Tuesday, May 17, 2016

diabolik lovers cafe!

like about 2 weeks ago i went to the diabolik lovers cafe in shibuya!!!

i forced my 2 guy friends to come along cuz i dont know any females who like that stuff so whatever they didnt seem to mind even though they were the only guy customers lol

i didnt know u can make reservations but we were able to get in without one cuz even though it was golden week it was before ppl started eating dinner so they had space for us :)

 inside was posters of all the characters. there were 2 areas, the sakamaki brothers and mukami brothers areas. we were in the mukami brothers

i still havent finished the last 2 eps of more blood i need to watch it with brooke >_<

the tables had these mat things of characters too

we looked through the menu n im like 'ok everybody must get something different so we can try it out and take pics ect' lol

anyways the ordering system was similar to the otomate cafe cuz u have to check what u want on a piece of paper. but the total was combined but whatever

first up is the drinks. i ordered ayatos sadistic cherry cola and my friend got laitos pervert green macha drink

my drink was just cola with some cherry sauce stuff that you mix in. nothing really special it looked really different from the picture. and i hate macha but the macha drink wasnt too bad. it was very subtle so i can prob drink it. but he didnt like it so gave to the other friend

and food!!!

i got um maybe ruki's? dish i forgot but its roast beef and rice and salad. there was some shredded raddish or something on top but blegh tossed that to the side.

then my friend got azusas dish which was like a seafood rice dish. there was a proper name for this but i forgot and dont feel like looking it up

the other friend got yumas pumpkin soup. it was strong japanese pumpkin taste

and with everything u buy u get a coaster with it. so they all gave me theirs besides the doubles lol

now for dessert!

i got kanatos teddy parfait
like i absolutely hate this kid but whatever i aint got nothing against the bear(though it was funny when azusa threw it in the fire LOL)

the bear was caramel ice cream and theres whipped cream n the rest is corn flakes

my friend got uh i forgot who's cake thing. i THINK laito but idkkk. i was thinking of getting this but he ordered first so im like ok

then the other got subarus white rose cake and LOL it was SO SMALL but his was the most expensive(prob cuz the strawberries). we both felt so bad cuz ours are cheaper n bigger and his cake isnt anything special. like we didnt want to try it cuz its not really big enough to share but hes like dont pity men stuff so i took a tiny little piece but yeah. nothing fancy. poor guy

anyways heres all the coasters i got(excluding doubles)
im glad i got the good ppl(besides kanato n maybe azusa) thank god didnt get reiji ew

anyways heres some pics inside cuz why not

the mukami area

sakamaki area.
there were 2 girls eating there so could only take a small corner to take a pic of so i dont look like a creeper

and there was a notebook to write a message or draw  or whatever. i drew laito really fast so i looks crappy but whatever and my friend drew a random dead person so i labeled it as yui

and out in front of the cafe are card board cut outs!!!

eeeppp yeah there were girls waiting for their time to eat i guess so had to wait for them to leave to take the pic

there was also a form you can fill out to win one of these i filled it out for laito not that im gonna get it and if i do not like i can bring it to america lol just for the heck of it

but yeah overall i still think the otomate cafe is better cuz they have more food and is more reasonably priced. this is kinda expensive but whateverrr when it comes to this stuff just take my money seriously 

its been TOO LONG!

Ok its been AGES since i posted cuz ive been busy plus lazy

anyways got a months worth of things to cover!

so sometime last month i went to stay over my grandmas house

the main purpose to go was to give her these sweets my mom wanted me to buy for her...but i forgot them at my house!!!!! like the moment i walked through her doors im like OH MY GOD did i really just do that!??? yeah i felt bad....

but anyways i had a nice good dinner and bath. and she bought me SAKURA PEPSI!!!

dude i was so shocked how she casually handed to to me cuz ive been searching everywhere for this but no stores where i live sell it. but omg it was SO GOOD like i wish i can find more so i can buy like 10 to stock up. but it said its only sold in april so its all gone...at least i got to try it

the next day went shopping!!! at the thrift store there was some utapri towels for like $4!! and brand new whooooppp!!!! so had to buy. i couldve gotten one more for my roommate cuz she LOVES uta no prince sama buuuuuut....saikin anata wa pisu mi offu desu so naw. rubbed it in her face though to make her jelly im so mean but yeah, just some things she does bugs me that shes not changing so whateves 

and i always go bra shopping at this cheap store near my grandmas cuz u can buy a bra/panty set for like $6 thats so cheap n theyre cute. but i dont like the really frilly ones cuz i dont wear lots of layers so you can see through it and just makes ur boobs lumpy looking n stuff so i like the more basic ones. anyways i bought this bra thats like super push up and i actually have the cleavage line its incredible. but i dunno man. like the entire time i was in the store there was this old guy that just 'happened' to be everywhere i went. i dunno if he was following me or what. like he always seemed to be like within 20 feet of me. when i was in the changing room which are really flimsy and stuff he was like 10 feet away 'looking' at the stuff there but its like he didnt even buy anything. and when i went out and was done, he happened to be outside too. and i just kinda waited outside on my phone waiting for my mom to respond and he left, but when i went on the bike to leave, he was just chilling in his car wtf. was he waiting to follow me or something? but if he did he lost me cuz the traffic so ha

but idk it was just kinda creepy

but yeah that day was really nice and i rode a bike but omg my legs were DEAD by the time i was back home in bed. mostly my thigs like i couldnt walk im really outta shape

anyways at this one store there were these hakuouki socks and of course i want kazama but they only had heisuke in stock so i bought him anyways. i rode my bike aaallll the way to this other store like 30 min away but they didnt have any what a waste of time. but my mom told my aunt in the countryside and she said she bought more for me eeeepppp!! not too many baka girls who like that stuff there i guess

so a little later i wanted to go eat these kamigami no asobi crepes in shibuya after work. i force zac to come along cuz i dont want to be a loser and buy this by myself. he just buys a regular cheap crepe and i get the japanese gods crepe. its blueberry flavor and comes with a random card and i got one of my favorites yay

and a little later went to diabolik lovers cafe but i'll make a seperate post on that

so i find out the purple hair guy has a gf already so i guess its impossible for me to be with him ah well

during golden week in japan i worked the whole time. dont really care thats what i do 

but it PISSED ME OFF how when everyone else gets off day, its like PERFECT WEATHER. ok for golden week its like a bunch of holidays in a row so basically a week off. except monday and friday cuz office ppl still had to work but anyways. monday is my off day and i dont remember if it rained but it was prob cloudy or whatever just not nice weather. tues-thurs is SO NICE like blue sky lots of sunshine perfect to go outside n do stuff but im stuck inside. then when ppl go back to work on friday its raining. then when they have off days on the weekend its sunny again. then back to monday is raining like WTFFFFFF its so not fair!!!!!!

i honestly dont think theres been one monday since i started working that has been a completely sunny day all day. its usually raining or cloudy. or if im lucky cloudy with SOME sunny times here n there. buncha BS if u ask me. i really miss taking walks n stuff but i dont wanna do that when the weather is crap. appearantly next monday is suppose to be nice but WE'LL SEE...

anyways redid my nails as 999 themed. my fav game ever. the whole series destroyed me srsly 10/10 recommend it will mess u UP

i did these cuz the 3rd game is coming out next month WAAAAAHHHH!! and some fans are getting together to make a book to give to the creator with random stuff about the game. most ppl will do drawing but im like ohhh i'll do nail art.

i wouldve liked to have my nails longer but dang forever21 just ruins them. my right hand index and thumb finger are breaking like every month is sucks so much

ANYWAYS here they are!

dude that zero (character) tho like holy crap i was like crying before i even began to draw cuz i had no idea where to even start. i was just like im gonna wing it and somehow i think it came out really good. not perfect but i dont think its crappy. dude the thumb alone took 2 1/2 hours cuz im trying to get really fine lines plus i had no idea what i was doing so yeah

and akane idk she doesnt really look the same as the picture but whateverrrrrr

and by the time i drew junpei i was already over it so didnt add lots of shading n stuff to make him look nicer plus i was using my left hand to draw so im like hehehe no.

and of course gotta do funyarinpa~

speaking of nails i foud another job at a nail salon that i have an interview thing next monday. if i get this job im gonna have to quit the one i work at which i feel BAD cuz its understaffed but like the nail job is a hair salon too, and its better pay, and im doing more instead of just handing clips and holding foil. plus its in the harajuku area so i can get a pass to shibuya instead of buying tickets all the time and yadda yadda

i mean i dont mind the assistant job i have i didnt plan to leave i just stumbled across this ad but its just a better opportunity so why not?