Sunday, January 17, 2016

past week

so lots to write for this week!!!

on tuesday was my first day of forever 21. its kinda hard communicating but i know enough to assume what they are saying. i work as a stock person so im mostly in the back unpacking and hanging/folding clothes. its kinda boring and my body hurts cuz ur always moving around or standing. the only time i get to sit is lunch break so my feet hurt but its slowly getting used to it. but i have to wake up at 7:45 everyday instead of like 10 like i usually do lol

but the people working there are nice and try to explain for me to understand. and theres a boy there im interested in LOL and he has the same work hours as me!!! but i only see him tues and weds. he looks like yuzuru hanyuu like a older version. hes korean but i think he speaks japanese well even though he doesnt think so but hes 27 o_O i was like whaaattt i thought hs like 23 tops but no point in liking him cuz he says hes gonna move back to korea in april. all the guys i like move wtf

anyways after work i hung out with claire for the first time in foreverrrr and we had boba and went karaoke n just hang out

anyways keep working yadda yadda friday is my bday but nobody knew except claire lol w/e but at work theres this girl from germany who speaks english n looks all kawaii so i was talking with her

this may sound mean but all the 'cool' ppl are on the floor while the 'kinda ugly ones' work in the back. im only in the back cuz my language problems. but yuzuru is good looking but i guess his japanese aint good enough to be on the floor

anyways so friday after work met up with claire to eat at our sushi place. havent eaten there since the last time i ate with her there

afterwards went to animate and there was some owari no seraph thing going on i never watched it but took a pic anyways and its blurry my camera wouldnt focus for some reason

theres these ppl at my house that cosplay this anime n they just walk around in the costumes when theres prob no events or anything going on just cuz. idk whatever

and we just shop around i bought another sweater and this shoe shop like everything was on sale for $10 and i was tempted to buy these shoes but i have stuff similar but ya know i think im gonna go back n buy it anyways cuz those look better than what i have already so yeah. i have so many shoes here already though oh well. took purikura too

anyways next day is technically my real birthday since in america is the right day so yeah celebrate 2 days in a row. im 22 now btw

so had claire meet me at ikebukuro and i wanted to go to namja town cuz theres an osomatsu san even going on

idk we came at a bad time cuz it was soooo crowded like when i went for the otomate thng it wasnt as bad but all the stores we went to in ikebukuro were packed couldnt buy anythng cuz u cant really look around

anyways heres some pics

wall decorations

there was also a dangan ronpa and tsukitua or something(some otome drama cd thing too lazy to look up spelling) event going on too but everyone was there for osomatsu san

in the back i see these dangan ronpa stuff and i go to check it out and take pics but after i take pics i notice the 'no taking pictures' sign lol whoops

but dangan ronpa only had one food which was ice cream but it was expensive so naaahh

anyways i bought this fish fillet and fried gyoza or something idk what to call this it was like $8 not really worth it maybe $5 TOPS but i guess its cuz u pay for the bottles of different sauce flavors. most were prob mayo based i only didnt like the green one idk what that was but it tasted weird

they all tasted different but its really hard to tell what the flavor is

and me n claire got some sweets too. we sat in a darkish place cuz at the time that was the only place with seats available so kinda crappy pics and its from that tsukitua or w/e

claire got some ice cream parfait n i got a crepe with ice cream bunny

after namja town looked at my otome trash stores but as i said it was suuupppeerr crowded for some reason ive been here on saturdays in the past but this was te most packed ive ever seen it. i wanted to buy a starry sky keychain of my character cuz it was 100 yen but the line and the ppl n im like well i dont NEED it so gave it up.

we also did more karaoke and this place had romaji for japanese songs so we sang mostly japanese songs this time since its easier. wish the karaoke in shibuya had that feature.

anyways yeah just looking around

theres a butler cafe in ikebukuro that has a hakuouki collab i wanted to go but spent too much $$ already maybe another time

i was really tired that day though from the weeks work so today i just stay home alllll daayy

and ugghhhh tomorrow even though its a day off i have to get up at the same time cuz i have an interview for a hair salon in yokohama and they wanna meet at 10 wwhhhyyy i want to be like can we do it later but i did that to this other place and they didnt want me after that so....

when i get back home tae nap on massage chair cuz my shoulders r just killing me but since its a weekend everyone is home n i dont wanna go when lots of ppl r in the shower room n stuff cuz i wanna sleep n stuff so i'll do it tomorrow

Sunday, January 10, 2016


first of all, had a forever21 orientation on wednesday so yeah, i'm officially hired whee!

but im still unsure when i start??? like on the paper i wrote i'd like to start working tomorrow but i havent heard anything from them? i sent a message to 2 of the higher ups but no word from them?? what if i have to work tomorrow but dont show up? but i dont wanna show up if i dont start. idk they have to get everyones schedules organized so maybe it takes time idk and they will tell me... they havent told me so i guess i wont go tomorrow...hope i dont get in trouble....

look how kawaii i looked at the orientation. yeah filtered. i rarely take pictures on my actual camera anymore  unless im going to some event thing like disneyland

anyways, yesterday i went to see takarazuka which is a stage play musical thing by all women. so even the guy parts are girls. ive always wanted to see it and there was some foreigner special so tickets were only $15 and u get a booklet n stuff too

anyways the day before i redid my hair so i dress up all nice n fancy and dang like i look really good hate to sound conceited(not really) but i looked like a model im in all black with nice makeup and perfect hair. at the area for the play theres different halls for different stuff n i kept getting lost and like all the guys were helping me lol. like one lady who took my ticket was like oh its for the wrong place then some other guy steps n and is like 'i'll handle it' or watever and escorted me to the right place.

anyways once i finally got settled in the right area with everything took a pic of the costume display

idk i didnt really look around at souvenirs or whatever much cuz i just wanted to get settled in my seat n stuff cuz the show was gonna start in like 15 min and i was so busy earlier trying to find everything

anyways i get to my seat n the area is suppose to be for foreigners but there was only like 5 visibly noticeable foreign looking ppl(AKA white ppl) and everyone else was azn and they were all speaking japanese like natives n im like wtf how did they get these tickets japanese ppl arent suppose to buy them. like these ladies next to me were speaking fluently english the whole time n there was this small comedy part and all the japanese ppl were laughing at the jokes(including them) but the foreigners werent cuz we dont get it  but at the end of the show we gotta fill some questionaire and i guess they were from taiwan or something but prob been living in japan a long time

and the girl on the other side of me kept taking pictures throughout the show even though ur not suppose to. i wanted to tell her its not allowed but just kept quiet. i looked at her phone and i guess shes chinese cuz it was all kanji

anyways the show was 2 parts. the first part was just singing disney songs. i didnt really care for it tbh. there were some songs that im like 'i have never heard this what movie is this from?' and the second part was normal takarazuka stuff which i liked a lot better

im surprised how deep some of these women's voices get o__O like dang sounds like a man 

anyways heres a poster of the show i attended

after the play was over i planned on meeting claire since shes back in japan but she couldnt find how to get to the city oh well. we were gonna go to an art gallery by the artist of litchi hikari club but i was planning on going alone from the beginning anyways so whatevers. the only thing is the gallery closes at 7, and the play ended at 5:40. its suppose to be like 10 min walk from there though but idk my google maps wasnt working good like it tells me to go one way then is like whoops thats the wrong way so gotta go opposite direction n stuff.

by the time i get like halfwayish its already 6:10 so prob by the time i actually get to the gallery itd be like 6:30 and id only have 30 min to check it out. if it ended at 8 chyeaa i'd go but im like forget it cuz its not free to enter and i wanna be able to appreciate the art not just quickly scan through the room. waahh and it ends tomorrow so guess i'll never be able to see it T_T

so just went home but ate at mcdonalds. dude its so weird how normal it is to eat alone at restaurants n stuff here. like ppl just chill by themselves for hours reading a book or doing work or something at fast food places. in america if u see ppl eating by themselves u might feel bad for them but heres its normal?? so yeah just doing my own thing

anyways i also did my nails the day before too

i got some alice in wonderland stickers at the 100 yen shop and used my gels i think they turned out really nice!!

btw with my hair toner didnt work AGAIN! guess its just a bad tube or something. hopefully the other i have works cuz its the exact same one

back to my nails, when i took a shower to rinse out my hair, my thumb(white one) there was like a weird air bubble guess the first layer of white didnt cure all the way so by the end of the shower it was basically falling apart so i clipped off the corner cuz aint no way im redoing the whole nail

so the next day had to redo that part and put that bunny circle thing and more jewels to try to hide the line which i think is very unnoticeable unless u really really look 

anyways so my birthday is on friday waaaahhhhhh!
on saturday claire better be free cuz i wanna go to namja town again cuz theres an osomatsu san and dangan ronpa event. plus its in ikebukuro so can buy more useless otome merch


Monday, January 4, 2016

new years~

happy new year(late) its 2016!!

so on the 31st, went to my grandmas house and watched lots of TV specials. omg my head hurt from too much tv but i made sure to stay up til midnight. this is the first year in a while where i dont watch some new years countdown :/

so i stayed at my grandmas til the 3rd but i did lots of shopping for new clothhes there cuz theres lots of thrift stores and cheap stores where she lives

on the 6th i go to jobs orientation i hope i understand everything. im still looking for another job to do on the side that has better pay

and my friend claire is coming back to japan this week im so excited we gonna be chillin everydayyyy. on the 9th i see takarazua then after go to the art exhibit of the creator of litchi hikari club and prob meet up with claire then

i hope this year i will be successful and make many more friends and get better at japanese