Sunday, April 27, 2014


so my life is boring as usual. applying for more hair salons instead of nails this time(cuz hair gets more $$$ plus the salons are in the mall so prob more walk ins) but havent heard so ima talk to the skool lady again and ask if i should just walk in? cuz i NEED money. like there are so many things i need to buy!!!!!

i have money, but i need MORE! the new hakuouki game comes out on may 6th for the ps3 and i NEED TO BUY IT!!!! but i prob will buy it once i get a job so i wont be one of the first ppl to play T_T cuz it'll be like 30-40$ and i feel like ive been spending so much money lately....

i bought a light blue seifuku!!!! it was only $11!!!!!!!!! including shipping!!!!!! it should arrive next week or something im so excited! first cosplay! its prob kinda crappy but hey its cheap and its not like i'll wear it all the time....

 so idk i randomly remembered this sock hair curling thing and decided to try it. im pretty sure i did this in junior or senior year but it didnt work cuz i had layers or something but since i have long layers n my hair is long i was like wat the hey. plus curling my hair with an iron takes too long cuz my hair is long and THICK. so when i do curl it i cheat and put my hair in pig tails first lol. its hard to explain....but its a LOT quicker

but i dont really like putting heat on my hair cuz i like it healthy so you know...

anyways sleep with socks in my hair. wasnt uncomfortable or anything. i slept fine.
 heres ze result! kinda sucky pic but i have another pic of me at the bottom.
I like it! some curls were kinda awkward shaped but overall it looked nice and my hair was really fluffy too(voluminous). i looked amazing in a ponytail lol

i was bored and decided to dress up all pretty n take pics ^_^

i bought this sweater thing at some thrift store for like $5 and omg i loooooveeee it! i think its so pretty. i really like the gold/black mix. dang that thrift store had some quality clothes for a good price(unless the thrift store i usually go to with 95% crap clothes and it takes a full moon to find a hidden treasure) like there was this AMAZING blazer for $8 but it was waaayyy too big.
ok i'm gonna stop talking about clothes now lol
 gotta love fashion~

hmm yeah omg so like all these gyaru mags are shutting down! did i write about this already? idk too lazy to check but EGG IS BEING DISCONTINUED!!!

like DOOD. that n ageha were like the last GOOD gyaru mags left but they are dead now!!! NOOOOO!

im so sad T_T

hey so heres a mirror pic. i usually don't take these but i think i look decent. seeeeee!? my hair looks so nice! listening to lots of japanese music nowadays. its gotta just be a phase....
its not just like anime songs but normal music o_O
last night i randomly looked up tegoshi yuya and heard a solo song by him for the first time and.....i actually really like it XP dang ive been watching this guy on variety shows for years n never knew how good he was.


idk i feel too weeb/nerd listening to japanese music....but its prob no big deal. not like i can understand it but  like the tune.

gotta get back to my trance.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

chichi chichi oppai

eaarlier this week went to a "hot spring" with my mom n dad. but its more like a pool...just sulfur water n stuff
but it was nice. i like the steam saunas

i also was bored n dressed up all uniform-y

out of like the 100 pics this s the only decent one T_T cuz bad lighting but i didnt wanna go downstairs to take pics cuz my brother was there n it wouldve been awkward..

heres my outfit. yeah i need to clean my mirror so i can take mirror pics cuz its all dusty so deal with this

last night i talked to this one japanese guy on skype with voice call. i was kinda nervous at first but it was ok after a while. it was a bit hard to communicate at times cuz we didn't know certain words or whatever. yeah i didnt speak much japanese just when i write sentences, i gotta think for a while and so it takes time to think how to say something so it was mostly in english but some japanese lol XD

yeah he had an accent but i probably did too looool. he asked me what my dream was and i said 'to be a model' but he didnt really understand so i kept trying to say it clear and hes like 'mado? mado is window' LOL so i had to be like MO DE RU and hes like ahh!! then he says his senpai in high school is like japan's #1 men's model and i looked up pictures n stuff n hes like super famous or something thats so cool!!!! but its more high fashion stuff i like that gyaru stuff.

aaahhhhh im not good at speaking i felt bad T_T i'm better at writing japanese....

Sunday, April 13, 2014


ok lets seeeeeee

havent been doing much

I have a leather jacket that i FINALLY studded after like 8 months or something lol. dang it took a while cuz the leather was thick so my thumbs hurt a lot :(
I will post a pic later. also made a cute bow accessory too!!

dang i havent really studied japanese this week T_T or played hakuouki either x.x

buutttttt omg!!!!!! [nerd time]
i found a site where u can download a buttload of drama CDs OMGGGG
drama CDs are like my life right now LOL

aaaahhhh~ so i downloaded this tsujisaki gakuen thing that i have been DYING to listen to the whole thing for months!!!!! and its mine now!

lol yeah its r18 ahhhhhahahahahha sshhhh
ok im old enough to listen to these kinds of things dont judge


hes the only normal guy in the series, and he actually likes you(and worships you pretty much hurhur) unlike the others that are like really freaky and make u their slave n stuff 

omg lollll this prob sounds so creepy but i swear its not

omg and last night while i was showering i was like 'hmmm....i wanna take one of those are you sadist/masochist quizzes'

IDK the thought just randomly appeared and i think im pretty normal but if i had to be one prob more on the sadist side cuz i love bossing ppl around and hate being told wat to do n stuff lollll

there was one where its like 'how evil r u?' or something and i got a high score for mildly evil omg wat am i doing with my life

for some other quiz its different stuff but even though ive never done anything i think this would be right

-dominant- LOL
omg i could not stop laughing getting these results

dude all the comments were all these masochist girls like dang there are a LOT out there o__O
but that 'beating me up makes me happy' stuff is just weird. like no.

yeah sorry for the weird post to anyone reading

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


today i hung out with elizabeth n did her makeup n stuff

i dressed up cuz for kawaii international theyre having a kawaii leaders contest again n i wanna enter but idk if im kawaii enough. well i have til the end of the month so we'll see...

 heres my outfit today lol.

i got the body shot, but i didnt get good headshots cuz i was taking them by myself so they look too selfie and there was like no good lighting either T_T geehhhh

we went to harveston lake. i felt so weird going out in public looking like this n elizabeth is all normal looking lol

but whateverrrr

omg this is my new fav japanese word:
ガキ [gaki]
which means brat

but when u say クソガキ lol well u can look up the translation LOL

OMG and this one japanese guy im talking to, i saw a pic he sent me and he TOTALLY reminds me of that old creeper in the train station in japan looooooollllll
but i dont think its him cuz 2 years ago he would be 26ish but that guy was prob older. just the tan n facial hair lol. omg theyre so fun to talk to

Friday, April 4, 2014


ok ok
last night, after like 14 hours, i'm FINALLY at chapter 2!!!!! WTF!!!! RIDICULOUSSSS!!!
i honestly can not believe it took me that long. omg just think how long its gonna take to just finish the game DX but srsly, i learned like 30 kanjis in that time and memorized the kanji for their names n stuff too lol. i'm getting better i think. when i was playing it earlier today i didnt need to look at the paper i write all these kanjis down that much....but it still took like an hour to read through this one part D:

dang i will be SO PISSED if i get a bad ending or some dumb ending like i end up with serizawa or something after all this hard work(just like tokimeki memorial)

im sure by the time i finish a route i SHOULD be able to read it faster and my japanese will prob be better

anyways so i have lots of lang-8 friends on skype n ppl talk to me n sometimes i talk in japanese n stuff. theres some guy that is like flirting with me. lol. its really funny. like the other day it was his birthday so i said happy birthday n hes like 'i want a birthday kiss' like, i dont even know you but i was like 'chuuu' anyways ahahaha. then he said if i was next to him wat would i do? so i said give him a card. and hes like can it be a card that gives me permission to make out with you?' like wtf omg ahahaha. i dont even know wat he looks like but watever. not like im ever gonna actually see these ppl.