Sunday, February 15, 2015

sorry being a nerd again

omffffgggggg so the second hakuouki movie FINALLLYYYY got translated after all these months its been out. i almost watched the raw version but it was in parts so im like screw that. glad i waited!!! and it was SOO GOOOD!!!!! omg making me go through all these feels again i was dying. and of course had to prepare myself for everyone to die again, but OMG kazama DOESNT die!!? cuz like in the anime n games he always does at the end but he didnt this time which made me so happy cuz hes my main hubby. and seeing ryuunosuke in it made me want to play reimeiroku again but aughhh i just do not progress in that game at all. gosh the art was flawless everyone looked so hot and i actually felt kinda sad when sannan died even though i absolutely HATE him.

waahh hakuouki is just my favorite thing ever ♥

now if only zero escape 3 will happen then my life will be complete and i can die happy.

now for valentines day i did NOTHING. i worked all day(well we got to leave like an hour early but still) and like it wasnt even that busy???, and then when i got home i was too tired to really do anything. i didnt even play otome games or anything. i was going to but im like 'i dont feel like reading japanese' even though i ended up reading my nintama manga lol. i just didnt feel like looking up words mostly.

and also i MIGHT be able to go to japan in april like i originally planned instead of july?? but its like really confusing so i wont contact the school again until i know for sure cuz i feel bad that i keep switching the dates

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


ok so first of all, been working at my old job. its not that bad. i mean i just work weekends and i still get money.and weekends r usually kinda busy so i wont be sitting around for hours bored outta my mind. omg but last week i had to work on a day off cuz everyone ha other stuff to do. i WAS gonna make up some BS like im busy but i felt bad cuz only 1 person would be working and its not like im actually doing anything. but yeah but omg this last weekend fffff it was BUSY and i was dying like saturday i was nonstop working uguuu but i made a lot of money that day so thats ok. omg i was so pooped out. and im NOT looking forward to this weekend cuz valentines day and omg so busy

anyways so hakuouki for the ps3 like im playing it more cuz i finally figured out how to play the new stories LOL ive had this for a while and i thought the new stuff was part of the main story but it wasnt. but i got my kazama ps3 theme so im happy

god wat am i doing with my life

omg and i drew senkimaru again as a chibi aint he cute~
my husband and child.

and so the gel polishes i bought on ebay were taking forever to arrive and i wanted to do vday nails before it gets too late so i just used some polish from work and added my own touch

yeah um they ook waaay better in person i took pics at night in my badly lit room so not as nice looking. i saw this thing for 'knit sweater' nails which is mixing acrylic powder and gel so its thick to making 3D designs and it came out ok looking for a first try.

and yesterday i had isabel come over and i had her cut my hair!

the before pic isnt really good but yeah my hair was almost to my butt and i had her cut like 7 or 8 inches off. like, i like having long hair but it was just getting to annoying. it tangled easy and was a pain to wash and blah i mean its still long its at my boobs now which is how it used to be for a long time before i grew it out and omg it feels sooooo soft and silky now!
yeah my hair looks yellow gotta purple shampoo that this week.

then we put on makeup and went to the mall but it was annoying cuz right when we got to the mall isabels dad picked her up :( so i walked around by myself and bought some pants. ok the main reason i wanted to go to the mall was because i wanted to buy eyelash glue from the japanese store cuz mines running out but they didnt have my brand waaaahhh oh well

and when i got home i tried doing that thing with ur hair where u curl the sides like that harajuku style but one side was different from the other idk first attempt.

then take pics and stuff

omg and the other day i was bored n looking up hot visual kei guys lol and i find this pic of these boys in school uniforms n like wat band is this then i listen to it and ommgggg it was some super kawaii happy type vkei band and i was like blown away cuz i totally forgot theres vkei bands like that cuz im so used to smexy hot bad boy ones that are more on the scary side lolllll but idk listening to that jst puts me in a cheery mood ahahaha

ugh and like its still February but its already like 80 degrees out what is this. i dont want it to get hot cuz my work never turns on the ac >_<