Saturday, September 26, 2015

not that special

so basically this past week been studying for the final test of my japanese skool

omg but idk. the first test was easy but those others @_@

i mean, i dont think i FAILED but i dont think i did that great either

anyways friday was the last test which was the speaking one. i met up with my partner for lunch to practice but we mostly just talked and he ranted about some ppl from skool lol

he took me to this 500 yen pizza place near out skool

first pizza i had since coming to japan

but the crust is made from like tortillas or something but w/e it was good

afterwards hung out with a different classmate of mine n went shopping n stuff. we were out like the whole day i was so exhausted by the time i got home

at book off i bought a kamigami no asobi dvd cuz it was 250 yen when its originally like almost 6000 yen lol

i wanted to go back to parco cuz i wanted to buy the underwear for waterbottles from the gashapon

lol its so weird right. but augh i got the SECRET underwear which i "guess" is lucky but its a thong and like wtf thats not gonna absorb the water dew id rather have a normal underwear but whatever.

and checked out donki for cheap stuff and they had kigurumis on sale and if you buy 2 u get a discount n ive always wanted one and they had dangan ronpa ones!! but im like it costs MONEYYY n im POOORR. it was like $34 with the discount n they are usually around $60 weehhh i had to ask friends n be like should i get this? then im like well i want the dangan ronpa shirt maybe iget that instead but one friend was like 'u can get that anytime but this is on sale' blah blah so i got the kigurumi

i didnt know if i should get monomi or monobear but in the end i chose monomi. i need some cool guy to be my friend n wear monobear together with me

its really warm ahhh if i wore this to bed i wouldnt need blankets. if i were back home id wear this all the time but here i live with lots of random ppl so i feel embarrassed if i wore this outside my room

im gonna have to act really poor for the rest of the month then i can slowly spend a bit more money again

n looking for jobs waaahhhh

Friday, September 18, 2015

friday night out

ok so ive been trying to find the shibuya marui building for like 3 weeks already. i already missed the kamigami no asobi event and theres a diabolik lovers one going on now n im like i NEED to go so after skool i asked me friend to come with

the building was still under construction but theres 2 marui buildings but i thought the other one wasnt it but i saw a poster for the event on that building n im like WAIT!

and it was there the whole time wtf r u serious

i also forgot theres a dangan ronpa event going on too!!!

so took tonssss of pics!!!

giant monobear and monomi

i took a pic with them but im not really wearing makeup so naahh

they had the dangan ronpa x listen flavor merchandise im prob gonna give in and buy a shirt but me n my friend found the same shirts at a dif store so we'll buy them there

and cookies!!! theyre so cute but expensive...

there was also small cakes but even more expensive n already knew i was gonna get crepes later so nah

heres some pics of life size characters

i took pics of all the characters but dont feel like uploaading all of them

the gangs all here

at the dangan ronpa store there was a collab with gloomy bear i really wanna buy some merchandise but i got no money!! well i do but i gotta save! once i get a job i can splurge a bit again

then went to the diabolik lovers store n i was in heaven!!

but your not allowed to take pics DX

i started trying to but the lady told me not to so im like 'ah summimasen' darn

but they also had a gloomy bear collab with kanatos teddy bear n it was so cool!!! i kinda wanted the pic set but like what am i gonna do with it?

and i saw KANATO AND SHUU FIGURES!! not little figures/keychains but like REAL figures that are all big n stuff n i practically DIED. i hate kanato but his figure looks really good n so does shuu's!


anyways after looking around went back to the first floor n ate character crepes!

i'd rather take laito cuz i like him better but i hate macha flavor so went with ayato

and there was also some naruto crepes n my friend idris is a nartutard so he bought one too

we both kept our crepe covers XD

they were 600 yen each which i think is pretty good. when i went to namja town n bought a character crepe it was almost 800 yen and this was just as tasty

then went to parco to look around that one anime floor.

at the rejet shop they had a diabolik lovers yui wedding dress which was all black it was pretty cool idk if i can take pics i dont wanna get in trouble again >_<

then theres some random store just filled with interesting stuff

they have a GOOD selection of snacks holy crap i gotta go here more often!!

way cooler food than at the super market!!

i saw spicy snacks which i LOVE and right about it i saw neuro!!! from one of my most fav animes!!! and it basically says ur prob a masochist if you wanna eat these cuz super spicy or something

gotta buy the hot yakisoba next time

i also bought this huge variety bag of chips cuz it was 50% off. so it was 350ish yen for like 6 bags of chips thats good cuz the cheapest chips at the super market are like 80 yen so 6 of those cost at least 500 yen so yeah. my friend wouldve bought it too but he cant eat certain food that was in the ingredients oh well

and looking around more near the guro area and he saw some hand finger puppets n just messing around

idk it looks funny

and they had litchi hikari club merch!!!

i kinda wanna buy the manga but then again....

then went home

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

hafu party

yesterdy after school i went to a half japanese only party LOL

cuz this girl from school i guess shes half too but shes in level 1 so i never talked to her but she invited me n i was like ok sure

whatever i need to meet more ppl

and it was really fun!

it was in shibuya so we didnt need to go anywhere yay

we went to a restaurant and idk i let the other ppl do the ordering. its an all u can dink thing but i got the soft drink version XD

and first everyone did some introduction thing but like basically everyone besides me n my friend can speak like perfect japanese waaahhh why cant that be ME. but then again most of them like lived in japan a long time too or grew up here or something

then we eat n karaoke!

 good that guys head is covering my face lo.

the guy standing was like cray cray he was dancing around all night. japanese ppl really get into karaoke like when i karaoke'd with yusuke he stood up to sing n stuff n i just sing all monotone lollll

i gotta listen to more japanese songs and learn the lyrics because i wanna be able to sing japanese songs in karaoke too!!!!! i can only sing 2 okay-ish without messing up a lot

this was the most fun ive had at karaoke cuz there were lots of ppl

heres some of the food we ate
some idk if this is sashimi or what but we also got fries n takoyaki n yakitori n some soup thing and more

the food was okay ive tasted better

my friend had to leave like 9:15ish to talk to her bf which is lame but ok. i stayed til 10:30. they were still partying but im like its getting late n i have skool n stuff tomorrow

for like 3 hours it was 3000 something yen kinda expensive i'm gonna have to eat poor for the rest of the week

but it was a good experience.

my throat was dead by the time i got home cuz everytime after i sing karaoke my throat gets sore but this was worse cuz if i wanna talk with ppl i had to talk loud cuz other ppl are singing n yeah

but im ok now

heres super short vid i took of ppl singing

Sunday, September 6, 2015


yesterday me n my friends hung out in harajuku!!

i was a bit late cuz i missed the express train, but our other friend was almost an hour late grrrrr making us ladies wait!!

but anyways once we were all there we ate some yummy ice cream!!

we also took cosplay purikura again!!! cuz its freeee!!
but i forgot to take a pic n it was oo complicated trying to download it on my phone so eh. but my friend got a jacket from free and i dressed up as a rabbit from alice in wonderland or something but its a dress n stuff

and looking around shops here n there then ate crepes as usual

i got a banana chocolate cheesecake one. my friend got some strawberry one and my other friend got a shrimp lettuce thing. i wanna try those 'non dessert' ones one day

looking through more stores and the store bodyline, which sells costumes n stuff, had REALLY good stuff on sale omgggg i was dying i couldve bought like everything but im like only get what i NEEEEDDD

they had these really nice studded boots for $5!!!!!!!!! omgggg i was like is this for real? maybe its the price for one show but no!!! for a PAIR!!! shouldve bought the spiked flats too oh well. i also bought this punk chain bracelet but i guess me n my friend got our bags mixed cuz she bought the same shoes too so my bracelet is with her cuz throughout the day we had our guy friend hold our stuff now n then and he mixed it up. bt yeah the bracelet was $3 so together $8 what a steal!

i was tempted to buy a skool uniform for a 1000 yen but im like ehhhhhh before i go home i'll buy one hope others will be on sale

and in a different store see this sign everywhere lol

there was this one store omg they had those tuk-like creeper shoes for $10!!!!!! i already have 2 platforms and they are heavy n take up lots of room but there were these pointy white ones that looked NICE and i WOULD buy it but like i couldnt fit my feet in the shoe like im sure its my size but idk i already bought so many shoes in japan anyway. claire was gonna buy it but didnt at the last minute im sure she'll regret it cuz it was SUCH A GOOD DEAL!!!!

then i see this cool looking shop that i havent noticed before cuz its on the second floor of a building but im like lets check it out and ahhhh it was soo cool!!! there were soo many cool clothes for under a 1000 yen. this was a really good day for shopping like everything was on sale. 

i bought a shirt there for 100 yen!!! brand new!!! you cant beat that srsly

theres always like vintage toys in stores in harajuku idk why or how they even get them but lol at the furby

and heres a random pic of me n claire with some graffiti in da background

lookin kawaii

it was getting dark so we went to eat at a mexican place. i ordered a burrito n the others ordered quesadillas. it was kinda expensive and the portion was kinda small but it was still really good. but i dont think i'll go back and pay that much for that size again

hopefully my craving for mexican food is halted for the time being.

we were talking about 'inappropriate' stuff while eating and after but it was sooooooo funny though. i learned a lot o.o

then went to yoyogi park even though its dark out and just walked around and sat on a bench near the lake talking about a fav spongebob episodes

ppl near us had sparklers n im like omg we gotta do that one day!!!

cuz claire leaves at the end of the month T_T so it'll just be me n idris so we all gotta do something together. so one day we're gonna meet up late and eat dinner then light sparklers and spend the night in a manga cafe lol one big sleepover!

cant wait!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


lets seee

i keep forgetting to blog when i do stuff >_< then i forget

anyways sunday i hung out with claire in shibuya for a girls day out. our other friend was suppose to come but he bailed out(again) but whatever who needs him

we really wanted to do cosplay purikura again in school version cuz last time was so fun


i put my hair in pigtails first but before we took pics im like idk how i feel about this so just did braids instead

taking pics in the changing room even tho ur not suppose to shhhhhh

we wanted to do karaoke afterwards but all the rooms were booked. i mean yeah it was a weekend but it was raining n not good weather but w/e. yeah its gonna be another of those 2 weeks straight rain ughh i need to do laundry bad tomorrow idc im doing it anyway

anyways while waiting we went to tower records just cuz n i wanted to look at the book that teaches u how to cuss again lol

this is the best book ever but too expensive

in the visual kei area there were free cds to promote some band so i took one but its just some music video. but hey its freee

and there was some thing on the floor near the drama cds idk who they are but i like the art so took a pic

afterwards went karaoke at a different location

lol they actually had that ddr butterfly song so we sang. theres a lot of songs i want to sing but they dont have most of what i like...

went to the arcade after and the guy wasnt there again YEEESSS!!

so we played 2 times since no one was waiting. ahhh i feel so alive playing that game u_u

then dinner time so we ate curry rice! claire hates spicy food but i kept bugging her to just TRY it like theres mild curry n stuff so she gave in and asked for it to not be spicy and she liked it. i got kontatsu curry and she got some beef katsu but i guess she has a really sensitive stomach so the next day she got sick cuz its too greasy or something. but yeah that filled me up! it was delicious too and near skool gotta eat there again

then book off and animate the usual~then go home

wwaaahhh im gonna have to start looking for jobs really soon noooooooo