Wednesday, March 30, 2011

my mom is allergic to the sun lol

okay so its been a while since ive posted(cuz i havent done much) but so i was trying to grow out my bangs, but they just got annoying so i cut them yet again and i had to get my whooping cough shot. omggggg my arm hurts SO bad from that. its so sore and i can barely move it. this is gonna suuuccckkkk me n elizabeth r prob gonna go to disneyland next week. yay!!! im so excited!!!!!! spring break is good so far. just staying at home chillin. laying out in my backyard tanning, my thighs are so white so they need to get darker so i can wear shorts :D hmm well thats all for now!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

its so nice to sleep in

SOOOOO i painted me nails. i found some like this and i thought they looked sooo awsome so i just had to do mine the same way.
anywho, so this daylight saving thing AMAZINGLY hasnt really affected me, like im not uber tired in the morning or anything. its just annoying how quickly night comes
haha radiation. still went out though. blah
went to san diego again and bought stuff
popteen(its a sorta old issue but it was $1 so w/e) some nail polish and eyelash :D

Monday, March 14, 2011

thats cute

ummm yeah friday julian came over and we hung out and played video gamez
then over the weekend didnt do like anything. i dont even remember wat i did on saturday -_-"
sunday i decided to "tan" in my backyard since my thighs r getting really white yeah so i did that for an hour or so and was reading vampire knight too lol
and zomg, i've been eating out all week so i felt so fat and disgusting so i played ddr for 3 hours
gots a good workout. im trying all these weird things to loose weight from my japanese mags, like wrap plastic wrap around ur stomach and legs and stuff, and actually my legs did look sorta thinner when i was done exersizing
uggg the new time change sux, i guess its ok for today since theres late start, but stiiilll tommorows gonna SUCK
speaking of tommorow...still dunno if its a full day or a modified day, but watever, hasnas taking me home either way :D

yaaaayyy another fabulous eye pic
i liked my make up toooo

its so weird how i look less azn with dark hair, you'd think its the other way around(or so i thought it was that way)

still going blonde in teh future, aaaaaand i just realized ive been using this blog for over 2 years now....coool

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

has nuts

here is my luffly eye from mondays make up
im wearing bottom lashes but they look noticable
so yesterday, i FINAAALLLYY bought hair dye so finally got to re dye my hair!
from orange looking and bad roots to...
ta-da! brown-ness


my mom did a bad job colouring so on my left side of my hair theres lighter spots and it doesnt look good -_-"

im glad its not orangey, but i just wished it was lighter :C
i got so many lovely comments teehee. yay ^_^ i is happy

after school i hung out with my sistah hasna and we took a toooon of pictures

ate out andwent to the duck pond :P

i love days like this so many memories

and we got bored so...
hasna told me to hahaaaa

Friday, March 4, 2011

yo mama

went to the mall w/ elizabeth after skool :P
apple store pic^^
went to hot topic but still havent really got anything. i bought some blush from there cuz it was only 98 cents lol. but i still havent used my $25 gift card -__-" cuz they like dont have the necklace i want anymore DX
and i also bought yet another DDR game har har
yeah that pretty much it!
oh wait, in spencers, saw a sick joke book, and i just love those so i read it and there was a dead baby section haha
whats funnier than a dead baby?
-a dead baby in a clown suit
why did the baby fall off the tree?
-cuz it was dead!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


nooo its march DX
so last night, i was looking at japanese websites from magz i like to see what they sell. aaauuuggghh so much stuff i NEEEED
for example:
i REALLY want a bag just like that. i've been wanting one for a while. i just love the school girl look.
also i want wigs. i want a short grey one, and a short black one. on kera's online shop, found the perfect grey wig, but u no, doubt i'll ever get it T_T

getting into deco again. i fixed my bow ties cuz they were falling apart and tried to fix the rings but they came off >_<>

i did mah nailz again. just black w/ blue glitter is all, nothing special

and after school today went to eat out with hasna ;P