or something

i went to a barbie cafe with my friends from the salon in yokohama

they had really cute food. for dinner i got pink curry and dessert i got a parfait with a sparkler on top

also the square enix cafe opened up too and i saw it on tv so i wanted to go. i asked my friend zac but you need a reservation but it was all full and i didnt want to pay to reserve. we ended up hanging out a few days later in akihabara and he asked about it. i told him i didnt make reservations but that was a few days ago so we can see if they have room today and they did! lucky us

the food was good but of course kinda expensive. but idc im a sucker for themed restaurants like these

then my aunt came and me, my mom, my aunt, and grandma went to kyoto.

it was originally suppose to just be me n my mom going but my grandma wanted to see this shrine that i wanted to go to and said the aunt will prob wanna come too.

but my grandma is too old so she got tired easily and cuz she got too anxious i guess she got sick too. so my aunt had to baby her and me n my mom just did our own thing. 

so we went to a couple places like a monkey park and bamboo forest. and of course the fushimi inari shrine which ive wanted to go to cuz of hakuouki lol

oh yeah and i bought a 3ds and got zero time dilemma but it was quite disappointing. not a bad game just a bad finale of the series. the others were so good and the bar was set so high for this but it was just meh

anyway back in tokyo and went to this edo museum but i forgot my camera so had to take pics on my phone but my storage was running out so when id send it to my email they wouldnt send but i deleted them already whoops

also went back to the otomate cafe one last time. if theres one thing i'll miss about japan is how easy and cheap it is to buy otome stuff

also did a recording for the tv show kawaii international with some friends in this group im in.

then i did another harajuku fashion walk and said good bye to my friends

then on halloween went to harajuku again with claire for purikura and then we went karaoke and eat genki sushi one last time

we spent the whole night out, sorta. we went to shibuya and just walked around talking n taking pics with ppl til like 1am then i was tired and wanted to take out my contacts so we went to an internet cafe and stayed the night there so i was able to wash off my makeup and stuff. ten we were on the computer til like 3 then fell asleep.

we had to get out by 7 or so then i say my final good bye to her. in a few hours i had to meet my mom in ginza to watch kabuki a final time so i went to the train station and just slept for a couple hours cuz i was still tired. once it was time i walked to the theater to meet my mom

im glad the last show i watched was the one i really wanted to see. but it was so long. there were three different plays and it started at 11 but ended like 4. during the last play i fell asleep cuz i was so exhausted and also hungry cuz i only ate a small bread

we ate then went home

this japanese guy that i didnt mind seeing again, i told him i was leaving more than a month in advance and he said i'll let you know. then on halloween he tells me the 3rd he can hang but i leave on the second. so he wanted to hang on the 1st but when i got back home i just fell asleep. thats what u get for waiting til the last moment.

anyways left japan and am back home. ive only seen like 3 friends since ive been back cuz lots are far away now. but one friend thats still around im slightly pissed that she doesnt really seem interested in seeing me even though i bought the most crap for her

ive had a few job interviews here n there but now isnt a very good time to hire i guess since many seasonal jobs are already taken

so just enjoying the slow boring life for now. well thats all til next time whenever that is